Invocation before every Transmission session…
“We give thanks to our Holy Principle Creator of all that ever is, was, or can be, for blessing our communication this day. We give thanks to our Holy Father Mother God for blessing our gathering of Light this day
We call upon and invoke the Presence of 9 beings of Light to over light our session, AA Michael, Lord Jesus, Lord Metatron, Lord Kuthumi & Saint Germain imprinting the Sacred Cross over this area, AA Ariel & Lord Ganesh, Lord Mechizedeck & Lord Maitreya

To: protect us from all negativity projected to towards us by any and all beings, consciously and unconsciously, incarnate and discarnate, from the north, from the south, from the east, from the west, from above below from within as without.
To bless us with His Excalibur sword of truth so that our truth remains our communicating and motivating force of light
To ground us within the Light of Christ so that at any and all times we are fully grounded, fully protected and yet fully connected
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