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The Love Crystals


Some Love Crystals Information

Through Commander Ashtar and Master So Ma 2008:

Channeled through Natalie Glasson -Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

“I am Commander Ashtar, and I come with my friend and companion Master So Ma. Together we bring the most sacred and most guarded information and wisdom to the Earth but most importantly the trusted lightworkers of the Earth.
We have a unique mission of anchoring and placing four large crystals that are predominantly known as Love Crystals into the Earth. They are semi-physical, semi light crystals of a pink colour with aspects of golden energy merging throughout, akin to a marble effect. The crystals are double terminated crystals meaning that they are long with a point at each end. Each crystal is roughly the length of a tall man’s lower leg, but they are quite thick in width. These crystal and special energy forms have been charged with the love of the Ascended Masters; they are known as Love Crystal because they are only receptive to anchoring pure love and therefore only emanate pure love. Four crystals will be placed into the Earth’s soil, near the surface at four different areas across the Earth. The places of penetration cannot be shared as we have to ensure that the greatest protection is placed around this project so that it flows smoothly and quickly without hindrance and obstacles. The anchoring of these four crystals onto the Earth will make a significant change to the vibration of the Earth, allowing more people to become receptive to the love of the Ascended Masters and the Creator.
The influence the crystals will allow more people to become open to sharing the love of their souls with others, and a greater desire to exist on the Earth as love in manifestation will burn brighter. You can see that it is of great importance that we get to place the crystals in the soil of the Earth and the grid network of the Earth. The love of the crystals will then melt and seep across the world until their energies meet, they will travel through soil, grid lines and ley lines both physically and spiritually anchoring greater love onto the Earth. Once their energy has coated the surface of the Earth with the energy of love many people may feel the vibrations of love ascending through their feet chakras and into their realities. This is our main purpose and aim. Also, if we heal Mother Earth a fraction more, we will assist in heal humanity as well. The crystals will then act as anchors for greater love to be integrated and poured into the Earth from the Ascended Masters and the Creator. This means that any waves of love channeled through the crystals into the Earth will have a greater affect on humanity as they will be converted into energy that is acceptable to those in physical bodies.
We simply wish to enter into the aura of the Earth, achieve our mission and then step back or return to our homes on the inner planes to oversee the presence of the crystals from afar.
I, Commander Ashtar and Master So Ma have come today to deliver this special message because we wish to invite the support and assistance of the lightworkers on the Earth. We wish for you to play your special part in this wonderful and glorious mission of anchoring love.
We ask that you support us by sending us your deepest love and light, we will in return align you to the energy of your nearest Love Crystal, so you receive a boost of love flowing into your being to raise your energy vibration. We in return will ensure your protection at all times.

Commander Ashtar and Master So Ma


Lord Kuthumi “The Heart Flame of Salvation” Durban 11 October 2008 Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder


Question: We received information regarding the Galactic federation and the love crystals, what is the actual function of the crystals, how do they assist humanity and the earth, and what exactly are they about?

Kuthumi: Beloved brother the functions of these crystals are very much to bring into alignment that which I have discussed with you this afternoon over the past 2 hours, to bring humanity into a space and time of understanding that the way they have lived their lives up until this point HAS to shift and with that move forward. The planting of the love crystals was done in order to help shift these love vibrations contained within the higher and lower centers (chakras), which is achieved by bringing balance between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of man.

The balance of the masculine/feminine process therefore we have imprinted into the structure of these crystals along with that of manifestation which makes the one half of these crystals tangible and the other etheric. These crystals are EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY powerful love transmitters, they are programmed with the energy frequency of the 144 000 Ascended Masters that are actively part of the earth ascension process thus the evolvement of the planet. Their love energy that is being programmed into these crystals will in time create a generating effect connecting to every single crystal upon this planet regardless of its type, which then will also serve as transformers creating energetic links sending impulses of love so to speak through the ethers, through the earth electrics, as well as through the energetic energy of the earths inner plates, and with all that also connect the matrixes of every grid formation that exists in and around the planet.

So in other words although only a few, they have the power to change the concept of love upon the planet for love is the ONLY energy that has no opposites therefore nothing, no thing exists that can overthrow it or erase it. Unconditional love forms the basis of their formation within their energy matrix therefore anything of a lesser vibration has no power over them. These crystals are placed very strategically around the planet creating amongst them a further grid energy which from its formation creates impulses that travels not only into and around the earth but also away from the earth like a reflection lessening external negativity for a lot of this negativity that threatens the planet floats around it did you know this?

