Ra'auham - The Citrine Dragon Energy of the Drakensberg
The Citrine Guardian Dragons of Dragon’s Mountain
July 2011
It was late July when Bran and I decided to do a stopover at a friend’s in the Drakensberg on our way back to Durban travelling from Johannesburg. Smack at the height of winter it was extremely cold with frost and icy winds blowing off the Berg, as mountains are called here in South Africa. Our friend was in Spain doing the Camino, but since we were ‘floating about’ with no fixed home, she offered us to stay for as long as we wanted. The locals call this extraordinary mountain range ‘Quathlamba mass of spears’ or ‘Dragon’s Back’, referring to a myriad of peaks reminiscent of the saw-toothed spine of a gigantic dragon.
Thank heavens for the fireplace! Let’s face it, there’s nothing quite like the aroma of burning wattle and pine intermingling within the crisp winter mountain air whilst feasting on a kaleidoscope of winter colours sweeping over Cathkin Peak, Champagne Castle, Dragons Back and the rest of the mountain, like a true Monet in motion!
We awoke to another sunny day and decided to do a walkabout embracing Mother Nature. The energy and ambiance of this mountain and surrounds are truly majestic. Due to the topography some parts of this vast mountain range are unexplored never having to endure the footsteps of man. Apart from some areas being inaccessible and dangerous, UFO sightings are plentiful! In Chapter 14 I mention Elizabeth Klarer and her ET lover from Alpha Centauri who used Cathkin Peak as his base when visiting the area. No wonder the folklore of the indigenous people was shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery.
We explored some of the many serpentine trails winding through the lush bush, captivated by our senses celebrating the magic of this winter wonderland. The mountain was alive with plentiful streams edged with massive boulders and exquisite rock formations which demanded a distinct eeriness yet total serenity. Nature has a profound way of aligning us on all levels whilst offering gateways to the unknown.
It started drizzling on our way back to the house which exaggerated the cold winter atmosphere and with that our resistance plummeted by several degrees. There was an unusual feel about the air, almost like an anticipation vibe, like waiting for something to happen.
Back at the house, we again got lost in the magnificent scenery all around from the comfort of the cosy fire soaking in the cornucopia of kaleidoscopic colours that brushed themselves across the vastness of these majestic Drakensburg Mountains, or roughly translated, Dragon’s Mountain.
Apart from still sensing the powerful ‘unfamiliar’ energy of earlier in the day, I had an exciting feeling, like something new was looming in the wings. I had an inkling because of my intention, but nothing was confirmed, well not until the next morning when we woke up to a magical winter wonderland with a blanket of thick snow covering the entire mountain range! This certainly was the magic of Mid-Mass or Half way to Christmass! We jumped out the bed and like two little children ran outside to soak up the crisp air and picturesque setting all around!
A short while later I nudged Bran with “I think it’s time to calm down and chill out” kinda stuff, as I felt that familiar feeling that I knew all too well coming over me, yip, it was celestial broadcasting time!
We made ourselves comfortable, Bran set out a stunning intention crystal grid on our friends huge dining table with the breath-taking snowed filled Drakensberg sanctifying every inch of our magnificent backdrop!
I relaxed into ‘channel mode’ as feelings of intense love swept over us, yet gentler than ever before. Next, the soft-spoken energy of Lady Gaia, the spirit of Mother Earth, drew closer and spoke…
Remember Spirit often speaks in metaphor, so read it as such…
Greetings I AM Gaia.
I am here to guide you through a magical story, a story of love and transition with a happy ending which is inevitable, make no mistake dear ones; we have always known that. Like planning a children’s party in your world, much excitement is felt by all involved with the organization of the event and those that brings forth their bit, as part of the greater whole.
You have the extended family and friends who are very excited about the gift they are going to purchase for the little one who’s remembrance celebration it is. They all find tremendous joy and happiness in the search for this perfect gift according to their ability, perception and planning. This excitement is also felt by others within the neighbourhood, perhaps even those that are not on the party list, but from great distance feels the love and vibration of this wonderful journey, this wonderful excitement, and the beautiful planning that goes into this party celebration for the one.
Then you have those that are closer friends and close relatives that are more directly involved with the celebrations. They are asked to bring along some cupcakes or trinkets or perhaps decorations to place around where this joyous celebration is to take place.
