144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series
Diana & Kuthumi.
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
Arenas of Consciousness – Level Two Part Two
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit, and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.
Note – Numbers in brackets relate to the various chakras.
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Have your Orange and Yellow Candles ready.
Greetings, I am Diana Goddess of Light
When working with Acceptance, nurturing is inevitable. Being unique births authenticity. It is part of your projected lifepath. Generally, when things are “not congruent” with that which you “project” it is usually because you are going against your own grain or falling prey to fear. But there are exceptions.
Authenticity is being able to claim yourself as an individual, uniquely so. Someone who understands itself and is not reliant on another to support its findings. They don’t judge others for owning thus claiming their individual views. They understand authenticity, and can’t and won’t dance according to expectancy.
Comment according to observation if you must, not judgment. The judgment of your authenticity lies entirely with you. It is your choice to be who you are, it remains your decision to be in divine alignment with your blueprint.
Continue to work through your 12 keys of Nurture as suggested. Your innate knowing will prod you to move along as you unveil your authenticity.
Understand that even though you may have come through with an intended blueprint or life map, there are past remnants within your Akash that still need seeing to this time around.
Worthiness is mainly wedged into and falls under Solar Plexus scrutiny. When you dance around the snack table doing a duet with a friend as you both reach for the same plate and sing “You go first, no you go, no you go first, no you go” it is pretty evident that one feels the other to be more worthy of the best slice of pie! Nurturing means letting go of all that stifles your worthiness.
See it this way, by the end of this process you will know yourself 144 times better! But as always, easy does it.
As you ponder on your unique unegoic authenticity, more details about Acceptance and Nurturance will come to light.
Shift your Focus
When creating a loving relationship with anything that challenges you, be it a person you are not crazy about or a huge backlog of work, the obstruction disappears. Thus, the resistance between the two different frequencies loosens its grip. By breaking down the mental state of confrontation of ‘not wanting’ to do the deed and replacing that with a loving approach or unintimidating process, you break the hold that this mountain has over you. .
When noise irritates you, tap into the lighter side of the vibrational frequency of sound. Release what bothers you by tying the issue to a pink balloon and letting it go. Why Pink? Evolved Heart Chakra thus unconditional love and salvation.
The longer you focus on what you don’t want, the longer it lingers. Remove the hold by changing the focus.
When shooting towards a target, you focus on hitting the bullseye. You don’t focus on the pathway between you and the target.
When it comes to food, nurture yourself according to your dietary specifics. All of the earth has life, vegetable and animal alike. No matter your preference, pay attention to the way the food is being handled, worked with, and prepared. Give thanks for your senses, and the food!
When someone ‘touches your heart’ compliment them, an important tool for nurturing.
Another is meditation, probably one of the best ways to nurture the self. The higher your vibration the less focus you need to enter into a meditative state. Some still find the customary more effective. Others can do so whilst cooking and gardening thus expressing creative endeavours whilst ‘multitasking’.
The objective is to still the mind by moving the focus from everyday encumbrances, be it active (creative expression) or passive (stillness of mind and body).
Divine wisdom from the inner and higher planes reveals itself through silence. If you prefer guided meditations do so. Here your stubborn left-thinking brain fuses into your creative right brain. Journalling does the same. Whether you meditate for 5 or 50 minutes, it matters not. If you struggle to focus on nothing which for most is impossible, bring colour and sound into your visualizations, the most powerful tools!
All this gives birth to authenticity.
You are magnificent multi-dimensional human angels, pamper and treat yourself which has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with worthiness.
On the 5th Dimensional timeline, everything is an act of nurture. The 5th Dimension is about the natural flow of energy according to projection.
Enjoy every moment of creating this magnificent river of your own making. It is your choice to infest it with crocodiles or infuse it with love and blooming Lillies.
“Through acceptance, I embrace the act of nurture. I live my authenticity with compassion”
These are the first 4 keys, and so the dance of your multidimensional magnificence begins!
Be sure to have your physical Orange and Yellow candles in front of you. Because of the intensity of your authenticity, this frequency is being introduced gently.
Surround yourself with your Violet Flame. Visualise spinning in your Base the Ruby cube and in the Sacral the upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron. Visualize these frequencies expanding into your auric field.
See within the core of your Base (cube) The White Flame of Purity, and now ignite within your Sacral core (tetrahedron) The Violet Flame of Transformation. Keep both imprints spinning clockwise. Pause
Duplicate these flames into your Crown, Heart, 3rd Eye within the Eye of Horus as well as into your palms (hands) and soles (feet).
Very long pause
See yourself floating amongst white clouds, then gravitate towards your Golden Pyramid Temple where Kuthumi and I guard the entrance with the tips of our swords creating an arch.