A: No

Kuthumi: some are called satellites! How else do you think your ‘darker’ brothers or as you call them your ‘illuminati brothers’ knows your every move?

So these crystalline energies are also there to start changing shall we say the ‘horror frequencies’ being emitted by some of the works of these manmade view cams which circulates your planet, that observes you and truth be told in many instances video your every move. They serve as neutralizers for negative geopathic and destructive nuclear energy as they connect each and every heart upon your planet on every level to awaken to the God-Spark within.

They serve as love-catalysts peeling away layers of conditioning which prevents many from seeing the ‘truth’ of life. So, their functions are extremely diverse and intense as they connect a very large platform of service.
Their function is to activate an awakening of higher truths within each person and the reality that you are not alone, and by saying that, they bring forth a further realization amongst humanity via the grids of human consciousness for you to grasp the truth that you play a minute part in an even smaller universe when it comes to over-all-creation within the Omniverse, yet are all important. Realize that you have many space, star or extra-planetary brothers and sisters from various parts of this and other universes and with that become comfortable with the knowing that they will come closer in time to come. They also aid in eliminating fear which may result because of this contact. Some already experience this in their dream or altered states and even recollect spending time on higher planes for learning and training.

These crystals inspire authenticity therefore act as neutralizers of the inner anger and war archetypes.
At times this growth may be a little painful or create discomfort, it may even involve disappointment or sadness. Connect with your sacred heart and trust that you will always be guided and guarded for you to do and be where you are supposed to be. Hold your hands on your heart and be the humanitarians that you have come to be. Tap into the transition within this (heart) transition centre or the Anaharta. Claim your authentic signature from here, your high heart.

When you close your fist and place it on your heart it fits over the lower heart, yet when you open it for all to see it includes the area above and beyond your promised land which is your sacred or high heart.


Ascended Master Kuthumi 22 Nov 2008 Kloof Grid Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

“The Golden 12-Flame Crown Activation”

In conjunction with the 4th KZN 12 Pointed Kuthumi Grid as part of the Global 144 Crystalline Grid Project and downloading of the next phase of the Global Love Crystal Project.

The following crystals were part of the activation: Rose Quartz. The matrix crystal was an Amaru Crystal as part of the global Lord Thoth Project; the conductor crystals were Calchelsite, Tibetan Quartz and crystal chargers from Mt Kailash as well as the Lemurian/Atlantean crystals. The Mt Kailash crystals hold the telluric currents of mother earth (natural electricity), the Calchelsite holds the energy to the Loki-Gate first star of the new earth as well as the cosmic Deva’s used in activating earth’s galactic and stellar grids, and Tibetan Quartz from the Himalayas, one of the highest frequencies on the planet.

Kuthumi: At the level of the evolved crown is where you are able to recognize the possibility of unconditional love within your heart without the lower ego at play. With the lower ego in control the crown topples into its unevolved state which impacts the base as the base acts as a ‘subconscious’ recorder of a malfunctioning crown

Shall we begin with our star energies first. We ask for the core of this energy to give us the representation of that love crystal being implanted.

A. Mecca, Saudi Arabia

MK. Beloved ones, can you please for a moment bring your attention to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Visualize it from above and from your heart send unconditional love into the hearts of those people.


A. East Jerusalem

MK. We will now concentrate, beloved ones, our energies on the east of Jerusalem – pause – and then extend our energies to incorporate the entire Jerusalem. Let us send our love to the entire Is-rael, and then allow this energy to link up with the love that is being sent down into Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Visualize these two energies blend and meet. Are you with me?

A. Yes

A. Mooi River

MK. Mooi River! Thank you! We will now concentrate our energies on Mooi River where I grounded a portal of fluid love. Two portals have been grounded there; one which opened the first wave two years ago and then one recently. Concentrate your energies on Mooi River, KwaZulu Natal, Southern Africa. Now link up this energy and create a link, a flow of fluid love between Saudi Arabia to Israel and then connecting with Mooi River.

A: Denali, Mt McKinley, Alaska

MK. Beloved ones, take your concentration and bring it to hover above Alaska, see it on the map, then see fluid love linking the portal in Mooi River to that of Mt McKinley, Denali in Alaska. Then visualize where we started in Saudi Arabia, the Israel, then Southern Africa and then into the Northern hemisphere of Alaska.

