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Past Lives & Present Realities - Part3


I Am Light
& the celebration of the Equinox

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions

Past Lives & Present Realities Part 3

Energy Activation
Sphere of Light working with the chakras and then connecting with your soul essence / Past lives / Akash / in crystal form

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
Durban South Africa – 17 September 2016

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, set the intent to connect to Spirit. Your rewire will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, as every word is energy infused with love, guidance and healing, claim it, enjoy it.

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I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of hope.

Greetings beloved ones

A: Greetings.

MK: If we may continue in this way, continue to focus your energy on that magnificent golden globe above your head. (Kuthumi continues from the pre-meditation before the session – Chanel)

Long pause.

It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold you here firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God.

Share your attention with the Ruby energy below your feet and as much as you feel yourself being lured into the world above feel yourself anchored and grounded into the world below.

Beloved ones as an essence of light that takes on physicality by choice a wondrous gift is extended to you, each of you, I am not only referring to those of you here in this circle of light or those that may come to read or hear these words but rather I am referring to ever person on Earth. We are going to for now leave the explanation of the animal and plant kingdom gifts out of this conversation.

This is a continuation of the teaching Past Lives and Present Realities that we have been taking you through sharing thus far about the initial introduction of yourself as a soul, the introduction of the hosting body that keeps you here, the message from Gaia, the introduction of the journey of the soul that you host within and its travels, a brief introduction into anchoring of the energy within the cave of consciousness or the womb of Gaia, and of course bringing through a very gentle understanding of your current journey (the reality of your journey here) we now need to move onto the next section and that is to understand that you are Light.

You have to understand that as much as you are physicality you are light. Your original essence is a light frequency, it is an energetic crystalline if you like frequency of colour and sound, that is who you are.
It is only once you take on the embodiment of your physicality that you dress yourself accordingly within your current shape, within your current look, within your current personality that you have taken on, but if you could for a moment remove all of that, if you could erase all of the cladding, you will discover beneath all a magnificent essence of Light and in that essence on the level of truly understanding the frequency of this essence, there is only Love.

You come into this world with nothing but Love Consciousness engrained within your being, you then set up for yourself an event filled journey (to say the least), of challenges that you have made yourself aware of prior to entering this energy, all you need to experience, grow through, live through, all you need to (hopefully want to) overcome, and of course you then throw in a few little extra gems into that beautiful picnic basket of your life which are the little extra titbits you want to touch on or you want to work with to prepare yourself for your future evolution or for future events which involves the essence of this life.

To say this in another way; let’s say for example you decided in this lifetime to come through into this journey as a nursing sister for you have a desire and passion to heal and at the same time you have an immense list of healing to do yourself which being a nurse helps, for there is no better way of understanding the general concept of healing than to actually understand healing your biology. Healing in biology is seeing the miracles of God in action right in front of your very eyes. So you took on this journey as a nursing sister and you have a wonderful life, but within you, somewhere in you, there is an energy that draws you to science, and you say to yourself ‘I am not really a science person but I have a great interest in this embedded deep within my soul so what is this and why this interest?’

This can then either be a memory from a past life, it can be reminiscence from a past life or it can be a nudging from the future. As a nudging from the future, the original essence of you that came into this journey has implanted within this life experience possibilities, possibilities for expansion for the future, that means possibilities of preparing you now in this embodiment to begin raising your vibrational frequency so that you may embrace the level of presentation of that which you wish to enjoy in a future experience, be it in this life or for the next whilst in this embodiment. In other words, it is about expanding the mind, beloved ones learning is never ending, and if you want to do yourself a favour learn something new every day, if you want to do yourself a better favour do things differently every day. I have spoken about this endlessly and this is truth as in this way you prepare yourself to begin to think along a different frequency to that which you have thought before.
Think about this, excuse the pun, your current situation that you are in, if you look at your current life, where you find yourself at is as a result of your thoughts and your deeds and your projective memory, be it imagination or visionary of the past or be it a projection visionary of the future it matters not, it is an imprint that is there and it is an imprint that matters, it is the imprint that is important and you know this as you are currently living it.