Then there are immediate family, the brothers and the sisters of the one who is to enjoy this celebration, who are filled with great excitement, light, love, and joy about it all. Perhaps they too share their excitement others, their friends and acquaintances that may not as yet be invited or involved with the celebrations, and so the excitement continues for all that may be part of it directly, indirectly or not at all, as it all plays a part in their respective realities.
It felt as if I was floating away into space witnessing various earth beings, elemental, awakened humanity and angelic beings all rejoicing. I saw the grids enveloping the planet, alive, sparling like glittering diamonds. I observed other planets within our Solar System revealing their spirit essence echoing with joy, and then beyond that what seemed like other galaxies within our universe info infinity. It felt as if the entire cosmic collage smiled brightly upon our planet which filled me with tears of bliss as Gaia continued her story…
The anchors of the immediate family serve as a unit, thus no matter the plan, all are part of its foundations by allowing the divine creative process of nature to unfold. Thus, families create as ONE. In cosmic terms these are known as the Elders and when a celebration is in order, as on earth, all celebrate together even those that oversees the anchors.
The party day finally arrives and all are filled with great excitement. They brought with them beautiful gifts reflecting their precious souls. The birds are signing, the skies are clear, the sun is shining, and the celebrations begin with glittering decorations reflecting the sunlight, and is filled with joy.
The moment arises for the little one who’s celebration it is to join the party. She bursts with joy and enthusiasm as she runs around playing with everyone overjoyed about the prospect of the wondrous gifts that hides beneath the beautiful well decorated wrappers. She unwraps each gift with excitement to reveal its mystery, and with a song of joy in her heart she gives thanks to the ones that gifted her.
Dear ones, as am I.
As Gaia I AM entering the period what feels like a birthday celebration. The years need not matter but the celebration of life does, as does the excitement of everyone joining my celebrations!
The only difference between the story that I shared and my celebration is that everyone is invited. Even those that may not at this particular time believe that they have any gifts to contribute towards my true and full awakening, or those that believe that the planned party for the great celebration of full consciousness upon this plane is not to be. I will show away none, not the empty handed nor those that have boxes wrapped with emptiness. You see dear one, as a planetary consciousness, as the daughter of the great ONE, am already at my party, celebrating my full awakening consciousness. But what fun is a party if not everyone is having a good time, and that is what the Ascension Awakening is all about, that is what my invitation states to everyone that are so cordially invited to share in my celebrations.
The prerequisite for attendance is LOVE, with the invites etched in pure gold. Love for all life, to love me, my body, my soul, my consciousness, love towards the self at first and as the story goes love for the neighbour, which must be extended to every perceived enemy too, for perception and reality are separated only by the thought of intention. Even those that you feel have offended you and thus unable to have them in your direct space, or perhaps you feel your vibrational frequency to be dissimilar. I urge you to step into the Love deeply anchored within your Sacred Heart expressed through your Sacred Mind, even if only to share love and blessings from afar.
You are required to bathe yourself in Light; to create for yourself a shield of love. The dress code to my celebrations dear one expects nothing but joy, happiness, and excitement, yet from an integrity aspect the demand for this is to be real, truthful, and equal.
Bring into your inner vision an armour of Light with a shield set in gold, the metal of truth, power, and stability. It carries a divine frequency admired across a myriad of apparent realities. Allow the vibration of unconditional love to be ever present in your armour and therefore embrace your protection and projection as you radiate your love towards all.
Stand firm in yourself, bring forth vibrations of harmony and beauty to others, and with that, only accept these gifts in-turn for the self. At times of challenge or confrontation, or dealing with aspects of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and obsession of any kind, allow these to be transformed by embracing the frequency of divine crystalline consciousness. I extend unto all a pure Diamond Crystalline frequency. Each time you reach out to take this frequency of Light into your personal life, know that the intent behind every divine invitation is to transform all of you, those that have come, gone, and will come again.
The awakening of the New Earth is my celebration! There is an excitement beyond anything that can be expressed through the limitations of your language or the barriers created within the mental waves of man’s mind. The joy and the magnificence outplaying itself even at times of uncertainty, is a celebration of life!
I have many children; I have been around in consciousness for aeons. The vibrational frequency of my awakening started long before your science believe it did as they go about contemplating on the creation called Earth
The consciousness that it took to create my body involved the love emanation from all of my children which of course was overseen by my ‘parents’ and they were overseen by their our Grand Master Creator.