Next please.

A. Ayres’s Rock, Australia

MK. Bring your consciousness right around the planet to the opposite side, and let us concentrate our love above Ayres’s Rock, then increase it to encapsulate the entire Australia and then expand your vision to include New Zealand, please. And with that let us follow the pathway of this fluid love anchored thus far thus the power of unconditional love emanating through these crystals from the Middle East, into Israel, South Africa, Alaska and then Australia. Visualize as this energy moves, how we as beings, be that angelic or human, together in one united consciousness, create a wave of energy which will rock this world with LOVE!

Kuthumi continued with the rest of the love crystal activation following the format above.

MK: Beloved ones we shall now ask our beloved water carrier to rinse your crystals with the consciousness of this sacred life-giving waters then plant them along with your intentions deep into the earth together with the rose quartz, the divine carrier for the cellular imprints of the grids and the Love Crystals

Whilst this connection is being reinforced, I shall give you as the keepers of the grids, a moment to silently communicate your love to mother earth.

Very long pause.

Beloved ones I now want you to visualize, as if by magic, the 12 crystals on the outer points together with the triangular 3 create a gateway entry which activates a portal within this specific area extending to cover a 144 km radius. See all of the rose quartz energies within this grid come alive in brightness bordering bright Magenta.


These crystals are alive with possibility, charged with unconditional love.

A vast network of Light is instantaneously activated creating an intricate network of LOVE connecting all the mentioned energies like a geometric explosion of light connecting portals of Light on all levels on and off the globe.

Bring into your awareness how your personal ‘booster’ crystals create a link with the person opposite you and their booster energies.


As you face one another across this grid realise your active part within this crystalline wheel of love.

There will be a further download of love crystals which will be shared through the appropriate channels. Keep these locations in your Heart-Mind, sending them loving energy. You are receiving love from these crystals thus transmit yours towards them. The more love you consciously impart towards these locations, the more powerful and effective these energies are able to act out their mission of love, transforming the greater areas where they are placed, with others feeding off this energy along important Ley Lines into active and specific directions, to support and facilitate density shift within the collective unconscious realms.

Beloved ones, the 10th, 11th and 12th chakras are levels of energy that supports more intense transcendent transformation as the higher chakras although individual, acts as one infused system of light. The 9th chakra serves as a ‘bridge’ to this higher consciousness.

Only once you are able to grasp the intensity of, and working through, the 8th chakra, does your ‘lightworkership and planetary keeper’ awakening open portals of higher perception within the higher chakras.

The 7th opens the doorway to the 8th

The remainder (1-7) also first presents as individual seals, but once you embark on the life changing transformation of truly getting to know yourself, they too act as an inevitable unit or an amalgamated source of sanity forming chains of consciousness. Within this lower system the first three chakras are your greatest hurdle which allows further entry into the fourth, and then the rest. Most people dance between the bottom three for most of their (unconscious) journey.


Simply visualize yourself standing in the most beautiful golden mist. Beloved ones it is important to feel very comfortable within this golden energy that takes on the shape of your energy field be that seen as cocoon or star tetrahedron it matters not.


See within your mind yourself contained within your preferred auric geometry and with that claim yourself to be a powerful being by repeating these words within your mind. Claim yourself as a powerful creator and co-creator of this world alongside the One that Creates All, co-creating your lives, your miracles and your preferred existence upon this plane.


Activate this beautiful golden energy that you are enveloped within as you draw within the power and the strength to practice your will by willing yourself into a whole new power of thought by surrendering to the Divine Will of our Holy Father of the Supreme God Aspect, draw this into your being.


Now imagine a most beautiful silver energy manifest on the inside of the golden energy, insulating your golden shield with a liquid silver energy.


Remind yourself that you are an expression of fluid love as you practice unconditional love towards the self and all others. Remind yourself of the feminine aspect of the self that always supports you in the best way for you to remain flexible throughout your enduring will, and in so doing, embrace the flexible side of your personality by allowing the Creative God Spark within to transform your lives.


Now connect your heart energy to the silver and golden energies, if you need to place your hand on your heart or need to feel your pulse to connect to the reality of your pulsating heart do so, once again connect to the pulse of your heart.

Very long pause.