If you take all of this out of the way and you strip yourself bare and you come to stand in front of the mirror and you look at yourself and I mean let’s face it, once you stop laughing get serious about it (laughter) look at yourself and say ok, so this is me, here I am beautiful me, I embrace every aspect of me whether thin or expanded, I am here to understand myself and give thought to who I really am. What you see, the vibrational frequency reflection in the mirror, is the sum total of all of that which you have experienced; your thoughts, your memories, your discussions with others, in other words your actions, your habits, all of that, every single thing comes together to create the essence of what you see in that reflection. Now what that reflection is asking you, instead of decaying, instead of saying to the self well you know here I am my life is over, my biology is a disaster, my memory is a disaster I cannot remember anymore, I am getting older by the minute, I am becoming decrepit, I am falling apart, instead of saying this why not say to the self ‘Let’s see what we can change in this vibration to amp me up for something that is new, something that is different, let us see how far we can push the buttons to shift the vibrational frequency within my DNA, let me dare myself to see how far I can push every limit within me to remain youthful, to remain young, to remain revitalised, to remain refreshed in my memory, in my emotions and above all to remain in the now, very importantly’,‘let me see what I can do to extend and expand myself’ and that is why further studying is so important even if it is reading something that you find interesting, even if it is journaling, even if it is doing something creative that you have not done before so think ‘Yesterday I did it like that, today I am doing it like this, and tomorrow I am going to expand from this’.

What this is saying is always focus on and exercise opening the channels of the mind to bring expansion so that expansion can gift you with a whole new future of possibilities be in this life or lives to come. I have to add the latter is more the case with well-versed souls in general. We have always said whilst living your now, you are preparing yourself for what is to come.

So apart from having to deal with what you created up until now, if you are unhappy with it, be still and uncreate it. Plan, specify, and formulate ideas of what you are not happy about and then set every plan in motion for you to shift and change this.

Beloved ones intent is everything, so as long as the intent is there and the desire is there to do it, let’s just hope to God you have enough years to complete it, but that is entirely your game, not mine, but I would say wake up now, wake up in your current life, wake up and know the reality that you created for yourself and if you are not happy with it have the guts to uncreate it and create some more because that is what you are as a creative spark do when you undressed all of these claddings, you create anew.

In your original essence you are energy, a spark essence of sound and colour which carries the frequency of crystalline and in this state you have endless opportunity to recreate anything and everything that you wish, you are a spark of the Creator and the Creator creates, therefore you are also co-creators in and of your life. Tap into the memory of this, the endless opportunities to embrace other opportunities as they introduce themselves to you for you to learn new avenues to explore, for exploration is needed indeed!

We asked you to visualise during the opening meditation today a golden spark above your head and a ruby spark below the earth, naturally all of you understand what that is right, the eighth chakra and the earth chakra. Now these are two very important energies, though for now do not get too entangled in wanting to know the true reflection of their properties, rather simply understand what they are, that they serve as ‘anchors’ and then work with them setting the intent for more to be revealed.

(This info was revealed later in the meditation Kuthumi taught us – Chanel)

The soul chakra obviously is your soul connection; it is the connection of the Creator that comes through there sparking the essence of the soul, but the soul is not only contained there, if so your body would be vacant, no wonder you are all so dilly (laughter) so the soul sparks from there and from there it creates your energy field and anchors itself in the body, the soul anchors itself in every part of your DNA, it is everywhere. Some people say the soul is housed in the heart, some say it is housed in the sacred heart or the higher heart, yes it is, it is anchored everywhere, its anchored in every part of your biology, it is anchored in every part of your DNA, and therefore it is truly anchored up there too. So from there let’s see the soul as your own miniature All Seeing Eye, looking down on you…. thinking……..oh dear!!!

A: Laughter.

MK: Yes, you are aware of these things, you know these things, for that is your own conscience that holds the frequency of the ‘All Seeing Eye’ within your own vibrational frequency.

Now the anchoring of the ruby energy within the Earth grounds your earth consciousness which together with your celestial consciousness creates a perfect energy field around you, and yes everyone has an auric field depending of course on the way you work with it and the way you personally work with expanding that energy that determines how big or active your energy field is. Is it mediocre, is it minimal or is it expanded? All which is truly is up to you to work with, and in return making it work for you.

