Past Lives & Present Realities - Part 1
Past Lives ~ Present Realities Part 1
Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
Group Circle – Durban 18 June 2016
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, set the intent to connect to Spirit. Your rewire will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, as every word is energy infused with love, guidance and healing, claim it, enjoy it.
Greetings dear ones, this is the essence of Gaia
A: Greetings
Lady Gaia: As a collective energy I come to make my presence known to stir an awareness and awakening within you of your own essence.
I come to present a message of love and enlightenment to lay a solitary (personal) foundation for each of you to work from and to explore as the channelling master comes to greet you.
What enables this frequency to be shared in a voice expressed message through a human is the fine-tune of dimensional energies infused with pockets of information that is downloaded and given into the very being of this person this channel that is prepared to sit here and translate this in a way that you are able to relate to it, to understand it.
Each and every one of you feel my essence, each and every one of you know me, for in an indirect way and on a complete different dimensional frequency – you are me and I am you. It is only the complexity of the frequencies that you carry within this linear world that won’t allow you to understand or accept or integrate or work with that statement.
You see children of love, each of you feel me, you feel my body you feel my memories and experiences as your own for each time that you return to take another spin on the Ferris wheel called human life, I am your host, your mother, as I extend my divine frequency to embrace and support you to cuddle you like a new-born each time. I hold and help you throughout your journey as you grow up and old, I support you on every exit and I embrace and welcome you on every entry and many of the lightworkers, that which you call so, many we call the awakened and awakening ones, work collectively to hold the frequency of what you term planet Earth, Gaia, as they hold the frequency of my collective energy between visitations. Many of you, when you leave this plane every time to journey yet back again into the arms of our Grand Mother and our Grand Father our Creator Being, are absorbed back into the arms of Bliss as you give of yourself, you give of your energy you give of your experience to visit me as a planet, as you all come together to collective hold me in this frequency of Love and Balance.
Having decided that the teaching for this day will be an awareness of just that, I am honoured and humbled to be able to collectively bring forth my energy to share it in this way with each of you for without me none of your Earth experiences would be possible and without you I wouldn’t have any stories to tell, you see we are in it together.
As Earth and the collective energy of Gaia, I bring an awareness to you of the truth of who you are and in that truth I have to, I have to, bring through an understanding for you of the many a times that you repeat this cycle, I have to bring through an essence of balance and deliverance for you to understand that without you I am not me, for your experience on this planet in this human form that you have chosen to be in again, is only expressible and understandable on this level, on this level of being an incarnating human on to the planet Earth as you cannot pretend to be human elsewhere. You cannot be a human on another star system; you cannot be human the way that you are currently carrying the energy imprint of that which you are, as you are, in any other way, in other words you cannot experience that which you are currently experiencing as human on this plane elsewhere.
Beautiful loved ones as your mother I am ever loving and ever forgiving, in saying your mother I am Mother Nature. I hold you (the extension of your essence) within my womb during each of your visitations here (Akash) and therefore I am aware of every step, breath, expression, every single particle of every experience that you have ever enjoyed here.
So, in wanting to understand this, thus the desire to bring through a better understanding of yourself in human form, you have to acknowledge me. You have to acknowledge who I AM. You have to follow boundaries of respect and have these in place when it comes to my laws, a mere extension of the Universal Laws. Just as your own mother and father that gave birth to each of you biologically held and cradled each of you into the frequency of the toddler then teen and so on, I cradle and hold each of you in the very same way. Because your child does not walk through the valley of Light the way you intend for them doesn’t make them not your child, because your child may not achieve or excel in whichever way or form that you have dreamt for them to, doesn’t make them not your child. Because your children’s children haven’t followed a path of recognition the way you dreamt for them doesn’t make them any less, in fact, that is when the winds of wisdom begins to spread. Yes, there are those that do not return the favour that do not return the same frequency of love to me as I share unto them, but as a parent you ought to understand what unconditional love and forgiveness should be about.