Beloved ones, now connect your heart energy to the heart of your etheric plasma thus connect your beating heart to the gold and silver pulse and you do this by sending unconditional love into this area that is part of your physical reality forming your etheric outline, therefore with every beat of your heart send unconditional love into the spaces that exists between the spaces that surrounds you.

Send this love to fill up all of the particles of light that exists between your non-and-physical localities. Pause. Visualize how your entire energy field fills up with light and love as we ask you to visualize your entire energy filling with soft pink with the gold on the outside and the silver on the inside edge of your energy field. Allow the pink energy to fill up your energy field as it carries the frequency, light, and sound, of unconditional love allowing it to infiltrate your etheric anatomy, allowing you to float within the most exquisite and most beautiful plasma of etheric unconditional love.

Very long pause

Connecting to the Love Crystals

Now begin to visualize that the golden energy that encapsulates the outside of your energy field sends triggers of energy toward your inner pulse, an energy that creates a sonic vibration of sacred sound and light as it births a golden sphere of energy that simply floats from all round and comes to lodge itself within your base chakra, thus the golden vibration of your Lightbody gives of itself creating a new golden energy disc template lodged within your base chakra.


Beloved ones, by connecting with every angelic and archangelic energy – known and unknown to you at the level of your base, please understand that the time has come for you to let go of the control you have over others by allowing them to let go of the control they have over you. Live through your heart, and make a point of shining your light towards others no matter their response. Connect to the love crystals allowing these dear energies to transform all of the energy that prevents you from claiming your magnificence as an angelic human at the level of your base. Allow all of the blame and judgment that is so easily passed unto you even by those close to you, to wash over you, to slide away from you and set the intent at this level of your awareness to have absolutely all negativity transmuted by the ladies and lords of transmutation.

Long pause.

Now release this golden disc energy from the base allowing it to travel through your Sun Chakra lodging itself into your sacral chakra.


At this level, is there anything that you can think of within this energy that makes you feel uncomfortable, now is the time to take note of and work with it.


Allow this etheric golden disc to ascend lodging itself within your solar plexus as we suggest using this energy at this level to help you make friends with all of the aspects of the self you still feel incongruent with. Allow this energy to bring into balance all that is needed for you to practice unconditional love by loving the self completely.


Allow this disc to travel up through the heart lodging within the high heart centre just above your heart, just below your thymus.


Beloved ones from this area of your sacred heart I wish for you to make a commitment this day to do all you humanly can to spread love and enlightenment out into the world unto others and one of the easiest ways of doing this is to connect frequently with the energy of the love crystals.


Now allow this energy to ascend slowly clearing as it transcends the throat centre, through the third eye centre, through the crown, through the pyramid of the 8th, through the star tetrahedron of the 9th and lodges itself resting at the top of the 9th chakra thus floating just above the 9th chakra you have a golden etheric disc of Light which will allow you to work at this particular stage with all that is needed for you to integrate and realise the truth of your angelic self.


Now bring your attention to the inner silver energy that insulates your etheric membrane, as this energy also gives of itself creating a most beautiful fluidity that manifests as a silver bubble right in the very core of the golden disc.


Beloved ones the golden disc is about 2,5cm in width and about 9cm in diameter and floating within its core is a silver bubble of energy small enough to fit into the disc core. Pause. I now want you to gently lower this disc until it fits into the top triangle of the 9th chakra I other words allow the flat end of the disc to come to rest on the flat end of the downward pointing triangle that forms part of the star-tetrahedron energy within the 9th chakra which in time will form a support for many other disc energies to be birthed within your being.


Do you understand what is being shared with you?

A; Yes

MK: Very good then.

Very long pause.

Beloved ones now visualize within the very core of the silver energy contained within the golden matrix a mother or pearl flame about 2,5cm in height, of an iridescent mother of pearl vibration. You have the platinum flame within the iridescent ‘mother-of-pearl-like’ crystalline vibration of the 9th chakra and now you have the iridescent mother of pearl flame within the silver-gold or ‘relating platinum’ energy of the 10th chakra.


Beloved ones this is only the beginning stages of activating this powerful energy within your energy field, some may cope well whilst for others it may prove to be a bit intense, either way simply relax into it. If you feel uncomfortable drink some water and relax into it.