Come to stand underneath where the tips of our swords meet. Instantly connect to the liquid Golden frequency pouring from our sword’s tips into and through your chakras into the earth. Spiralling up from Gaia’s core you have the Silver frequency coiling up into the Gold along your Chakric Column back into our swords. Pause.
Allow this vibration, the balance of the masculine/feminine, to align your energy. Focus on the Golden Rose in your heart. Once the doors open, enter and be seated on your sarcophagus.
Long Pause
Face your altar with its customary display; the Red candle with ‘Acceptance’ and the Orange candle with ‘Nurture’ dangling from it and your Golden Rose. Also, notice the spectacular multicolour Roses on display below your altar. Pause
For a moment, imprint all that you observe within your sacred sanctum into your inner sight. Tap into your 6th Chakra, deeper into the Eye of Horus imprint, and paint for yourself a better world that reflects your tangible reality. Bring to mind all you believe your nurturing should be about in its divine manifested state. Pause
Open your physical eyes again setting the intent for all to be fully absorbed into your Orange candle whilst looking at it. ‘See’ your 3rd eye draw up from the Sacral all that needs to come into nurture, transmitting this into your physical candle.
Close your eyes again.
Goddess Isis and I manifest in your temple. We assist you to step down from your sarcophagus. Isis comes to stand behind you and me Diana facing you. Pause.
In your mind’s eye light both the Orange and Yellow candles on your altar. Pause.
Again, open your eyes for a moment and light your physical Yellow (and Orange) candles.
This activation differs slightly, easy does it. Visualise in the area of your sacral another tetrahedron manifests over the previous imprint, a downward pointing tetrahedron (still) also in Citrine, superimposed over the spinning upward pointing tetrahedron. Pause.
Both the Ruby cube and upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron continue their spin.
We initiate a vortex spin at the level of your Sacral which increases in frequency as it ascends from your Sacral, up your Chakric Column, into the base of your skull lodging itself adjacent to your first 12 Ruby ASCH which are connected to your Base, slightly higher, with a natural overlap. The faster the frequency the more balanced and ‘peaceful’ your Sacral becomes. Pause.
Visualise your next 12 Citrine Ascension Chakras (13-24) linking with the Citrine energy within the Sacral flowing along your Chakric Column.
Long pause.
We withdraw our energy once the connection is secure. Pause
We indicate that you lie down on your sarcophagus to fully integrate and stabilise the connection and balance the flow of energy.
Long Pause.
Visualize the Crystalline Mother of Pearl also infused into the Citrine frequency connecting ASCH 13-24, with the Ruby frequency connecting ASCH 1-12.
Long pause.
When you are comfortable, sit up again facing your altar. Pause
Use the frequency of the Golden Rose in your Heart to beam liquid love into your Orange candle. Pause. Feel this love frequency fill your entire being. Pause.
Reflect; you have three candles on your altar, Red with the Acceptance tag, Orange with the Nurture tag, and a Yellow candle along with a Golden Rose that connects to the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra. You have spinning clockwise; a Ruby Cube with the White Flame of Purity, and an upward pointing Citrine Tetrahedron with the Violet Flame of Transformation glowing in its core. Then you have a downward pointing tetrahedron also in Citrine (for now) superimposed over the sacral, NOT spinning. Visualise your ASCH (Ascension Chakras) at the back of the head protected by a crystalline shield with your entire energy field always bathed in the Violet Flame. In your own time, practice pushing the first two clockwise spinning symbols into your auric field, superimposed over each other. Expand these to eventually include your entire auric field.
Give thanks to all, including yourself, for this activation. Connect with the sensation at the back of your head linking to your Base and Sacral.
Acceptance allows you to discover and implement nurture which in turn reveals your authenticity.
An etheric replica of your energy field stays behind on your sarcophagus. Make your way from your inner sanctum. Before you leave, again tap into the flow of liquid love from our swords infusing your energy with the divine masculine (Gold) and feminine (Silver) frequencies. Pause.
In this divine state, make your way from your temple as you ground yourself back into the presence of this now. Until next time, we shall meet again, Adonai.
I am Kuthumi.
You are now at the time of your life where nurturing should be a natural state of being. Taking care of the self first enables you to take care of another. Working with your nurturing ASCH 13 – 24 reveals the next 12 fragments/aspects for you to finally let go of that which generally prevents your nurturing.
By sharing your candles openly at a level of your Acceptance and another’s understanding, you create a mutual platform of Nurturing whilst acting out your Authenticity.
You chose to be different and daring, as it is another’s choice to awaken at their own pace, and so be it.