Many upon your planet fail to believe that there exists a vast life beyond the one that you are in and that there are indeed true traces of lifetimes before and lifetimes to come. As I am collectively sharing with you at this time, in this now time, I am being attacked, bombed, and destroyed as parts of my physicality is blasted apart in the name of greed; nonetheless I cannot not love my children!
The true ‘saving grace’ here is my power as a planet as I am able to restore my energy field to realign my personal energies thus planetary laws and that of nature to bring balance and to stabilize things where need be. Admittedly at times we may have caused disturbance which resulted in some of my children giving up their present lifetime due to natural occurrences which I co-create to bring balance back into my frequency but none is by accident nor unplanned. Understand beautiful children and loved ones, that the gift of this lifetime that you have come to live, experience, and explore, is also a gift unto me. Each time you re-enter, revisit, and revise, a most beautiful memory comes to life – a memory of knowing. Contained within this the divine connection between you and me comes alive and sparks to life, again and again.
To enable you to get to that level of divine memory (of understanding and knowing) you have to experience all of the trials and tribulations of stubbing your toes, you have to experience all the ups and downs of a balanced and imbalanced frequency around you, as I do.
You have to experience and learn what it means to be a mother and a father for that is what I am, mother earth who works together with father sky as a collective. I hold the feminine and masculine frequency in balance because that is my purpose is as a planetary energy. together with the Elementals I serve to hold the divine feminine masculine in earthly balance and If you are not able to have an awareness of the divine masculine feminine frequency you would not be able to begin to allow that enlightened memory of knowing to awaken, the recognition of Spirit to awaken.
Sadly, as it must be, for some it is the recognition of spirit that hasn’t happened, that hasn’t sparked into a frequency of awakening which results in your brothers and sisters being held in a dim state of being, in dimmer light, dimmer love.
But today as a mother (and father), as a divine planetary frequency that holds your energy during each of your visitations here I am asking you to open your hearts, even those of you that may not have siblings of your own, you have siblings in other ways, you learnt the lessons, thus by choice the essence of children wasn’t or isn’t part of the plan this time around, I call upon you, I am asking you to open your heart to embrace the frequency of birth, to be aware of how many bubbles of life you give birth to.
Whilst some may birth a bubble containing a human form yours may contain an energy form to be released. So whether you are a parent or not biologically, understand that each of you is a parent indeed. Each and every one of you is here in support of your own evolution which has to be mentioned synonymously within the same vibrational breath as mine. So as a mother, a parent, I am set, my journey is set, my pathway forward is unfolding, the vision I have is one of peace. I do understand that it may take time before this vision will come into full fruition, but I AM PATIENT.
I am very patient and it is patience that allows the unconditional love in a parent’s heart to embrace every part of their creation be it in their eyes a success or not for internally and externally you know that you created it. So my request to you today as a parent travelling along a pathway of new horizons beckoning the frequency of higher dimensional energies to become relevant, to be real on my planet, on my body, I am asking each of you beautiful souls to gently stir the awakening of the human reality, I am asking each of you from a bodily and mental perspective to have the power to allow yourself the presence to once again see the bigger picture and as I journey into a higher dimensional frequencies on a totally new pathway venturing into areas where we have never been thus new unchartered space, I ask you to soften your hearts to allow the gift of patience to become your friend and in so doing to do all in your living power to extend the most divine frequency 0f unconditional love to all that we have birthed, be it human, be it energy, be it physical or a process or project, and in so doing allow yourself and all of the extensions of you to be onboard as we journey forth discovering new heights and new realities as we explore new dimensions. Allow the mirrors of your own eyes to awaken to the truth and the reality of your repeated visits here (incarnations). See this in the light that it is meant.
So long
Long Pause…..
Shift of Energy in Room (Gaia’s energy is very gentle, soft and so compassionate, whereas Kuthumi’s energy is more stern)
I am Kuthumi and I come forward to greet thee and to bless thee with love, greetings.
All: Greetings
MK: Beloved ones, we honour an expression from Gaia the way she has done, in truth no message about anything relating to lifetimes be it present or past would be complete without the essence of Gaia blessing the message.