In time to come this will be further activated into its completion state

Relate to these powerful vibrations emitted from the golden sphere and see how the gold, silver along with the mother of pearl energies pulsates light frequencies into the rest of your chakras. First of all, visualize these energies of light being transmitted into the 9th, then 8th then 7th and so forth all the way down into the base centre.


Beloved ones visualize how the mother or pearl energy increase in vibration now that the golden and silver energies have laid the foundations for this powerful activation by sparking activity within your auric membranes. Allow the mother of pearl energy being emitted by the flame of this centre to increase in vibration until your entire energy field vibrates on the frequency of mother of pearl.

Very long pause.

Now within this powerful transformation of your energy field I want you to claim your authentic angelic self as a human angel. Claim yourself as a light worker, a planetary grid keeper, a divine magical mystical being that lives in miracles, creates in miracles, and expresses only that which is of the most powerful unconditional love and in so doing claim yourself as a being that chooses to do, to say, to think and share only that which shall uplift others and to do so by practicing forgiveness of the self, claiming yourself as a most powerful being that trusts your ego to guide you instead of allowing it to take you off guard. Claim yourself as a wonderful emotional being, a sexual being, an earth being that claims the creative spark that is alive within you and with that also remember that as a creative being, a multi-dimensional being, no matter the indifferences between you and your immediate and not so family and friends, it really doesn’t matter, but what matters is for you to continue giving of your God-Spark to bless them.


Allow this energy to be integrated within your being, gently. Pause. Ground yourself properly anchoring your energy though your feet into the earth, making sure you are thoroughly grounded. Pause. Do make sure that you are fully back into this NOW space.

Beloved ones within the higher centers the objective is more about energy than matter. Within the lower energy centers, you very much worked with matter and its effects on your energy. It takes time to integrate new energy.

Beloved ones, it is like anything else in life, the more you connect to it, practice it, use it and more specifically invoke it, the more powerful it becomes. Invoke by giving demand to receive, thus lay claim to it – for a lot of you have problems when it comes to manifesting and creating that which you desire, thus do this by relating to the pulse of your own body which is why we took you though the process of connecting to your heart which invokes life by sending out its pulse.


Anyone not relating to this?

We end this afternoon’s transmission by bring you into a wonderful multi-dimensional space. Eyes open, sit up straight, with the small of your back comfortably in your chairs, are you awake?

A: Yes

Mk; very good, with your eyes open I want you to bring your two hands together like this (as to receive) – you are so human…always ready to receive (screeches of laughter)

A: Someone in the audience says “begging”

MK: Instead why don’t you simply receive (laughter) so with your hands open I want you to visualize floating on your open hands that which you have just brought into your mind in miniature, thus visualize a small etheric golden ball with silver insulation, filled with pink unconditional love with a diamond flame sparkling inside representing Light. See this about 20 cm in diameter.


Keep your eyes open and blow this etheric energy off your open hands, allow it to float into the very centre of the room and at the count of 3 all of these bubbles of light shall meet at once and explode into a massive etheric bubble replica of the same energy which shall envelop all of us including my energy, all contained within this etheric bubble of Light which we shall anchor together again connecting with all of the current love crystal locations, thus stretching your mind from a third into a fifth into a multi-dimensional experience from the reality of that which you “think” you are, to that which we “know” you are, connecting you to that which we are, are you ready?

MK: Don’t look so worried (laughter) I shall guide you though it dear one (laughter) some of you have been given a strip of paper with magical words written on it, hope you still have it?

A; Yes

MK: There are 13 of them we start with 1 and hopefully end at 13, so then as we recall these sites we shall transcend this massive energy bubble created here to the various sites, allowing it to float between destinations, and with that above each of the sites see it connect to the energy below, as I have explained enhancing the power of these crystals at each of these sites, as we visualize how this bubble of multi-dimensional love connect to each of the love crystals, and how the love crystals feed Love Power into and along the relating earthly nerve plexus (ley-lines/telluric currents/sacred sites etc) thus experience how everyone’s love plays an amazing part in transforming this world into a complete divine state for this is what the HUMAN ANGEL is all about, are you ready?

A: Whew, amazing

Mk: If you find yourself being blown off the planet simply hold on to your seats for they are still here (roars of laughter) so then eyes open, visualization ready, now very gently on the count of 3 I want to blow this multi-dimensional bubble of love off your hands to meet in the centre of this room – one – two – three. Pause. See this energy meeting in the centre and on the count of one – two – three – it joins and expands containing all of our energies within its essence – you may now relax your hands, sit back and simply be in this love. Pause. Now do not concentrate on anything specifically simply keep you eyes on the center of this room and feel the expansiveness of this energy, can you relate to it?

