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Naturally we transmit a 5th Dimensional energy, being in service to ourselves, humanity, and our beloved planet.

The teachings and guidance that we have been blessed to receive over the many years encompasses this on every level imaginable.

We have a vast archive of treasures that details the ‘A-Z’ of how energy impacts our world of matter and how to ‘fine-tune’ into it. This includes dissertations from various master teachers, energy activations, meditations, and much more! All of which we gladly share with you!

As part of our service agreement we would like to invite you, our fellow human angel, to share our journey of love, enlightenment, bliss, joy, creativity, passion and remembrance. Together we embrace a new transcended reality for all, for we are all ONE, thus you can never be alone.

ChaBran (Chan & Bran)


“The reality of your lives as you express your hearts visions, dreams and desires, is taking on a shift. This change currently in flow is because lightworkers initiated a new platform of perception. Your chakric system is shifting, thus you are moving away from the limitations of the land (dated base center) into a grander understanding of the self (Solar-Heart center). Visualise for yourself a different reality if you wish (Anja-Crown center) as you step on to a new platform of infinite possibilities!”

– Ascended Master Kuthumi.


Please watch out for….

An Alchemical Journey of Remembering Your Magnificence

The most extraordinary ‘fly off the planet’ recalibration to rediscover ‘The New You!’ – A complete personal vibrational attunement presented through webinars, workshops, and publications!

Apart from extending a heart-filled treasure bound to crack open your personal Fabergé of fabulousness, this opus reveals a wealth of information to inspire and uplift. It serves as a reminder that by engaging in personal ‘reference checks’ we not only reconnect to our innate authenticity, but transcend the mundane into the magnificent on every level.


“The only guarantee we can give you depends on your commitment thereof as you tap into a vibration which already exists within the quantum field. Sitting humming yourself into a coma doesn’t mean a cloud of energy will suddenly burst open over you; you need to bring it to life by aligning with the quantum field that you create, and through practicing this meditation, it is guaranteed. These are guidelines, so once you are comfortable with the format you may add or change things, be my guest. Nothing is set in stone, thus enjoy rewriting your dreams within the ethereal realms for your energy to come to life”

– Kuthumi

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