Each time on your return visits it is the essence of Gaia that embraces your entry and like she said ‘births’ you into a new experience called life.
What I am sharing with you this day has been shared previously but it is done again for you to perhaps finally understand the grandness of your current experience.
Beloved ones as you very well know during your incarnations on this planet you are granted a life for you to come and express through. This lifetime that you come to live is a gift, it is a gift of energy essence gifted from The Source, The Creator of All, from the essence of All That Is, that is extended to our Father Mother God, extended through the Great Central Sun, birthed through the essence of your Sun the life giving force of your planet the star of your system which then burst through and is received here in the receptors of the womb of Gaia.
Now many calls this process many different names, you have heard of the Akash, the cave of Creation, many different physical names are given to this energy, Shambhala and so on, so many different expressions, and the expression that Gaia used for this same energy today is her womb, you are received into her womb and each and every time that you are received into her womb an essence of you (as spirit being) is left beyond the Veil which communicates to the part of you that is being send forth via the womb of Gaia into a reality called your parents and if you for one moment can try to figure out the absolute intensity and complexity of the Pathway of Creation it would rattle you forever in this lifetime, for in the next you wouldn’t even think about it.
So a decision was made on a very high intense level for you to come through to be birthed into the experience of your current life which is also gifted or facilitated by your parents your mother and father in the exact space place and time zone that your frequency intended for that is the lessons you came to learn (following your Natal Chart), thus the plans you made for you to come experience.
Thus, a part of you become the ‘lower essence’ which is imprinted and implanted (impregnated) into the people that joins to create a new life called you. Your mother and father had to get together to create this, the one couldn’t have done it without the other it’s not possible. Well it may be possible in some other ways these days but let’s not go there.
So for now you have a father and mother, thus spermatozoa came together to create you and thus you are placed within the womb of your mother for an incubation period which on your planet is anywhere between 7 and 9 months, even less at times, and at other times a week of so longer all depending. While this incubation period takes place for however long it may be the brain or the physicality of what is growing in the mother’s womb works together with the soul spirit being who imprinted its energy within the growing being for the life experience is for both. The body and the soul.
It is not purely just a physical experience or only a spiritual experience, it is a combination of both and here again I have to say on average. There are exceptions which we won’t go into at this time for my message this day is to bring through the importance of your NOW reality and what better way to get your attention than to tickle you with feathers from your past, you LOVE living in your past don’t you! (Laughter)
Anything and everything that entails and pertains to yesterday you are mad about “Oh let me tell you what happened yesterday, oh let me tell you what happened last week, oh I must tell you what I experienced in 1942” (laughter) – you do not dare to say let me tell you what is going to happen next month no, no you can’t go there for then you are labelled as a spiritualist a clairvoyant or psychic and absolutely mad, well I dare you to go there (laughter)
Beloved 0nes the problem with going there is that you are experiencing a continuous new unfolding reality and for you to understand this in the right context you have to be aware of your many visitations that you have had here and how relevant they are to this particular lifetime. So you have an essence, see it as… let’s make it really easy… if you can imagine it as a second skin that stays behind and that energy is crystalline and because of the essence of its origins it is an interdimensional crystalline energy that is able to record and communicate anything and everything that you have ever experienced at any given time and each time when you re-enter this world of the cave or womb and back into the mother’s womb you take on the frequency that you left behind the last time to be part of this present reality to be part of where you are now and so again the eternal conflict comes to life, the conflict between the mind and the spirit, the mind and emotions and spirit which is the very reason why we have given you these teachings for you to realise the importance of this relationship between the mind and the emotions and the spirit.
You may say yes Kuthumi I have heard this 1000’s of times before, and I will say you need to hear it one more time because clearly up until mow you haven’t quite registered this truth have you?
Long pause.
Each and every one of you has lived many a lifetime on this planet, some more than others. Are you going to live another lifetime on this planet? You tell me?