A; Yes

MK: Can you relate to the fact that this increased energy don’t initially seem to be a powerful as the initial energy that you created in your hands?

A; Some say yes, others very quiet.

MK: The reason being because of its expansiveness thus in reality it is even more powerful but the effect less concentrated.

A; Whew

MK: Now simply keep your eyes gently on the vibration of fluid love which is held within the DNA contained within the Fleece of these dear beings…
(we had a gift of Alpaca ‘hair’-fleece for everyone to take home to connect with as it holds the vibration of fluid love upon the planet which was channelled through Michelle some time ago – Chanel)

Thus, with that we shall start off with our first location which is?

A: Inaudible

MK: Very good so we have this love bubble hovering over Golgotha, the place of the Skulls, allow this energy to be transferred into the earth, can you feel the intense energy increase within your 3rd eye?

A: Yes

Mk: Tap into it as this is your 10th chakra in action.


Now allow your energy to be transferred to…

A: Love crystal Mooi River, KwaZulu Natal.

Mk: Allow your love to accumulate over this area known as Mooi River, allowing our fluid love to be extended from this love bubble into the crystal and into the nerve plexus of the planet. Pause. Beloved ones, now concentrate on the third area which is…

A; Denali – Mt McKinley – Alaska

Mk: So with that send your vibrations up to this area, visualize the air, the coldness and with that feel your love being transferred into this area, and our 4th crystal is…

A: Love crystal – Ayers Rock, Australia, which is also known as Uluru

MK: This love crystal also protects one of the sacred entrances to the inner earth, Ayers Rock, visualize this beautiful bubble floating above it simply sending your love into this area, at which we take out attention to the following destination which is…

A: Mount Fuji – Japan.

MK: Visualize this massive etheric golden, silver, pink bubble with the inner diamond flame connecting to this area, allow this energy to be transferred into Mt Fuji which is also one of the major anchors for the crown chakra energy of your planet and next we have…

A; Love crystal – Ukraine, Russia

MK: We shift our focus, transcending across the high mountains until we come to rest over the area of the high mountains of Russia, the Ukraine, and hovering above this area relate to the dark rocks with distinct pivotal points resembling pyramids which specifically guards the immediate energy field of this crystal, then transfer your love into the love crystal, into the earth and into the relating nerve plexus. Our next location is…

A; Inaudible

MK: Washington DC – We take our awareness over this area and from this position we decloak our emotions to show the people of America real love without us being there in body, but yet in Spirit. So from this massive etheric bubble of love transcend your love into the White House, into the city, see the newly elected president Barrack Obama, see his beautiful wife Michelle, see their children enveloped in this love and simply connect with the truth of how the love is being transferred from the Love Crystal within this area into that magician, for he is the magician of love, and allow it to flow into the rest of the America’s so that this land may be blessed eternally to take back its power as the world leader for that is their purpose.

A; Love crystal at Mt Kailash

MK; We transcend our love to Mt Kailash in Tibet, one of the most sacred sites beloved ones, connect to the Tibetan Himalayas and with that see how the pink unconditional love of our being is transferred through the icy weather into this area, charging the love crystal which feeds that area, next please…

A; Border of India, Pakistan.

MK: Let us guide our attention to this area and a little further to one of the areas that have for some time and very much still is experiencing much pain, to be specific the land known as Kashmir, thus allow the love crystal on the boarder of India and Pakistan which reflects into the regional principality if you like of Kashmir to anchor our unconditional love into this love crystal and into the planet. Our next love location is…

A: Love crystal Rome Italy.

MK: We move our attention to the Vatican City, and then transform this area by emanating your love specifically into the gardens of the Vatican City, see this love being absorbed deeply into the earth, as it joins all of the waterways of Europe.