All life originates from the ONE Source which cannot be defined, nor placed within the jurisdiction of time, space and energy as you know it, that Source is the Omniscience and Brilliance of Light beyond anything your mind can perceive, which is the very source that draws you to closer when you decide to leave your physical armour behind, for you see, deep within you, within the biology of your being, there is a great psychology, and deep within the great psychology of your being, there is immense science. Beyond the limitless borders of that which you know as science and spirit, there lies the Origin of all Creation.
The Divine Spark within connects you to the origins of all playing within the galactic fields all around. You are the lights that decorate the trees in the beautiful space that is prepared for my celebration. You are glittering diamond light frequencies that need no electrical current for you to express and show your divinity. You are that creative spark in expression and therefore I welcome all of you to step forward and attend my celebration, that which you term the Ascension, and the awakening of the collective which you have direct influence over. Come forward, step into your power, and shine your armour, for that is the only dress code of this reality.
Many will leave, even some little creatures that no longer wish to be a part of earth life that will take their leave. Some you are more familiar with than others, ready to take their bow. Then there are others who you hear about, who is in process of a giant leap of consciousness and in so doing re-emerging back on this plane in grander and greater enlightened state and form than previous who have been here since the beginning.
Know that even though some may think that their contribution towards my celebration is one of emptiness, insecurity, or because of a challenging process feel they don’t have the right wrapper or perhaps the perfect tinsel to enhance my celebration, know that I always welcome everyone! Step forward in your true nakedness baring nothing but the essence of your soul, I welcome you.
Understand at this very deep level of connection, of creation, of truth and validation, all there is, is Love, as is within the higher realms that you are gravitating towards and awakening to.
When it comes to getting to understand, practice, and experience ‘unconditional’ love, it is a personal process of discovery as you ascend in consciousness beyond the lower divided dimensions.
From a higher perspective, understand that there are ones who do not experience the pure vibrational frequency of love as intended, and those are the ones that creates fear. Why? They do not know of the love, they are not informed, therefore they won’t allow themselves to experience the totality and the expansiveness of that which is pure love.
Children walk with me as we dance through the fields of love, fields covered with the most exquisite flowers, magnificent iridescent colours, fragrances, thus frequencies, and know that as I express the totality of my love to everyone on this plane, this frequency is always available, even to those who prefer not to attend my celebration at this time. Remember once you reach out and grasp my crystalline invitation, once you take this divine frequency into your own hands, once you touch this Light, you will re-member your origins thus the origin of our Love.
I take my leave now as I guide you along a beautiful pathway, a pathway filled with divine crystalline consciousness, the consciousness of my celebration, and therefore we welcome back the return of those that have left us, we welcome back the emergence and awakening of those that have been in hiding, as I ask you to journey forth along this beautiful pathway of enlightenment and meet and greet an energy so profound, so amazing, that it can only fill you with love.
I AM Gaia, my love is forever with you.
Then without any hesitation this deeply powerful, stern and strong yet loving energy entered…
Greetings to all
My energy name is Ra’auham and I speak for the collective of that which is known as the Dragon Realm found frolicking over the area that this communicator finds herself within at this time.
I express to you the name Ra’auham as a collective energy that holds the divine frequency of the Dragon energy over this area, for you see we have been here since the very beginning of time and we shall remain so.
We come in peace, we bring forth beauty and tranquillity to your world as part of the elemental Dragon frequency that reigns over this mountain in support of the evolvement of man especially within this country. Collectively we anchor an energy unlike anything you have previously experienced purely because you never allowed your heart to open up to this extent to embrace what which was obscured from you for so long. As part of the elementals, the elemental Dragon frequency that reigns over these s vast mountains, we hold within our divine masculine/feminine consciousness the evolution and the evolvement of man on this particular continent, and more closely within this country. We are part of, and in many ways oversee the planetary energies of the elementals over this vast area, which forms part of what humanity relates to as the elements that greet them as each day unfolds.
As Ra’auham, we represent the 5th collective, of 2 male and 2 female dragon energies of your four elements (earth water fire air) representing the ether element which vibrates to the number 9.
The history of this mountain range goes back further than man can even begin to perceive. There is a lot of mysticism and folklore associated with the name given to this Dragons Mountain (Drakensberg) and Ra’auham honours itself in that name. There are many, many Dragon energies contained within the Earth body of this mountain, for you see as beautiful as she is, that is as challenging that she can be. Every person that has ever ventured far upon her body will tell you of her unexpected moods and the sudden shift of elements within the core of her energy field.