Audience Interacts with Kuthumi (Laughter)
Should you decide not to and your wish is granted you won’t, but beloved ones the reason why I said previously that all of you will return here is to bring through an understanding for you of where you are at. You cannot want to turn your back on this lifetime just because some things didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. You can’t do this because what is going to happen is you are going to come back to repeat the very same things again (mumbling and laughter) so this lifetime is asking you to sit up and take note of that which you resist, for that which resist will persist you know this!
So what we are asking is instead of living with an ingrained anchor of a whole host of truths that you wish to work with and unable to work through because of its realities whether it is the way humanity treats the Earth or because of the fact that your children let you down or you don’t have money or you were to have more of it (according to you), or whatever the issue demands, it shouldn’t be the reason for you requesting not to come back, in fact once you leave this plane these are very reasons why you will come back (laughter). As a spirit being the times that you wish to journey back to Earth into a past life into a past incarnation is very rare, far an few between. Each time is a new experience.
Once the human being has made its amends to itself emotionally and mentally and able to put everything into place, thus to put a reality picture together of its current lifetime, the decision is made that the life is to end or termination is at hand for whatever reason be it as an individual or group exit for whatever planned reason, once the soul retrieves from the body, the body stays behind in its physicality and begins its quick and incredible process of decomposing becoming part of the Earth decay, so the soul retrieves back into the cave or womb and if I could explain this in earthly terms of time space and distance, the soul needs about 3 days of your time to realign itself back with the crystalline shell that it left behind to reconnect, to get to know itself again, to reawaken fully to the memory of its truth of its spiritual beingness.
During this time that is usually when people on your planet your friends, family and those that loved and even hated you all scramble together to create a send-off, to find a way of burning or burying you, a way of letting the physicality go through mourning, thus these people are asked to get it together to get you going physically. It is also during this time when the soul essence, the memory of you, wakes up to the previous memories that it left behind and begins a very intense process of remembering and realigning. Not only of the lifetime that it’s just had reflected by the wheel of life that spins before it to experience a higher vision of the Earth lifetime, not only that, but it is during this time that the soul embraces those that is left behind.
During this time the soul will visit those who are in mourning. This needn’t be with immense plain, tears, drama, sobbing, screaming and shouting frantically, but rather to hold a precious memory of that life that has left, holding the person’s energy in absolute endearment in a gentle space for this is the time that the person will revisit you, it is the time that it utilises to remember and revisit itself.
Nothing that you do or say to entice them with, is going to bring them back, nothing is going to bring you back. Many may think ‘oh my lord I love my partner so much I will never be able to go without them’ though after the three days its bye-bye, after the 3 days it is ‘so long till we see each other again’ though the love remains, the memory of the love remains as the emotional and mental entanglement is brought into balance as most of these entanglements are human by nature, human thought forms, for on a spiritual level by seeing and knowing the GREATER picture, not just the bigger picture, but the greater picture that encapsulates the bigger picture, these lower thought forms are not present and has no influence.
Many that are currently in embodiment are driven by past life memories and past life experiences, they are entranced by it, they are almost obsessed by it, often confused by it.
Yes sure there are the times when you recollect or you recall a memory of something that you know that you have experienced in the past and it is as real in this lifetime as it was then, but the secret is to differentiate between a memory and the residue of many memories. Very often in this particular lifetime many of you may find that you often say to yourself that you are in the wrong process, I should not be here, I should not be doing this, I should be there, this should happen to me, that should happen to me, I should be rich, I should be alone, I should be in another country, I should be this and I should be that. Many of those energies are a re-collective state of past fragments, thus memories of incarnations, of the past, that really mattered to you then, that is still filtering through this time around that shouldn’t be a part of this reality. Beloved ones when you have an urge, when something takes you and pushes you into a new direction, a rebirth, a discovery, then that definitely is relevant for you in this lifetime.
Are you able to influence future lifetimes?
You already are!!!
Therefore, have an awareness of what you allow to influence you in this lifetime, for that which influences you in this lifetime may very well be remnants from that which influenced you in the past, that you were unable to put to bed. If it is an issue in this lifetime it may very well have been an issue in a past lifetime, so don’t allow the issues of this lifetime to become the basis of your next, do you understand that?
