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Past Lives & Present Realities - Part 2

The Acceptance of Self Worth
& the celebration of the Universal New Year & Lion’s Gate Portal 2016

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Master El Morya

(Past Lives & Present Realities part 2)

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
Recorded 27 July 2016 in Kokstad

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, set the intent to connect to Spirit. Your rewire will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, as every word is energy infused with love, guidance and healing, claim it, enjoy it.

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Greetings to you!


It is the Essence of a group energy with me El Morya, my brother Kuthumi, and my brother St Germaine, and my brother Djwhal, DK as you know him.

In bringing the essence of love to you this day it is my honour as a master to give or rather to open this energy that I am asked to share on behalf of all which is about the importance of not allowing the self to succumb to its own destruction.

The essence of self-worth is by far probably one of the most difficult things for you as humans to grasp. It is one of the avenues where a great deal of humans shall we say dwindle from concentration when it comes to teaching the little ones and the adolescence to claim its self-worth. In fact at this particular time on your planet you have experienced many unforeseen attacks and unexplainable events where one human has taken control of a situation and thereby became the gateway or cause of a terrible effect on many others with some leaving your plane as you recently experienced on your planet, in your news. The underlying cause for any such action or dismembered presentation is the lack of self-worth.

Self-worth must be taught or presented to the little ones from very young. As you very well know the little bambino is aware of communicating with its parent even though perhaps you may think it does not know, it does. Therefore, in this current series of your teaching of Past Lives & Present Realties one of the greatest realities that mankind needs to acknowledge and work on is the lack of self-worth and more importantly where that energy stems from, where it is birthed from and where it originates from. Now as you very well know, as you were taught by my brother and sister, this lifetime carries the vibrational frequency essence from the past into its future. From this energy, thus the teachings or ‘upgrade of your self-worth’ through realisations, acknowledgement, acceptance and integration, you have set for yourself in place a great plan, a beautiful plan of having a wonderful team of beautiful teachers to teach you the essence of self-worth. This is also part of their reality program (your parents, peers and teachers) to at the end of their time decide if they succeeded in this or not. It is all part of their make-up or program. It is therefore imperative for you to realise your own truth and values when it comes to self-worth.

Many times, one has to walk a journey of unrecognised opportunity, disappointment and rejection, before you step into and cross the way of self-worth and value.

These essences of self-worth and value is often misunderstood and misinterpreted and not corrected by parents to bring to the child or the young little one the truth (the value of their worth) when it comes to deserveablity and non-deserveablity in other words, often they do not paint a clear picture for you of when to behave with certain mannerism which is appropriately accepted at the time for the situation that you find yourself in, such as when it is ‘allowed’ for you to ‘speak up’ for yourself and when to draw for yourself a worthiness boundary.

The modern times, the modern world that you are living in unfortunately often present the challenge of worthiness, the challenges of a stable (or call it old fashioned if you will) natural dedication towards awareness which will allow the child to broaden its horizons in a natural way, as opposed to being swallowed up by technology. In this way it will anchor a template of its own design naturally when it comes to value which will be reflected by its worthiness. This worthiness which this child then grows into and up with is extended into its own environment in time to come, extended in its own way with its own worthy stamp of approval given unto its immediate family and friends as it then claims for itself a greater consciousness of conversing and understanding. Until that time until such time that such a glorious thing takes place, it is the responsibility of parent or the peer to take care of these little ones and guide them in a correct way and as I shared, one of these obscure incidents in the modern world is that a great part or I am rather asked to express, the greatest part of the population on your beautiful planet, is not able to function in this way.

Now if the child comes into this world and for many a year do not receive natural guidance from its peer or parent they eventually lead their own way by taking on guidance and projects that they receive inspiration from, and the very sad and disturbing truth is that often you find that they lose the anchor to their value and self-worth so young never having received it in truth, in a balanced presentation with the parent or peer overseeing thus balancing challenges by guiding the little one through various situations for them to draw from this energy and come to understand the truth of their journey.

If this is not supported the gap between these two entities, the parent and child widen. It widens to such an extent, they stand facing the same inland lake, on the same continent, but are oceans apart, so far apart that at the greatest distance they can’t see each other. They can’t make way of each other, therefore because they are unable to see each other standing on either side of the shore of the massive inland sea or lake, the communication between the two diminishes and eventually terminates.