We have been overseeing this land for the longest time. We gently awake once more within the ethers as we are again acknowledged as the beings of love that we are, and not the monsters that mankind made us out to be. For you see, it is only when the deeper heart process of Lady Gaia is ignored that her unexpected elements unfold sometimes to the determent of others.
Believe me, we have no intention as the overseers of the five elements within this area to ever intentionally bring harm or hurt to anyone. As you have heard our precious mother speak, we come from the fifth and higher dimensional realms of Love and it is only because of the ‘descent of expression’ that you attached ‘conditional’ terms to this unexplainably pure and enlightened frequency called LOVE.
The energy of Ra’auham involves the Earth Dragons in partnership with their higher or divine masculine/feminine vibration, which forms part of the first Dragon frequency that oversees this massive mountain range, country, continent or hemisphere for that matter, as part of the collective oneness of ALL THAT IS.
The second in their coupling as divine masculine/feminine are the Air Dragons, the third carries the water vibration, the Water Dragons, and the fourth, the Fire Dragons. These four become a collective eight of two masculine/feminine with Ra’auham that serve as the elemental nine representing ether, serving as part of this geometric formulation of the collective who along with all the other Dragon energies enjoy working and living within the non-confinement of this unexplainably powerful mountain range. Together we hold the geometry of completion, the nine frequency of your time. It is therefore common of this area to experience all of these elements in one day, on any one of your calendar days or years.
The Ra’auham energy draws its light from your solar system, your Sun, through to the Great Central Sun, as we gently awaken to bring though this message to those who are ready to experience in it. As with all energy, the Dragon energy expresses through sacred geometry, which also urges you to reactivate a new unfolding consciousness, a new reality, as you play with the boards of your manifestation.
It is with great excitement that we communicate in this way, for this communicator, this channeller or transmitter whichever way you wish to say or think of her, was very reluctant about the Dragon energy in her younger years, I better say she is still in her younger years! She was very reluctant about this energy some years ago before her awakening, for she, along with many others, did not understand our divine frequency and always associated us with an opposing energy of destruction, turmoil, fear, malice, and anger, and hear my words this day, that is the complete opposite of what we represent, be that as individuals or part of the collective.
Invite everyone that you know to awaken to the magic of themselves, for you see, understandably, you cannot separate the works of magic with that of the elements, and we are elemental too! Bring in sacred geometry and other systems of light and reactivate for yourself a new unfolding consciousness, a new reality.
This mountain in many ways also carry tremendous pain, sorrow, and sadness within its collective fields influenced by the unconscious vibration of this land, that which humanity is responsible for, and as the Ra’auham Dragon family we endeavour to support others in bringing balance to the limitations created through divided and unsettling frequencies of the lower man’s consciousness.
There have in many ways throughout your history always been an element of anger and fear attached to this mountain, and I am referring to the unfolding time of the hunter, and even further back when we were part of the hunted. Limitations grew as men, women, and the children of this land crawled with four-wheeled wagons, or chased the other with spears of punishment, from one end to the other, even across this very area. I refer to the limitations that man has brought to the expansiveness of creation that is now in the great process of reversal, for as the collective Dragon energy, we too have taken on our part of this process of healing and clearing.
We are here to support. As much as you have a connection with a star frequency, as much as you have a connection to a certain planetary system or alternate universe, as do we. Why not call upon the divine Dragon frequency that oversees you? We are here to help you, as part of your nature team.
Humanity once again has an association with ‘Dragonhood’. You must use the elemental energies to overcome fear, anxiety, and lower emotions, thereby increasing the divine frequency of the lower vibration of the body. Humanity eagerly associates Dragon energy with survival, and for many, survival means to overcome the limitations of the physical. To do so follow the laws of the Elemental Kingdom and obey the Laws of Nature. In times gone by this was acceptable, and then as the world unfolded, it was the highly imaginative faculty of your technology that brought us, the Dragons, back to life (cinematography) for many to experience our love and divinity in a way that was previously not understood nor acceptable.
Therefore, realise the importance of the vortex of light that is created within this mountain range, the Drakensberg, the mountain of the Dragon. We guard various portals like The Portal of Creativity over this area, for the awakening goddess within humankind to arise.