A: Yes.
MK: Very simply put stay in the now, stay in the moment and if you feel that you need to gravitate towards finding out what certain things meant in past lives by all means find out, explore it and let it go. For the long and the short of it is, it is the past, you have no right, you don’t belong in the past, if anything you belong here in the now, I can’t not even tell you that you belong in the future because nobody really knows what the future holds.
You see beloved ones some gifted ones has the amazing ability of sharing information that ‘may’ happen, the emphasis is on may, no one is able to tell you and I am going to repeat that, no one is able to tell you for certain what to expect in your journey in the next hour, next week or next year for it can change, you change it, you change it all the time, you change your reality as you go, all of the time! So if you can change your reality as you go all of the time surely you are in charge of your destiny thus fate aren’t you? If you are in charge of your destiny why not lay the foundations of your next lifetime now. Why not break down the pillars that has a hold on past prophecies? Which is the reason why we always suggest to do things in a new way, to see things in a new light and today you have yet again heard a divine message given in a new way with Gaia sharing the importance of forgiveness, sharing the importance of cradling your siblings, the importance of cradling information in your life, of cradling gifts that you have, of cradling energy thoughts that you give out to the world, all of that which is birthed by and through you.
Beloved ones, as a human being you travel on an etheric invisible pathway or frequency to experience birth on the other side. The same frequency carries your consciousness to be birthed back here. Thus, from one collective energy to another, you are propelled on an invisible ‘wave length’ into form, from spirit essence into physicality, into the Mother’s womb, into your mother’s womb.
Understand that your ability to communicate with anyone on an invisible level is as real as these words today; it is as real as pinching yourself, and this is the gift of the new energy that will be discovered and rediscovered and even more so as we speak and in time to come, for your scientists will learn the truth of energy and they will understand that energy equals matter, that’s it.
Energy equals matter for how can one deal in any way or form with an essence that has been, that you can relate to, be it an aspect of yourself be it an ancestor, and at the same time say “I do not believe in God”, or “I do not believe in the invisible realm” or “energy does not equal matter”!
It does, and that’s the jewel of this essence that we give to you today and the gift is to ask you, each of you, to awaken to the truth of who you are. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience as much as you are a physical being having a spiritual experience, you are both. But the over lying essence of it is spiritual by nature. It is only when you become too entangled in the world of physicality that you completely forget about the essence of spirit that holds you in its divine form, for most times when matter becomes too tangible it controls, thus it entangles its spirit.
Therefore, we urge you to review your situation in your lives where you are at, at this time. Reflect back on all the experiences that you’ve had and if there are any changes that you feel is relevant which must or should be made and that you would like to change in future, in this lifetime, sit down and work with it.
Work with it on a mental level, an emotional level, doing affirmations and visualisations, for as real as you are as a spiritual being that have floated through thin air, registered yourself as a crystalline energy, and is continuously in communication with that divine crystalline energy, as much as there is no physicality within that bandwidth, within that crystalline energy, it is truth, you are here….energy equals matter, so use that energy wisely, use the grey matter, use your heart, use your physicality, explore your chakric and other systems and allow yourself to enjoy this journey of life for this journey is the most important journey you have ever been on, this lifetime is the most important lifetime you have ever experienced and you are going say “but Kuthumi why?”, and I am going to say, it just is, for this is the one where you awaken! Yes? Are You?
MK: Your last lifetime was the most important at the time, though the next is not as you are not there yet, you are here, so this is the most important lifetime you ever have lived as you are living within the totality of all previous possibilities. You know you have been everything, you have all been the teacher, the preacher, the prostitute, all of you, so you may as well get over all these things and live.
A: Laughter.