Now through all we have done through the years we gave you an entire toolbox to work with. We have given you an entire toolbox of celestial and Earth support to work with to cope with these energies, so what we are asking you in this particular activation today, is to bring consciousness into your being of your role on Earth.
Your role as a human on Earth is to live it that is all. You have no other agenda in case you thought you did, sorry to burst your bubble; you came to live your life.

Now I am going to ask you something to think about. Which aspect of your life truly ‘saddens’ the higher aspect of yourself to some extent and of course those that work with you, those that are there to support you, your guides, your guardians, the Masters that you are assigned to or those who you invoke to work with?
You came to live this journey as a human taking on a life as a spark of the Creator, as a spark of the Magnificent One. You have taken on a physical coat, a body, you still have the celestial connection at the top of your head, you still have the grounding essence below your feet to anchor you into all this yet some of you do not accept yourself, you do not value yourself in the sense of claiming yourself in your current incarnation. That is the saddest thing yet no judgment mere observation, though as with everything else it is what it must be, for beloved ones each of you are a beautiful spark of life, each of you are love personified.

When you came in originally there was only love present as you enveloped and evolved into a being from birth into your current life period and yes there are many other complexed frequencies that you challenge yourself with, be it past memories, future projections or current realities it matters not, for what must matter is the fact that you should put yourself first. Now there is the challenge, for in putting yourself first do you put yourself first from an aspect of value or do you put yourself first from the aspect of ego? Thus until you learn to work with and come to terms with who you are as a complete being we do understand it may be difficult to put yourself first.

At the moment specifically at this time on your Earth at this time frame of September 2016, beloved ones there is a mass blanket of unconsciousness that humanity is fighting through and it is sometimes may even feel to you as though you are suffocating, has anyone experienced that?

A: Yes.

MK: Because you are, you are suffocating and fighting through survival to claim your worth, to claim your own magnificence for the average Joe soap out there usually falls prey to ‘I owe you, you owe me, I did this for you, you do that for me, so therefore ‘we are indebted to each other’ or alternatively it is the power play the ‘I will tell you what to do because I am your husband, your wife, your boss, bank manager, it matters not, I am this, so I am telling you what I am wanting you to do to know and to be.

I am saying to you NO, do not ‘tell’ anyone or allow anyone to ‘tell’ you anything. You did not come into this world to be enslaved by the material obsessions of this world and that goes all the way, be it for physicality or for materiality it matters not, you came into this world as a spark of Creator Essence, you came into this world with an opportunity to expand yourself in such a way that you have to change the whole vibrational frequency that surrounds you for it to accommodate your new energy, you have that ability and full capability and that is what we are asking you today to consider this in this next section of this work, for obviously as you know this work goes much further and in time to come it will even go further.

So here we are asking you to learn about yourself as a soul, in embracing the truth of your past lives and in preparing for your future lives to know the value of you as a soul. So the self-worth that we worked with pushes itself even further, and to do so, you may first begin to strip yourself naked and from that nakedness embrace your worth, embrace your value and then from there on repaint for yourself a whole new picture of truth, a whole new understanding of what you believe to be your journey and what it is all about now, that is what is expected of you, that is what the Masters are asking you to work with, that is what your Higher Self, your Christ energy, that is our Creator is expecting of you.

The Creator gives you the gift of life and all that is expected of you is to live it.

How many of you, not necessarily those here I am addressing, but how many out there is not living life, but merely existing. Because of the current financial stresses in your world and because of the current financial issues that everyone or most people have to deal with, what has happened is very sad as most folk has gone into survival mode. Life is not about surviving, it’s about living and if you begin to change the way you think and you begin to change what you surround yourself with be it material, energetic or be it in person human, it will help you to shift the frequency of that which you project out to others.

As you very well know; that which you project eventually becomes you.

With every repeated habit you form a new frequency (timeline) of reality, so therefore take stock of your life and act accordingly.