As a collective we have a grand purpose and plan that is now unfolding and guess what?
We have our invitation to the celebrations of Gaia!
We too are integrating her divine crystalline consciousness which we also extend to you our brothers and sisters!
Even though some may not understand the reality of the new plan of Earth, once you allow yourself to surrender into the process of your divine origin it comes naturally. Set the intent for your DNA to respond to nature through the natural awareness found within the frequency of Nature, of Lady Gaia, and connect with the ONENESS Source of ALL THAT IS, then there is no need for explanation.
The portals within this area creates a specific geometry that anchors the directions of North, South, East, West, below as above, within the Earth, within the Wind (air), the Water, the Fire, and thus humanity. This vortex was previously activated on this continent in this vicinity for that reason, to serve as a divine portal of the creative goddess. (Mooi River/Dragon’s Peak). From the highest visionary point of perception understand that we, as a united energy of the Dragon dimension, are active within the invisible planes over this land. One of our most important tasks is to hold a divine frequency or higher vibrational energy for the divine masculine/feminine when it comes to creativity, as this frequency spirals in and out of this vortices from the heart of Gaia, through the heart of humanity into the heart of ALL THAT IS, from where it is returned.
The natural response when close to a mountain range is a feeling of leisure. There is an inner joy that awakens as the inner child taps into the frequency of your creative desires and needs, especially here. It is your human portal of creativity that connects with the mountain’s portal of creativity which amplifies the desire to create. The Spirit of Ra’auham invites, awakens and reminds everyone that comes to this area to reach out and integrate this energy with new excitement.
As a collective energy held within the heart of this land Southern Africa, we welcome the influence of the ancient, the bushman. Then to join in we have the essence of the flat mountain (Table Mountain) which we also oversee, a mountain that comprises of a flatness and stability similar to what is here in the Dragons Mountain though smaller (Cathkin Peak).
Between these two mystic platonic (harmonious) companions there exists a connecting vortex within the etheric realms. On the one end it feeds its creative juices into the land of the grapes and on the other the diversity of culture, thus this energy becomes a connecting link between cosmopolitan and traditional.
On the one end you find the inner child playing within the fields of the vine bursting with cosmopolitan arts and craft, and on the other the unspoilt beauty of the KwaZulu culture and community.
The deep inner core of this energy connects to all corners of this land. It is our contribution as the Spirit of Ra’auham, the elemental Dragons overseeing the inner portal of this energy to pulse a frequency of creativity, of the divine awakening goddess within.
We watch as men melt in our hands, when even the most obnoxious come to play in my mountain, we see them crumble as they fall in love with this creative vortex. We connect hearts and we imprint the impulse of the goddess’s love into every one of those manly men, as they too stand and face this beautiful splendour with a tear in their eye, and we watch as they return to their origins with nothing but a gentle creative spark. The respect that they show is part of connecting to the divine feminine within, which intuitively guide them on their path of exploration as they go about fondling the foliage (hiking).
We are here to serve creating balance between the divine masculine/feminine within man, nature and the etheric realms, and together with what you term the ‘lightworkers’ we oversee and guard other portals created for this purpose. There are three known portals that were initiated within this particular area, and there will be more.
The three mentioned Portals: A Fluid Love Portal, the portal of awakening the divine feminine within {the 8:8 Lions Gate Portal to anchor the Sun Chakra}, and a Love Crystal Portal anchoring the crystalline grid in this area as part of the Love Crystal Global Project
We anchored two intention grids:
In 2009 we anchored an intention grid on this location next to our friend’s house on the foothills of this Dragons Mountain.
In 2010 we anchored an intention grid on the mountains overlooking Vryheid (not too far from this location) against fracking.
We anchored two crystal grids on the exact same location as the intention grid in 2009 to anchor the energy of The New Earth.
In 2011 we did a full crystal grid on the exact location where we did the pervious intention grid in 2009 for the 11:11:11
In 2012 we reinforced the crystal grid for the infamous 12:12:12 activation
Ra’auham continues…These portals all serve to alleviate consciousness restriction.
The Love Crystal Portals reinforces the connecting vortices between this Dragons Mountain and Table Mountain and together with the inner portal that the Spirit of Ra’auham oversees, forms a divine triangular geometry connecting the etheric portals of Table Mountain, The Drakensberg and The Love Portals, interlinking with many other triangular imprints of this land and beyond.