When this happens that is when the little one or maybe the teenager by then takes on guidance from all of the interests and habits that it was allowed to teach to itself.

In the eye of controversy, you also have the religious context that comes in here. Children please know that in none of your original religious texts in any way or form was there any indication for you to be less than.
It is a man-made game.

It is a manmade game which became the basis for teaching “self-worth” in the modern world which is one of the reasons why humanity struggles with these issues, for at most times they are more reliant on technology to guide and entertain them, than the basis of their original set of tools given by a parent or peer.

Coming into this life (as you are hopefully still alive listening to this device or reading these words){smirk} those amongst you that have taken on the journey of awakening and discovering for yourself what it is like to be here again, have made remarkable progress in discovering your self-worth and value.

It matters not if your eyes are filled with the dust of your planet, take some water clean them out and look around and absorb and integrate and work with that which is good and that which is supportive of you.
It matters not if you are covered in the mud of your world, take for yourself one showering bath and rinse this mud from yourself so that you may redress yourself in beautiful clean robes and feel the freshness of that which the world around you gives unto you and supports you through.

It matters not if through worldly challenges you lose all of your possessions, be quiet, be still, and by being grateful for your beautiful clean robe and sparkling new eyes that you see clearly with, for your senses that you awaken through your own development, first the lower senses and then if it is your choice the higher senses, once you have these gifts of the evolving human-spirit-being on a pathway of discovering your true worth and value of self, as an automatic representation of you in this world, the possessions that you wish to acquire or may reacquire will be yours.

You have to learn what the value of your own self-worth IS in ITSELF. When you understand what the value of your self is worth as opposed to the value imprinted on the desired goods or accumulation of energy required to bring this into manifestation, and you can differentiate between the two and integrate these energies as one, that is when you will no longer experience lack.

So when your consciousness has survived no matter what and you have reprogrammed and reintegrated new laws of value with a divine self-expressed self-worth, then the accumulation of this supports your energy in forms of matter like Kuthumi explained (Energy = Matter) thus it all becomes part of a natural world of experiencing form and the enjoyment thereof!

It is for that very reason that for you to learn the basis of reincarnation, thus coming back into this reality of a lifetime again, you would have to eventually understand the true essence of self-worth and value.
In order to see things in balance, you must be centered within self.

This is a short lesson to stir awareness. I am particularly excited to stimulate your mind in this way, especially during times of great upheaval and monstrous activities on your planet, become aware of this, and know it is as it must be.

Until we meet again, Adonai.

Greetings I AM Kuthumi.

A: Greetings.

MK: Beloved ones, we decided to bring a refreshing representation of value and self-worth which we have shared with you previously in some other way.

In working with the essence of past lives and present realities one has to begin at the beginning which I shared with you previously, the journey to and from between worlds, from ‘home’ to Home through the Cave of Consciousness, the womb of Gaia, and the process of the journey. Fact, living the value of yourself is an undeniable fact that will determine not only the process of your journey but most certainly the outcome thereof.

Planetary New Year Portal (July 25-Aug 12)

You are at this time standing in the doorway of a new beginning, but a new beginning beloved one, has to be ushered in by the completion of the old. It is for that reason that many of your ancient civilizations recognised this time as the annual galactic threshold because of the galactic alignment with the Great Central Sun, an annual celebration, of the end of one period and the start of another.

This eighteen-day process culminates into a nine (completion) and since olden times this has been a time of introspection and reflection, and to set forth plans and lay foundations for the projection of that which is to come in the year ahead, starting beyond that date

This energy peaks on the 8:8 and the closing of the Stargate on the 12th each year. This time is generally accepted as one of the most creative universal blessings or celebrations, as this part of the Fathers Universe and Sub-Universes celebrate a creative unfoldment of the Mind. It is therefore only natural to celebrate the awakening of the Divine Feminine at this time. On the 8:8 you have the enhanced expression of the Divine Feminine which gives to you the gift of creating anew. In creating anew, there had to be closure.