What we are saying is no matter which channel you are listening to everyone is focusing on rewiring the self one way or another whether it is bringing in an awareness of the truth of your DNA or whether it is bringing in an awareness of the truth of your physicality and how to infuse your mental vibrations in such a way that in no time at all you can rewire yourself into something new.

You have earned it, it’s your gift.

Therefore, understand when something stares you in the face and it says I am about to destroy you, you tell it to bring it on, bring it on! I am on this Earth I am not of this Earth. I am on this Earth right now and therefore I will deal with Earth realties in an Earthly way but when it comes to the destruction of me, the destruction of me as a being, as a spiritual being, as a spark of the Creator, nothing can touch me, nothing.

You may be stripped bare, it may seem that you have no clothes, no food, no house, no nothing, but you will have your honour and in that honour you will have dignity and for as long as you have honour and dignity you will always take care of yourself and be taken care of. You have heard scriptures describe how the Creator takes care of everything, and if the Creator takes care of a tiny little bird why would it not take care of you, you are the most intelligent birds on Earth and therefore especially as Lightworkers, as people that in their own way bring a new essence of light onto this planet, it is imperative and important for you to stay anchored, to stay sane and safe in your daily life and you do so by not getting sucked into the trivial drama and trauma of life around you.

Most humans thrive on this. If something is not falling apart then they are not happy about it, so therefore by following these teachings you ARE different! You stand firm and strong in yourself making an effort to understand who you are. When challenged embrace them with love, that’s what you do.

As a spark of Light, you have taken on the physicality of this journey having left your crystalline consciousness within the cave or the womb.

You grew as a beautiful person into an adult and then into more of an adult (Kuthumi smirks) and later on into an even greater adult (laughter) and that is sort of where you stayed.

Initially you acquire for the self a lot of stuff to surround you with, stuff to make you feel OK, materialism to make you feel wanted, validated, to claim the life you have, the house you have, the car you drive and all of that, yes it is part of the image that you paint and then as time goes by those things seems to matter less and less.
There is nothing wrong with the comforts in life as we have always shared but there is everything wrong with making that your ‘god’. So now in teaching you about the reality and the truth of your DNA we are saying why not take all of the efforts that you store in external worlds unnecessarily and rather store this within your physicality which is the reason why we have started teaching you to work with your biology for you to learn how you fit within the Ferris wheel of healing and how you can use every part of you to bring through healing for you by understanding the concept of life, the journey of living here and if you can begin to tap into the essence of spirit and if you wish, learn to understand your journey from beyond to veil into incarnation to eliminate fear.
A Ferris wheel (sometimes called a big wheel, observation wheel, or, in the case of the very tallest examples, giant wheel) is a non building structure consisting of a rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying components (commonly referred to as passenger cars, cabins, capsules, gondolas, or pods) attached to the rim in such a way that as the wheel turns, they are kept upright, usually by gravity.- Wikipedia – PS How appropriate to say this for no matter how we are roughed and rumbled we are ‘designed’ to always stay upright be it through faith, consciousness or gravity!

Beloved ones, as light workers you have asked to serve as the pillars of light that you are. This is the very reason why we shared these teachings and this energy with you. We are asking you to stay strong in yourself to stay focused on that which is the truth for you, not to become involved in external drama natter, and if the world around you seem like it is falling apart hold yourself up for you are needed indeed, which is why you chose in the past to sit in this very circle to learn these things, to move on in your own consciousness, and therefore become a light beacon in this world, which even though at times may seem very dim to some.

Empowering yourself to be the best that you can be does not mean being a bully or to control another one way or the other. All it means is to recognise the truth of your journey and its origins and to embrace the imprint that that truth makes upon this plane.

Walk lightly, work lightly.

Have you noticed that ‘all of a sudden’ you have incredible challenges when it comes to pollution in your oceans, on land, in the air? Beloved ones these are also by-products of the pollution of the human mind for it is the human mind in its negative expression, and therefore if you begin to honour yourself as a Christed being, you cannot help but be in your perfect power and being in your perfect power means that you walk within the valley of respect and the valley of consciousness and the valley of value and care.