South Africa hosts two of the ‘72 Love Crystal Global Portals’ that was anchored by the Galactic Federation in conjunction with the Ascended Masters between 6 October and 22 November 2008, as part of a Global Light Network Project. See separate doc for the global list of portals.
The inner core or the square zero nought point of all of this is anchored within the core of all the Goddess Vortexes of divine unfolding creativity like this one that we oversee.
The Drakensberg holds the heart frequency of this land within the ethers. Our collective energy vibrates to a Citrine frequency. Know that as the most exquisite divine invitation to the celebrations of The New Earth was extended to us, it is automatically imprinted all around.
Connect to your personal Dragon energy. I dare you to awake to my consciousness and reality, as I stand on this massive mountain range opening my gigantic wings on high and wide, do join me…
Take a ride through the skies of love and know that each of us from the Divine Dragon Kingdom, the collective expression of Ra’auham who works with these two beings sitting in this process of communication (Brandon & Chanel), works with many of you.
Embrace the divine Dragon frequency that oversees you, as you connect to the Portals of Creativity contained within the divine inner goddess frequency, which allows the emergence of the Great Creative Spirit within to explode. Allow your minds to wonder, allow your imagination to flow, and know that the only thing that prevents you from understanding this pure frequency of unaltered love and divine perception that we gravitate towards, is your perception thereof.
Before I take my leave, receive the gifts of divine creative expression from us as a collective, the four that is eight into the nine, and reach out, take our hands as we gently float within the etheric realms of the fifth dimension and beyond. We are the way showers and protectors of this portal of immense pleasure contained within this exact location, one of the original Dragon hideaways upon your plane!
Come play like us little one, venture into the womb of the Mother to feel the emotional flow of your energy, venture into the changing energy found within the elemental frequency of the wind, of the air. Allow life on Mother Earth to gift you each day a new way of celebrating her love, her consciousness and her being, and as you walk upon her body. Feel the solidness in that vibration, feel how you anchor yourself into your claim towards the life that you came to live.
If you have chosen a pathway that may be less travelled, that may be more as you term eccentric, that may be different according to another, claim the spirit of the fire even more so within you!
Allow all the elements to introduce you to your divine right within the etheric reality that you find yourself within and respect that which may scorn you, freeze you, drown you, and that which may completely blow you off path.
Embrace the frequency of Love as explained by Lady Gaia, that which is termed the new unfolding reality of the fifth dimension. Make an effort each day by setting the intent to walk towards all that unfolds, no matter your current challenges. Do not allow any lower frequencies to throw you off your balance
And thus, as a beautiful crystalline energy of citrine is drawn into the collectiveness of my body, I give you the gift of the goddess that oversees the elements. Allow this to be moulded into a most exquisite creative crystalline frequency each day beautiful ones. Set your sights upon that, do not let your eyes dwindle from that, fixate the eye upon it as in singular, and accept it as done, and therefore claim yourself in all your divine magnificence, go out and be the best that you can be, the grandest that you can be, the greatest you can be, the smartest that you can be, the most joyful, most loving, most kind, most amazing that you can be, because that is what you have come to be…..DIVINE.
Allow the Essence of the Divine contained within the Almighty ONENESS frequency to be your forever guiding light.
Don’t let your eyes dwindle, and follow your heart. I invite you to walk back with me through the frequencies of time and space. See yourself walking along a beautiful pathway with massive mountains towering on either side, powerful energy peeking out everywhere. Make your way back into the core and the heart of Gaia and understand that all that was shared with you this day, not only through me as a collective anchoring the oneness contained within the citrine Ra’auham frequency of the Drakensberg, but also all of that which was shared by Lady Gaia, and remember none of this will ever be a part of your unfolding reality, unless you can act upon it with gratitude.
I wish you so long
And with that the energy of this majestic dragon leaped up and departed from us like an eagle soaring into majestic heights.
I was honored, humbled, and flabbergasted, by this incredible experience which was the first time I connected with the essence of Gaia, not to mention the Dragon Realm!
We never played in the snow that day but our inner child got to play with love, we played with consciousness, we played with life, we played with Dragons, we played with the elementals, and we played with Gaia!
We so wish we could remain to play with the elementals; the gnomes (earth), undines (water), salamanders (fire), sylphs (air) and Dragons (ether) as part of the oneness energy of our beloved Lady Gaia, but life beckoned to continue…
Chanel Lingenfelder©
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