From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia
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About From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia
“This modern conversation (with the reader) was originally intended to be my second book, but things changed unexpectedly, and with ‘Upstairs’ breathing down my neck it became my first. Apart from the most extraordinary, almost unbelievable story, I was urged to share a story of hope and inspiration especially for these uncertain times we are in. I can’t even recall how many doors I had slammed in my face. Each time Spirit lifted me up, dusted me off, and reminded me of my magnificence, and to see life as a stage play.
At the time of transition (death) it is how we performed in our ‘play’ that makes all the difference to everyone involved, co-players and stagehands, and not the encore or final curtain call! Live your journey!
They guided me almost blindfolded on what felt like a mysterious wild goose chase but each time I humbly retort to the reality of synchronicity, and the undeniable truth of trust on steroids.
The story underlines the importance of believing in miracles, and to never lose our sense of humour, no matter what! The book is also packed with pearls of wisdom, powerful channelling excerpts, inspirational affirmations, and uplifting ‘reflections’ to encourage the reader to dream their wildest dreams, and then some more!
Back page:
An All-Inspiring Journey of Trust, Transformation, Synchronicity & the Magical Manifestation of Miracles!
Ego and purse-strings aside, discover your own treasures as together we venture down my rabbit hole maze on one hell of a ride from outer rejection to inner reconciliation. I share concrete proof that the Spirit world is as real as ours, and how I (probably the most unlikely person on the planet) along the way became a direct voice channel for Spirit. Have a good laugh as I introduce you to my illustrious archetypes, whilst encouraging you to ‘name not shame’ yours!
We have an army of ‘helpers’ waiting to reach out to us, and by letting our friend ‘sassy synchronicity’ guide the way, the world is our oyster!
Together we shall transform, transcend, and even experience a blitzkrieg of ‘felonious’ theatrics! I exchanged a Ph.D. in rejection for a Doctorate in reconciliation, and replaced powerlessness with perception, and fear with fabulousness, and I invite you to do the same!
It’s all fantastic running around like fairies soaring on the back of unicorns, or thinking that we are an incarnation of Akhenaten, but the reality of living my life ‘From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia’ wouldn’t allow me to do so!
“I had reached my own ‘ground zero’ as I wanted to smell, taste, see, touch and hear proof that what I was experiencing was real, and that I wasn’t alone nor insane! Proof I got by the bucket full, along with the sweetest humble pie smashed into my face time and again!”
Click here for Austin Macauley’s Review of my submitted manuscript.
– Scroll down for all the photos written about in “Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”, as well as additional information.
Additional Information from "Party Patsy to Praying Patricia"
Click on the links below to open articles :
– The Body Electric discussed in Chapter 2.
– Our Invocation affirmed before channelling sessions as discussed in Chapter 10.
– Transcript for “Past Lives and Present Realities” Part 1, as discussed in Chapter 11.
– Transcript for “Past Lives and Present Realities” Part 2, as discussed in Chapter 11.
– Transcript for “Past Lives and Present Realities” Part3, as discussed in Chapter 11.
– Everything to know about the “Love Crystals” discussed in Chapter 13.
– A list of the 72 “Love Crystals” downloaded on Mother Earth, as discussed in Chapter 14.
– Ra’auham, the Citrine Dragon Energy. The Transcript as discussed in Chapter 17.
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