So as much of a challenge as there is out there with litter, negative thoughts and controlling forces for the wrong reason and purpose, that is as much as there is a problem out there at this time with people being so incredibly stuck in their lives, yes we reiterate; you cannot solve a problem at the level it was created. Therefore we said for many years now, In the times that you are in within the Aquarian Age working with the earth shifting into a whole new conscious vibrational frequency of 5th dimensional thought, there has to be clearing, and this is part of the clearing, this is the cleaning out of closets, the mind of clumsiness.

To enable you to stop feeling less than, you must come to terms with the self by embracing the self as first, number one. You keep facing a tug of war between the ego and that which really should ‘drive’ you. Much of what you are seeing all around is a by-product of desperation, and in many ways a by-product of frustration because things no longer work the way they did. The way you did things 5, 10, 15 years ago cannot be done in the same way, and believe it or not, on the other end of the scale you will see changes evident everywhere you look so please do not get drawn and sucked into and confused by utter disgrace that seems to stick its ugly little head out every now and again. Now more than ever don’t get sucked into the poor me scenario whereby people are draining themselves from their own will to (dis)empower themselves. Rather love and support them through this so that they too can get to know who they are, and that is your only ‘duty’ at this time.

(Kuthumi takes the group through a series of breathing & stretching exercises)

Beloved ones become aware of exercises such as this for you know what is one of the biggest problems with humanity? You don’t breathe as you should, you don’t use your lung capacity to fullest.

As much as the breath is vitally important for the circulatory system, fresh air & oxygen is as important to your energy field, as it reflects within, without.

Breathing not only calms and aligns the body but also the psyche for as your breath changes and shifts so does your energy field which is also a direct reflection of your physicality. So if you want to know why your energy field may be depleted ask your physicality, the mind, the body, the emotions, the psyche, as all works together. Very well then, let’s relax…


Energy Activation

Sphere of Light working with the chakras and then connecting with your soul essence / Past lives / Akash / in crystal form

Beloved ones imagine yourself in the chair where you are at in your mind’s eye see the people around you, those in embodiment and those not.

For a moment bring your focus on to your life. For a quick moment see your life the way it is in your mind’s eye. See all of the aspects of your life playing itself out. See all the drama’s in your life, the enjoyment and see your routine. See the picture that you have painted hence the reality that you have created in this life.


Now stretch your arms out physically, and in your hands imagine a beautiful ball of light imagine a sphere of light. In this sphere of light see your life play out the way it is, thus placing your images into the sphere.


Leave it over there; release your hand as your sphere of light hovers in front of you above your lap in suspension. Relax your hands.


Allow the sphere to descend to the level of the base, still hovering in front of you at bended arm’s length away. Now let us very quickly from the bottom up place in that sphere or ball a ruby frequency that is there to support balanced relationships in your life on all levels. See this sphere of light take on this ruby glow and then see all of the relationships in your life within that sphere in a happy and balanced state. If there is anyone that you have discrepancies with that you have issues with or the inability to communicate with on a peaceful and tranquil level put it in there.


Now raise that crystalline sphere of light to float up a little to be in line with the navel and from this area, the sacral, place a magnificent violet energy in there, a purple energy into that sphere. Now we are asking you to see yourself in an enhanced creative state in other words becoming your own artist, do pottery, sculpture, wood work, create furniture, cook well, knit, or whatever you desire. I am not asking you for your current level of artistry, push it, take your craft to another unexplored level, something you may have admired others do and you say ‘I wish I can do that’ now I am asking you to do this. In that violet floating sphere of light see yourself for a moment doing something different something magnificent and that you are or can be extremely good at it!



Now raise this energy just a little so at the level of the solar plexus at the level of that which worries you the most even though it shouldn’t in other words your digestive system, indigestion, that is where things takes you by surprise, now from this level visualise a ruby golden energy that is absorbed into that frequency into that sphere and emanating from the sphere. You have the ruby, the violet, and now the ruby-golden energy that simply reflects magnificence, and in there I wish for you to see yourself empowered, in whichever way you wish. Take yourself serious enough to stand firm in the self as a positive empowered being, see it in there.