MK: Enjoy your life, stop labelling, stop judging and understand that you have been it all, the priest, the pauper, you have been the principal, the prostitute, you name it you have been it, you have been black, you have been white, you’ve been Indian, you’ve been coloured, you’ve been everything, you have been every and any race, you have been the most horrible people that ever lived on this planet and you have been real Angels, and here you are. You are awakening to the divine memory of who you are and that beloved ones is the greatest gift that you could ever give yourself, the realisation of your awakening, because that you have never experienced before in this way. This is the most awake you have ever been so where ever your current levels of consciousness are at, that is who you are, do you understand?
A: Yes.
MK: This is a promise that new energies are making. As you know things are changing, laws are changing, universal laws are shifting and one of the new promises is that from here on as a lightworker on a certain level of awareness that is within its divine incarnation in this lifetime, you will take this with you and you will come back with the memory of that.
You came into this lifetime with very little memory of the past yes. Many of you have memory flashes of the past, indescribable habits in this lifetime that stems from the past, amazing gifts that may even be a mystery to the self. The common thing is ‘my mother doesn’t do it, my father doesn’t do it, my aunties, my uncles, my grandfather, my great grandfather, my cousins, nobody does it, so I don’t know where I got it from’ – now you know where you got it from, your past.
So claim your gifts and be worthy of your gifts, let your gifts be worthy of you, do you understand?
A: Yes.
MK: Do not search for an answer that does not exist, be quiet within and allow that quietness to bring forth a whole new explanation of that energy and understand that anything and everything on this level is solvable, yes. I have shared with you during the last visitation and the previous that you need to make friends with yourself on every level, that you cannot heal yourself from a level of anger, you cannot heal yourself at the level where sickness was created, you have to embrace that and become friends with it because when you become friends with it, it means it is no longer your enemy, in so doing you take away its power over you and at the same time beloved ones I am asking you if there is any residue or remanence from the past that has a hold over you in this lifetime make friends with it so it’s no longer your enemy therefore you take the power away and in that way you empower yourself because you are supposed to be in charge, nothing and no one is supposed to be in charge of you except yourself.
You did not come to live this lifetime under the rules of another, you didn’t, you came to live this lifetime to be an awakened being, you came to be who you are now so no matter your current challenges, claim that, and move into that energy for that is what you are supposed to be yes.
So what this teaching is asking you is to let go of the continuous and continual obsession of things that have happened in the past which may be shaping your present reality. Rather find out the origins of it and if it is a lesson to be learnt then go back into that past life, heal it and get the hell out of there, you do not belong there! Heal it and come back into your present reality, go there by all means, but do not live there, nor in the future! Remember, all that you experience now is what shapes that which is to come. You cannot recall the memory of sitting in circles like this in a past life which you did at the time to build ‘the future’ (this lifetime) yet in time to come you will recall this and this memory that you are building here, again laying good foundations for all beyond that.
Life as death is a journey and it depends on what you what you make of it.
Are you going to have fun and enjoy the ride or are you going to sit in the corner and be miserable?
Once you retrieved back into the cave of origin, into your crystalline energy all is known.
Your physicality has sorted itself out; all of the beautiful people in your life have mourned you and have cried, once they decided to do something with you be that burning you or burying you, it’s really irrelevant what they do with you, in fact it is better not to dig but rather to burn but once this process has been done and they have all sorted themselves out, they are left fighting over your ‘will’, and you will be no more, not ever the same.
A: Laughter.
MK: Let them deal with what you left behind often relating to a mad maze frequency (the only way we can explain it) for it is obsession and greed that creates madness within humanity, a madness of ‘someone else has something I can have’ be it a house, a car, a million bucks, a pair of shoes, it really doesn’t matter, it’s that greed that you rely on, that you get sucked into that actually sends you topsy turvy, and next you begin to ‘hate’ your experience.
As a spirit being you are not attached to that frequency at all, you couldn’t give a damn what they do with it, you really don’t care who gets your house or your car or you shoes! All you care about is to release all of the mental and emotional imbalances that you are able to at the time into the crystalline frequency to resolve all that you can at the time, and then to surrender into your spiritual self and make your way Home!
