You are a Multifaceted Multidimensional Magical Magnificent Expression of Light, that you are!
“By bringing Acceptance (Gratitude) into your world, you will embrace Forgiveness and in so doing curb your Judgment. Non-Judgement, Forgiveness & Gratitude unleashes Unconditional Love. Beloveds, let the Weaves of Trust, set your Truth free!”
– Ascended Master Kuthumi
When I finally surrendered into my full awakening many, many, moons ago, I was prompted to make an effort to see everything from my heart space, which admittedly was challenging at times! I was given a ‘vision’ of painting a ‘heart encapsulating an eye’ on canvas, which years later became the inspiration behind our logo. Next the name ‘Vision of the Heart’ drifted towards me and finally the dots started connecting themselves…
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