Raise the sphere a little to the level of the heart and here visualise a magnificent pearlescent pink energy in that sphere and here I want you to tap into your humanitarian qualities so here I want you to paint a visionary picture of you in service to others in some or the other way, be it with an institution or by the self, see yourself doing something good for others and the only thing that you receive from this is the love that is returned to you. Feel your frequency of compassion and passion blast this into a whole new sphere of light, feel the humanitarian frequency that you and me, we all are as one. I speak to you from the realms of spirit and you are currently experiencing this within the realm of human, though everything is all one. There are no real divisions of separation.

• On a chakric level this is where our free will ignites passion in the 12th chakra which then blasts new life into the heart centre inspiring us to tap into our sacred heart.

Now we are going to ask you to do something really special.

Visualise your Earth.


Then place your earth inside that sphere, see the earth the seize of the sphere at first, then see your earth shrinking inside the sphere smaller, and smaller, and smaller until eventually it is such a tiny fragment of energy which ‘pops’ and now is everywhere in you, in your sphere, in your energy field.

Beloved ones, see the earth energy everywhere, within your aura, your DNA, your origins and your now reality. Understand the concept that ‘we are all one’ imprinting the magnificent pearlescent soft gentle pink energy into that sphere of light, then raise its frequency a little higher as you come to terms with the fact that it is up to you to focus on that which is good, to see things in a positive manner, and understand that as frustrating as you may be caused by that which is negative, by validating it with anger you only support it. If you can do anything about this negativity then do it, and if you can’t do anything about it specifically and physically do it energetically but don’t support its anger with yours.

Understand that the Earth is a part of you as you are a part of it. You heard Gaia speak about the many parts of you here each time in each incarnation and when you leave, if your body is not buried it is burned, so at the very least there remains a couple of heaps of ash that once was you. Like energy that cannot be destroyed merely redirected, so does your physicality be in earth embodiment, decaying DNA, or ash.

Every trace of you that has ever been here, is here, and every part of you that will come here in future is influenced by the part of you that is in ‘training and preparation’ for that which is to come. Therefore consider the importance of this lifetime, the importance of doing this work one way or the other, to support this world to be the most beautiful place that it really is, to honour a creative Source, the Creator, to honour Mother Father God, to honour the Masters for who they (you) are.

Beloved ones raise this frequency now to float above your head, see this ball of light that is all of you which you have now infused with even more energy as it hovers above your head in the area of your golden magenta star (soul star).


See this frequency of you in earth expression connect to all of your brothers and sisters from beyond the veil.


Set the intent if it is your wish and your will to for you to have a deep and meaningful interaction with these beings, to begin to understand them with clarity for you to be able to communicate with them.


Then with the golden energy still glowing above your head see your auric field around you, then very gently release the golden sphere from the soul chakra above the head, very gently, let it descend to the next level down, the level of the crown, then the throat, this sphere that you created through intent becomes smaller as we drop it down into the heart, then solar plexus even smaller into the sacral, and into the base very tiny, and as you drop the last droplet into the earth chakra the ruby energy below your feet, the moment it reaches that chakra it pops and it becomes all of you, your energy and physicality. So as the earth became a part of you at the level of the heart, you become a part of it at the level of the earth star below your feet.


As the earth is giving of herself in support of you, you are giving of yourself in support of her.
Now try not to see yourself as anything tangible. See yourself as a magnificent park of light, see this spark combine with the golden spark above your head and the ruby spark below your feet, see all integrated as one and all you are left with is a magnificent illuminated essence of iridescent light, colour and sound.

Very Long Pause

In your mind’s eye, in the far distance you see an opening into a cave…

It’s a place that you know, a place that you love, a place that you are so familiar with. In an instant it draws you, so as you gravitate towards it the familiarity of it returns and you feel at home again, you feel at one again, you feel at peace as if the weight of the world has lifted from you for you are only a divine spark of light.


You follow a familiar pattern, you automatically drift deeper into the cave, a crystalline cave jammed packed to capacity with every conceivable crystal and colour that you can imagine and each of these energies has their own magnetic humming frequency, a beautiful sound, and although you can hear the culmination of this celestial choir you also hear one sound frequency that is more anchored and aimed towards you than any other as it draws you like a magnet as it pulls you into its magnetic force. As you gravitate towards it you recognise it instantly as home.