That’s all that goes on in your ‘mind’ after you are gone and thus the process begins again and repeats itself. It takes many, many process of remembrance, of learning, you go to the schools of learning, it depends on the state of the soul, do you go into zone’s for healing and recovery, do you need to be in isolation, it all depends on your consciousness at the time of your passing, thus the ‘state’ of your being which determines where you are going, and what you going to do with it, and who you are going to do it with.
There is one thing that does not exist beyond this world and that is hell. it’s an absolute illusion of the indoctrinated brain, and once you have all this sorted out you will begin to see how little drips and drabs, strings of your collective energy come back, especially those that are very attached to others, husbands, wife’s, fathers, mothers, sisters. Once that whole collective is back in place you begin to plan your new journey depending on your experience and that which you have set yourself up to overcome: Will you reincarnate back here or elsewhere, the choice is yours yes, it is absolutely yours.
Having said that, let us for a few moments close our eyes, let us relax.
I wish for you now in your mind’s eye to see yourself where you are now in this circle, set the intent for you to in this now space be connected to your current life experience and at the same time for a brief moment connect yourself in memory to your current experience, in other words transport yourself back in your house, see yourself at home, see yourself doing the things you like to do, see yourself doing the things you hate to do, see yourself in your ups and your downs, your highs and lows, see yourself in the totality of this life experience, placing it all into a magical crystalline bubble.
Now I wish for you to hold this crystalline bubble filled with your current life experience right here in your mind, in this space, in this circle. So in your mind’s eye visualise yourself holding this crystalline bubble in front of you, to make it more real stretch out your arms holding your hands open balancing the crystalline bubble on your open hands. Look into this crystal energy and see your life playing out as it is inside this crystalline energy, see all of it, see yourself at work, at home, see yourself scurrying around all the time, see yourself busying yourself with all sorts all of the time, see yourself freaking out about nothing, see yourself not been excited about something when you should be, see yourself in your imbalanced state, see yourself in a balanced state, see the reality of your life exactly where it is at.
Now I wish for you to take your hands still holding the crystalline bubble, raise it above your head, stretch your arms up, balance this ball above your head, again just for a moment have a brief connection with the energy that you have created in this current reality in there, and then very slowly and very gently we are going to bring this crystal ball down, this crystalline energy with your current life experience in it and as we lower this crystalline energy, this ball, this energy is going to start dissipate falling apart, thus take on the gifts that this life received from past experiences and give back to the Earth all of the gifts that you currently feel you are done with.
So one….two…..three…..gently lower this ball, gently, you’ve got your whole life in there, gently, don’t drop it.
A: Laughter
MK: Bring it into the crown and you will feel how your head begins to expand, your hands expand naturally doesn’t it, it becomes bigger doesn’t it yes?
A: Yes.
MK: Well then you are tapping into that and then gently let it go, it is like a bubble that’s been placed over the crown, all the way down gently moving the hands down into the auric field, gently, down gently, sitting slightly forward and releasing from the knees down so it runs down your legs and into the Earth.
So now I want to bring in an awareness of your gifts.
What do you feel is the most profound gift that you have been gifted with? What do you feel is a gift that is perhaps is not as profound for you? What do you feel is a gift that you have been gifted that you still need to expand on and work with? These are the gifts that life gives you; these are the gifts that the experiences of your past, your past lives, gifts your present reality. For in this exercise we let go, what are we letting go of? That which we feel doesn’t really have a great significance in this lifetime, or it could be a complete irritation, perhaps something you find difficult to work with.
Beloved ones do this exercise by yourself from time to time. If you find yourself imbalanced or upset by a certain energy, hold it, place it in the ball, place it above your head, bring it down, pick out the gifts, some gives life, others are just stuck in your energy field. I am a great communicator, I am great cook, I am a great lover, I am a great father, whatever it is, and then as you go down into the bottom you will find that the requests becomes heavier and heavier yes, because the energy is heavier and heavier and usually you will find that what you are ending with at the bottom is the stuff that has been influenced from past experience that relates to your family, your lineage, that relates to a very sad inability to actually love yourself unconditionally, that relates to feelings of not feeling worthy.