This closure is ushered in by the ‘day out of time’ (25th July) followed by the new, the ‘planetary galactic portal’ (26th July) celebrating the awakening of the Lions Gate, which also connects with the Solstice of the self (11:11) and Universal Solstice (12:12) through to the 21:12 Gateways. During this time of the Lions Gate you are inspired to tap into new-found inspiration and self-worth by tapping into the Divine Feminine within, no matter your gender. This is the time when warriors of light such as yourself are asked to step back and to take inventory of that which you have experienced so to formulate a projection of that which you wish to foresee.
Beloved ones, you know the importance of the energy of the equinoxes and the solstice’s, you know the importance of the Full Moon and the New Moon, the eclipses, you also know the importance of times such as Easter, Ramadan, Eid, you have many celebrations of the Divine such as Wesak and you have celebrations of every other deity, Shiva, Shakti and so on. So too do we invite you to step through this gateway of the Lions Gate, a celebration of the greatest deity of your being, you.

Do not revere yourself and make of yourself a golden calf; do not place yourself on a pedestal of shunning another creating destruction awaiting expectation. Do not place a crown of thorns on your head or try to be messiah like – for that you are not, this is a celebration of your life, it is a celebration of you, no matter who you are.

Beloved ones, this is a creative festival, a Diwali of your own where each day you are asked to acknowledge the power of this time. You are asked to acknowledge in celebration the creative birth that is within you waiting to explode and expand, as you truly embrace yourself as part of it all, thus you cannot be separate from it, thus get creative! A time when every ‘speck of dust’ in this Universe celebrates Creation, celebrates the essence of what the old gifted and the anticipation of what the new is bringing, and what a glorious time for you as awakened souls to be in a position to integrate this celebration isn’t it?

A: Yes.

MK: Use it wisely, by acknowledging your own self-worth and the values that you believe and claim as having being imprinted within you. Let go of the constant natter within your very busy minds of not being perfect, of not being good, of not being good enough.

If you are alive you are ‘good enough’ to be here, for if your journey for whatever reason come to the end of its Earth experience you will take your leave, believe me. If you are able to draw breath into your lungs and stand on terra firma and open your eyes and look at the wonder of Creation around you then you have value here. Even if you reached a stage in your life where the word value is like foreign gibberish to you, the challenge of awakening to your worth is still hanging in the balance, waiting for your scales of evolution to offset this.
This means you are still actively involved in the lessons of this journey. If you were meant to be perfect in every way, on every level, you would be floating on a cloud and definitely not be on terra firma.

The celebration of Lions Gate, the true activation or remembrance of the divine feminine within, ask that you tap into your creative resources and to do so by surrendering into your still point, a time of quiet. A creative resource is the awakening memory of all your co-creative abilities, memories of past lives, memories of this lifetime.

So put that forth as an intention in your meditations: Ask for the memory of every creative endeavour that you have ever partaken in and experienced in every lifetime, on every level in every way, to support you now in this lifetime at this time. In this way you embrace that which is of the greatest support for you, so that you may discover your true worth, and reveal the real value of all that this life gives unto you.

You are asked to live and express your life the way it feels good and right for you. Remember it is a new world and as this energy presents new realisations, integrate these for yourself in your own life expression by as I always say, doing something new, do things in a different way.

When you observe the animals originally associated with this time you will see what their pattern of expression is about, the elephants, all of the feline family’s, lions, tigers, cats and then the wisdom brought by the world of fluidity and femininity the dolphins and the whales, these are the entities that whispers this energy activating new codes for you to integrate at this time.

This gateway from the Great Central Sun, through Sirius and your Sun, into the Earth are presented and facilitated by these beautiful friends of yours that holds this energy in place. This in itself creates a grid of light in and around your planet, a renewed web of creative expansion releasing codes of creativity, inner expression of the divine feminine, and importantly codes of value and self-worth unto all of mankind, whether they are aware of it or not.

You are no longer ‘kept in the dark’ so as an enlightened, well informed being claim your worth, know your value, and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

Until you come together again to celebrate the imprint of the Golden Phoenix (as the collective energy of the group was known – Chanel) we wish to leave you in this space with these words.

This is a wonderful time of celebration, not a time of being morbid, of challenging the self, degrading the self, not believing in yourself, criticizing yourself, blaming the self, and convincing the self into believing that which you are not!

It is a time of immense love and creativity!

Portals that affect all no matter their consciousness, supported through nature and the animal kingdom, anchored within your mountains and leylines, and reflected back into the grids!

We ask all to come together as one to celebrate life.

Until we meet again, I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I infinitely bless thee with love.



Chanel Lingenfelder©
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