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The Body Electric

A Top 2 Toe Euphoric Healing Extravaganza!

A Gift to Share

This treatment was taught to me (over a period of time) by one of my main teacher guides (Gino). I had absolutely no prior knowledge relating to any of these therapies or methods I was taught. I found out much later that what I was doing was in fact Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Chromo therapy etc.
The name I was given for the session was ‘The Body Electric’.
I believe the overall feel or effect of it was like electric shock waves, followed by the most sublime yet exhilarating rejuvenation! It was mind-blowing in every sense, with some clients even jolting on the plinth. I sometimes received ‘messages’ to share with clients and because of the intensity the clients themselves often received messages and nudging’s.

Use it, lose it, be my guest!

Before starting, I asked permission from the client to work on them, and invoked their Higher Self to assist me with the session.
Next, I invoked the masters of the 7 main Rays to assist, anchoring the energies that they bring into the auric field (see my scribble chart below). This was followed by an intense invocation of all souls involved with the life process of the client, and lastly, I invoked everyone I am connected with for guidance and protection.
Before I enter the room to start the session, I ask the person to lay face down, undressed (in a G-String or naked), covering themselves with towels.
Once I am ready to start, I used my pendulum to choose aroma essence sprays to clear/support their auric field. Next, we (me working with Gino) addressed the client’s DNA whilst using a pendulum to set out a specific crystal grid on and around the body, as well as around and under the plinth (on the floor below the bed). The room temperature must be regulated accordingly. The client must be covered appropriately (their naughty bits) as I needed the full length of one side of the body exposed, working with the entire body in one, from toes to fingers in one movement repeatedly, then individual areas.
First massage the left side of the body (right side completely covered with towels) then swapped sides. The movements are mainly effleurage as the tone was relaxing thus avoid petrissage, tapotement and percussion movements. This was followed by condensed reflex on the hands and feet. Once both sides were done, I covered the client from the waist down as I concentrated on the back (the stress areas) doing an intense back alignment massage with hot stones and pressure points. I finished with hot compresses on the back. Cover the client properly with extra towels (they may be cold) and did a full chakra activation & energy balance, finishing off with Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki, all done on the back of the body.
Ask the client to turn over face up and to cover themselves, and leave the room.
Return, make the client comfortable, like placing a pillow under the neck and behind the knees to ease circulation. Make adjustments to the crystal layout as usually crystals go tumbling when the client turns over. Client is fully covered to the neck (no massage on front of body) and by now their body temp will really start dropping thus make sure they are not cold. Cover their eyes with a refreshing astringent eye mask (like rosewater pads) and repeat the auric mist cleanse to enhance their senses.
Next, I combined chakra balance with aroma essences, crystals, colour scarfs, discs and colour cards placed across the body for either general or specific needs, anchoring these frequencies within the lower bodies. (mental, emotional, and etheric, combined with the physical which you are working on)
I completed the session doing general Chromotherapy, or for specific needs, using different coloured lights on specific areas or points, and/or on the chakras, whilst the client drifted away either listening to a pre-recorded guided meditation, or I would take them through a personalised voice meditation, all depending on what I was guided to do.
If you do regression or hypnotherapy this would be the time to bring that in. Even though the average session only lasted about 90 minutes, to the client it felt like hours. I allowed ample time for rest and recovery.
Apart from the many, many case studies I did for free, paid clients either returned time and again, or I never saw them again! It was the most incredible all-round recharge ever! Some clients became quite hooked, whilst others felt ‘too spaced out’ hence the fear factor set in. A friend (and regular) described the session as ‘A unique, indescribable, physical, auric and subtle-bodied complete realignment’ which according to her, was the most euphoric treatment she had ever experienced, and I know she had many. Pity I never experienced it myself! lol.

Some scribbled notes…

DNA Strand Crystal (general) Vib Chakra Action
1 Amethyst 8 Crown Manifest true divine plan
2 Clear Quartz 2 All chakras Balance
3 Tigers Eye – Sirius 1 Base & Solar P Society VS me – Mother 5 generations back
4 Rose Quartz 4 Heart All Relationships
5 Sodalite 3 Throat Communication, say-mean, ability to change, intense teachings
6 Citrine 6 Sacral Soul connection through prayer & communication – balance M/F
7 Labradorite -Sirius 9 3rd Eye Telepathy allowing miracles to open higher consciousness
8 Pyrites 8 Solar P Emotional foundations, honour & respect self, draw boundaries
9 Sodalite 4 Throat Love, wisdom, knowledge, challenges, healing in completion
10 Rhodochrosite 1 Base Belief systems from father genetic coding, self-sabotage – x 7 generations back
11 Charoite 9 All higher chakras Divine mastered self, shift comfort-zones for ascension, letting go of all that no longer serves you.


Quartz – to bring full balance



All higher chakras

Cross roads of life’s challenges giving soul control, allowing fate and destiny to surrender into spiritual perfection


13 Overall combination of all 12 evident in highly evolved humans

Colour card — hand colour flower – in mind Pass intention on.
I call upon the White Light of Christ to envelop all we are.
At all times the Cosmic healing Rays surrounds us, and our wish is to become fully receptive to them.

Ray 1 Red – Archangel Gabriel – Will and power
Through feet — to Crown – We breathe in Love, we exhale fear. We pass this on.

Ray 2 Blue – Archangel Michael / Kuthumi – Love and Wisdom
Through crown — to heart – We breathe in Peace, we exhale conflict. We pass this on.

Ray 3 Yellow – Archangel Gabriel and Alaeon – Active Intelligence
Through feet — to throat – We breathe in Wholeness, we exhale disease. We pass this on.

Ray 4 Orange – Serapis Bey & Gabriel – Harmony through conflict
Through feet — to brow – We breathe in Joy, we exhale misery. We pass this on.

Ray 5 Green – Angel Hilarion – Concrete Knowledge and Science
Through heart — to sacral – We breathe in Harmony, we exhale disharmony. We pass this on.

Ray 6 Indigo – The Light of Christ – Idealistic devotion
Through crown — to solar plexus – We breathe in Aspiration, we exhale disenchantment. we pass this on

Ray 7 Violet – Saint Germain – Ceremonial Magic and Order
Through crown — to root. – We breathe in Enlightenment; we exhale Divine Love. We pass this on.

We call upon the Universal White Light to envelop us, and keep us within the Golden Pyramid of love, faith and hope. Thank you for Your Divine Guidance and Protection. Our attitude is of gratitude.

Chanel Lingenfelder©
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