If you have an issue with your neighbour place it in that ball, put it above, release the ball down, take from this the gifts given to you, and understand which is your greatest. Embrace what you are working with and release the rest and thank the Earth for it. See this energy travelling from the Earth into the cave, or into the area of the Akash, see it cleansed, filtered and healed and then let it be.
You are now standing in a beautiful crystalline cave.
There are crystals everywhere, all around.
There is a magnificent lake ahead of you, an extension of the crystalline energy, and as you walk into this lake feel how the water makes your skin feel so soft, feel how the water gently caresses you.
See all these magnificent crystals all around glittering in their perfection, take a deep breath and then allow yourself to sink into the water. You are able to breathe under the water, it may take a moment or so for you to realign yourself but you breathe beautifully under this water.
Become aware of the liquid energy all around, become aware of the liquidity of your reality, how everything simply swirls and moulds into one another.
Stretch your arms out under the water and feel the softness, feel your feet in these deep, deep waters. You are comfortable in this space.
Even though you know that the essence of what is around you is infinite you have no fear whatsoever attached to or related to where you are currently at, you know this place, you have been here so many times and you will revisit many times more.
Just feel the velvet texture of the water on your skin, feel yourself illuminated, glowing with light from the inside out. Awaken all of your chakras, awaken all of the colours in your auric field and see yourself as a divine, spiritual, magnificent, multidimensional being floating in the Glory of the Creator Essence.
As far as the eye can see under the water you realise that there is a host of beings swimming or drifting towards you. Each of them has a gift for you. It is an energetic gift that each are radiating into your energy field and your chakric system without physical touch. They radiate from their heart a magnificent energy of healing into your heart which will allow you safe passage back into this lifetime for you to embrace and experience this current life in a different and new exciting way.
Now in your mind’s eye do a slow full turn in the water and as you wiggle around in the water gently playing, connect with the eyes of every one of those beings around you. Each one of them have emanated a divine gift towards you, so now you reciprocate emanating a ray of love from your eyes into theirs, from your third eye into theirs, and as you float within these Divine Waters of Knowing you recognise each and every one of those beings as you.
Long Pause
With that their energies dissipate and you slow down completely to a standstill. You have manifest a magnificent energy of your totem animal and your inner child on either side of you and the essence of your higher self and your guides all around you as they gently begin to create a wave of love under the water which ripples pushing you up to the surface, up to the surface, up…..and up……and the moment your head extends above the water you are able to inhale air again filling your lungs still feeling velvet touch of the water around you. Stretch out your hands and gently touch the crystalline formations all around you…
Gently release yourself from this lake.
Moving back up the crystalline pathway, through the crystalline forest-like cave, back up into your current reality where you find yourself sitting on this chair, once again enjoying the gift of being here in this lifetime, in this now, knowing that you have this divine connection with the world beyond.
Never let it go from your sight, fully understanding the truth that not now or not ever can you be alone.
Bring yourself back into this space, anchor yourself back into this chair, take your time, don’t rush back too harshly, journey back gently.
Beloved ones over the next gathering of light beyond this we will continue with this expression and this energy, we will continue the next time with an energy activation of this which we would like for you to partake in even if you are doing this from a recording and when we return we would like to continue with an extension of this energy in a whole new way.
Until we meet again hold your light in your heart, hold your head high, hold your heart dear, follow your dreams, treasure that which matters to you and do not judge that which doesn’t. Understand that each person is experiencing what they currently set themselves out to and so they must, therefore it is not your decision to keep others in limitation because of their limited experience which may even limit their own awakening.
Rather focus on your own self, and expand this beautiful light into the collective consciousness, into the ethereal realms and in so doing you as a human truly support the evolving consciousness increasing the divine new frequency on Gaia. Understand that you have a purpose and as I said previously that purpose is to love, so learn to love the self, then learn to love all others as the self. Understand your reasons for being here, work with energies you believe are holding you back, cut the ties that binds you to the past, and learn to be in the now.
Until we meet again, I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I bless thee in Love.
Chanel Lingenfelder©
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