A: Love crystal at Beijing China

MK: Transfer your love to this area, allow it to flow into the earth connecting to this love crystal, and into the earth via your etheric love bubble or grid. Allow this love to flow into the rivers of China to bring much needed love and understanding to this area in support of a drastic shift of energy which is caused by the archetypes of lack and greed, and then finally…

A: Love crystal at Phnom Penh

MK: We shift our attention to Cambodia, also an area that is currently being reconstructed within the etheric realms because of the tremendous healing that is needed, as this area also drowns in the archetype of lack and because of this unfortunately supports the breakdown of the archetype of self worth for many beings within this area, which is one of the reasons why the love crystal is being anchored there to serve as a collective surrogate to reinstate the matrix of worthiness within the DNA of those that frequents those lands also affecting the greater area.

Now bring your attention back into this room.

A: Master Kuthumi we have one more crystal to go in Mecca

Mk: Mecca is an area that in its own way carry the energy of force, which carries intense negative energy that won’t allow humanity to shift their focus from the limitedness of anger, fear and indoctrination to the vast expansiveness of love so therefore send from your hearts, being here in this space, in this present moment, to the city of Mecca a wonderful beautiful energy of unconditional love, thus create an energy link between your heart and the heart of Mecca which very much on underground levels immensely influences the heart-pulse of the world at large. Visualize the protective bubble floating above this area connecting to this love crystal which is anchored upon the hillsides overlooking the city of Mecca.

Very long pause.

Is there anyone within this circle of love that would like for us to add anything else, to bring any attention to anyone specifically or any one place? Sister…?

A; Inaudible…Zimbabwe

MK: Allow this love bubble to float over the country of Zimbabwe, allow it to penetrate the hearts of not only the people but very much the politicians for one of the greatest blockages here is twofold. The first is the energy that is enforced through control and interrogation through the prototype of fear that is being enforced unto the people from the higher political forces, and the second is for those beings within the supposed lower ranks of being ‘the people’ to claim back their worthiness and stand up for who they are for they have neglected their self-worth and respect in many instances giving up too easily instead of working united as one for and towards change, for many due to fear aspects prefer to simply walk away. We send our love.

A: Columbia

Mk: Let is take our attention to this area, simply allowing our love to flow within this area, pause, then let us take our attention to the Gaza Strip allowing our love to transform the conflict.

Beloved ones, in this way you are able to take your energy field consciously and with intent in support of these energies, yes invoke it, thus demand for your light to shift vibrations within any given constitution. Are you with me?

A: Yes

Mk: This way you can play your own monopoly without going to jail (roars of laughter)

Beloved ones we have come to the end of this afternoon’s transmission, in fact we have extended our time frame. In light of all that was shared with you, in light of creating this energy field, in light of the energy activation that we have shared with you this day, in light of the activation of the higher chakras which you need to work with, as we shall share all that’s needed in time, on this very special day celebrating the opening of the official gateway into your age of Aquarius, with the alignment of your planets Mars and Jupiter and the moon truly in your 7th house, know that you can go forth from here and share your love and your divineness with anyone and everyone in any way you choose. You do not need to force-feed anyone; you do not need to force any situations upon anyone that will make them look at their lives in a different way. All you need to do is send them…?

A: Love! (all shouts)

MK: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – allow the conditions to your love to fall by the way-side and very interestingly know that as you learn to un-condition your love, you will make much better friends with the boundaries that you set in place for the self because boundaries are what most of you have a problem with relating to, and the reason being that most don’t grasp the difference between the boarder and boundary.

Thus, within the boundaries of your angelic mind create a link between the emerald flame within the 3rd eye which is directly associated with the energy of the mother of pearl flame within the 10th chakra which is why we asked if you felt any connection between these two energies?

A: Yes

MK: Very good so you are on the ball (laughter) just make sure to balance well without rolling off it (laughter) and with that claim your boundaries, draw your loving boundaries, share with others your unconditional love yet also share your boundaries with clear intent, and in this state of bounded perfection for everything in life is always the way it should be, claim your divinity by flapping your wings in such a way that with every movement of your angelic frame you share out into the world the most exquisite glittering angel dust all around.
With the winds that shall come to change that which needs changing, understand and know and trust that every one of those light particles that you part with will go forth transforming other’s lives and with that know that not now or not ever can you be alone.

I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and the Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless thee in love, Adonai.


Hello Beloveds! Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

It is Ashtar here, along with All from these realms who are working with the energies of the LOVE Crystal Network.

We are now just 2 weeks past the most recent downloading of crystals into the LOVE Crystal Network, which was accomplished successfully on September 23, 2010.