As you hover in front of this beautiful crystal energy that you know is you, you release all physical attachments that may still in some way want to anchor your energy back into a heavier vibration and in so doing you simply surrender into the true essence of you.


Here you are becoming crystalline light as you feel this, you are now absorbed into crystal energy. Pause
As this energy become even more familiar and you are more at ease with where you are at, it feels like the energy begins to sink, then you realise that you are within a fluid crystalline pool, floating as a gem in what seems to be crystalline clear waters, you are floating, as weightless as the familiar scene surrounding you.


Now allow your consciousness to now float further by dropping down into the ocean, dripping deeper and deeper until eventually you have nothing around you accept crystal clear water.


The liquidity of it is phenomenal as is the flexibility of it, amazing! You have clear vision in every direction, indeed a gift to celebrate, the fact that you simply vibrate upon the frequency of knowing instead of forcing thought is the gift.


Now gently become aware that there are many beings gravitating towards you and as they come closer, I want you to acknowledge and recognise each of them as you. Each one of them is an aspect of you or part of you, parts you played in your own life each time; each of them holds the essence of you.


Imagine now, this spark of light that you are, integrate all of these other energies which are also you, see yourself increasing in frequency and luminescence, feel at ease with this empowerment, feel at ease with this new found love and trust that you have gained energy for yourself. Feel at ease with this new found peace that you have earned for yourself.


Now simply with intent we release this energy for a moment as we won’t venture further just yet drifting up, and up, setting the intent to anchor into our safe place and our energy is anchored back where it is held within this beautiful cave, the womb of Gaia.


You now seem to feel somewhat different so even though you are still within your original vibration your frequency seems enhanced as you awakened more memory so to speak and therefore your ability expanded. Because of the extra ‘memory’ you have greater ability.


For a moment before returning see if you can see any familiar faces or feel familiar energy within the special area of the Akash.

Long pause

See if you can feel the vibrational frequency of someone within this circle or other circles, institutions, or your family or anyone else in your life that you can feel or see within that Akash.


If so give them a little wink, send a little love bubble vibration towards them for in that link you know each other, you know that you know.

Then very gently release that energy and now begin to reverse, look back upon the crystalline energy that you are leaving behind, give thanks for that energy for allowing you to tap into that sacredness which is so, so sacred beloved ones. Give thanks to the higher aspect of yourself for facilitating you to do this meditation so that you may tap into this energy, the truth of who you are.

Honour yourself by being yourself.

Gently release all this come back into a spark of light.


See this spark of light entering into the base through the ruby energy of the earth star into the base, travelling up gently, and as it travels up and up your sphere once again expands little by little the higher it rises along your chakras. Expand this flame energy into the crown, into the soul chakra the 8th and from here begin to see yourself in a new frequency and then as you draw that energy down again from the 8th into the level of the heart again outside the body to the front, this vision expands into the original sphere of light encapsulating not only the reality that you created or recorded in there but the truth of who you are.

Remember the humanitarian compassion that you shared at the heart, the empowerment of self, gently let it descend to the level where we started. Remember the creative expression that you have drawn in from avenues you never knew existed. See how all this is blessing every relationship in your life, your relationship with the self at first, your relationship with the Creator, you guides and guardians, your life partner, your family, siblings, place of work or place of daily expression as we prefer to call it, bless all relationships and all that you stand for, honour your relationship with the Earth, the value you have in serving her, and Gaia serving you.

Now reach out stretch your arms out to the front.

For a moment imagine yourself picking up this sphere of Light, hold it in your hands, now gently draw this into your heart, and slowly but surely place this into your heart ending with your hands cupping each other over your heart. Feel your heart, feel you soul, and know that you are loved.

Understand your value in this world; understand your value beyond this world. Understand that that which you perceive to be your world is only a very small aspect of the nature of the true world that you come from that you are always connected to and part of.

Understand that if you want to change the world, change yourself and from this changing of the self, everything else will follow suite.

Until we meet again, I inspire you to love, honour, respect and nurture the self and in so doing love, honour, respect and nurture all else.

I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless thee in love.



Chanel Lingenfelder©
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