At the successful conclusion of that phase of the project, I had sent through a short message and I had promised to later send a longer communication giving information about how to connect your own crystals and sacred objects with the energy of the LOVE Crystal Network.

Groups of Lightworkers and individuals around the planet worked with the Ascended Masters of Earth and from the Galactic Realms to connect the 59 new crystals with the grid already formed by the LOVE crystals which were previously downloaded in 2008. If you received all of the information on this project which was networked in the week previous to the 9/23/10 download, you may have been one who also worked with us in this manner.

Once the new crystals were energetically tied into the Network, then we at etherian level carefully monitored and adjusted the Network over these past two weeks, in order to stabilize the Network and slowly bring all the new crystals online. This was done in anticipation of the date 10/10/2010 or 10-10-10, which is a significant date for your planet and indeed for this Galaxy.

The purpose of this communication is to give some simple instructions to those of you who may be working singly or in small groups. I wish to give you some guidance on how to connect into the gridwork now formed by the 72 earth-placed LOVE crystals, plus the 2 control crystals in ships of the Ashtar Command. I will tell you as well as how to charge a crystal in your possession to serve as a Master crystal permanently charged with the energy of the LOVE Crystal Network and from which you may charge other crystals.

You may do this connecting/linking at any time which is convenient for you. There is no set date or time for this, so it is not necessary to ג€time jumpג€ to coordinate with a specific time as we had asked you to do during the download. However, we do suggest that you take advantage of the special energies of 10-10-10. On that day, many Lightworkers all around the Earth will be participating in ceremony together or separately. Many of the planned ceremonies and observations involve working with the crystalline structure of Mother Earth and linking to Galactic energies. So, this will be an optimum day to also be linking to and working with the energy of the LOVE Crystal Network. In fact, you may choose to incorporate working with the LOVE Crystals into any ceremonies you already have planned for 10-10-10.

If you wish to link and charge a Master crystal at this time as well, please have in your possession a rose quartz crystal or formation of a good size. When you are choosing a crystal or formation for this task, it is most likely that the proper piece will choose itself and make itself known to you! It is not absolutely necessary that rose quartz be used, but rose quartz, being the stone of LOVE, does seem to have the closest resonance to the LOVE Crystals which were downloaded.

My suggestion is that you find a place to be in meditation for at least a half-hour. Intend to be shown one of the locations at which the crystals were brought down. Choose one of the 72 locations from the information included below, or ask that you simply be guided to whichever of the 72 locations at which your participation is most needed. Then, from your meditative state, if you wish, you may request a replay to observe what went on at that location as we brought the crystals down and set them in place. While doing this, please help us by envisioning a shield of strong, clear, pure WHITE LIGHT around the particular crystal at that location as it now rests in its place. In this way, you are serving as an esteemed Honor Guard of Light for this very important Network of LOVE Crystals !

Now hold the rose quartz which you intend to empower in your hands. Draw unto yourself the energy of the 72 (+2 etherian control crystals) LOVE Crystals now successfully downloaded and linked together. You may use the following words:

I now open myself to be filled with the energy of the 72 LOVE Crystals which have been downloaded to planet Earth. I open my heart to receive the LOVE. I become ONE with LOVE. I AM LOVE!

Now send the LOVE out from your heart chakra and out through your hands into the rose quartz you are holding and say the following words or something similar:

I empower and permanently charge this rose quartz with the LOVE and the mission of the 72 LOVE Crystals . I INTEND that this stone be permanently linked into the working Network formed by the 72 LOVE Crystals . I further INTEND that this rose quartz shall serve as a Master crystal from which others may be charged with the energy of the 72 LOVE Crystals which have now been placed by the Ascended Masters of Earth and the Galactic Masters.

And So It Is!


Once you have created by INTENT this Master stone, keep it in a sacred place in your dwelling or your meeting place if it is to be used in a spiritual group. You may charge other stones, crystals, etc. from this Master LOVE stone simply by placing the crystal to be charged near the Master stone and intending that the charging take place.

My Beloved and Esteemed Brothers and Sisters, Lightworkers of Planet Earth, I express to each and all of you my deepest gratitude and the gratitude of all who are participating in this project of pure LOVE energy from the level of the Ascended Masters of Earth and the Galaxy!

Together.TOGETHER..we are co-creating a new Heaven upon a new Earth!

Yours in Humility & Service,

Cmdr. Ashtar

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