Love and understanding are what it is all about, after all, you are the mystery school scholars! This time around you choose to do it consciously, expansively.
Live life to the fullest each moment and know that you can never be alone. I am Kuthumi. Adonai.
Chanel Lingenfelder©
Chanel lives in Howick South Africa. Author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” – www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination detailed in her book.
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Goddess Diana & Ascended Master Kuthumi
7 July 2023
Please note this channel has been edited for publication specs
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, set the intent to connect to Spirit. Your rewire will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, as every word is energy infused with love, guidance, gratitude and healing, claim it, enjoy it.
Greetings, I AM Diana, Goddess of Light.
So, you are once again coming to face a time of self-illumination. You are once again standing in front of your pillars of self-reflection, self-recognition, self-development and self-creation.
Dear beautiful beings in the energy that you are facing at this time, when you are entering energy phases such as this, you are reminded again that you are from a place of immense beauty, you are from a place of immense inspiration, inspiration of the self, inspiration of the world that you find yourself within and you are very comfortable in that energy, the energy of beauty and love and harmony.
It is when you come to face the frequencies of the Earth and when I am stating that, best I be clear, not the frequency of that is immitted from the Earth, but the frequency that the poor Earth, if I may say so, has to uplift herself through for her to shine her beautiful light, the frequency of discontent that humanity continuously sows around themselves, around them lives, around their families and around their place of daily experience as we would like to refer to your work, for perhaps some of you may say that your work is a four letter word, it is, but it is also a place of daily experience, so objective there is to allow yourself, each day, when you transition from your place of living into your place of work, or earning, to experience that energy and through that experience to give for yourself an opportunity to once again face your pillar of self-recognition, not only in your home time, but also importantly in your work time.
Many of you beautiful beings have a conflict of, shall we say, I better choose my words well, of personality interest and reflection, for because of the total unconsciousness and obliviousness of humanity in general, in many pockets of places, energies, situations, institutions, corporations, those that lead in those areas undergoes a personality change between that which they leisure and that which they should treasure, their work, but they find that to enable those that are working with them or as they say sometimes, under them, although to work under somebody you are going to walk all over them and that is not a good thing, best let them stand beside you. So for you to be able to do that and for you to take control of that situation you have to go through some sort of a walk-in change of personality to be able to control that which is in your office space or those that work under you or with you.
Dear beautiful beings, although we very much understand that concept and we understand where you are coming from, where you are going to is where that situation will begin to change, for that is one of the greatest conflicts you are facing on this planet, is the conflict that denial brings to you, for you understand it has everything to do with self-worth and self-value, for if those that are in a position of earning, in other words, are able to go to a place of daily experience and experience for themselves that which they need for them to, in their own words, put bread on their table, and pay for the things they need to pay, for them to come into a full realization of where they are at, and where are they at? They are in a very fortunate situation to be able to go to an institution who then teaches them to sit or stand or walk or drive and do things all day long for them to at the end of the day or week or month, to be able to get their renumeration from that renumeration and for them to be able to take that and again transform that energy be it from a automated transaction, be it from a piece of paper or be it from an original cash exchange and change that for other values or energies that they need in their lives, like paying for their day to day living, their food, their home, their car and all the things that they have within their own pillar of recognition.
The energy that is very much coming through this gateway today, this triple gateway which I am going to ask you to not only celebrate this day but celebrate this in times to come, in days to come, in weeks to come and in years to come and as you know the higher essence of this energy is open for a 21day period at its peak and thereafter it is integrated in the energies of this powerful month that you are in, it is then extended into the next month and beyond that and in fact it will take you right through to December the energies the personal Solstice on the 11.11, the 12.12 and to the 21.12 gateway and hopefully into the next year but you see dear beautiful beings the essence of this, what this is being seeded, what is being planted within and through is to bring an awareness for humanity in general that the place they find themselves within in their daily experience, in their work place is a place to be respected, it is a place to enjoyed and it is a place to use as a platform for exploration and to be able to extend your knowledge, your understanding and to learn and when saying the place of daily experience please do not get me wrong here, what I am saying is it is what you created for yourself to express yourself through for you to be able to turn that energy into a valuable exchange for you to be able to sustain yourself in whichever way or form, way, thought or form. Even if you are self-employed, your own practice, your own business, perhaps you do your own thing, always respect that and understand that even though many, many message have been shared about the controversy of having to go to work from 9 to 5 it is indeed what you make of it and when you use the word work understand that even though some of you prefer to see it as a four letter word what it is indeed is another opportunity for you to express yourself on an integrated platform for you to excel from yourself.
Dear beautiful beings we understand that in certain situations much conflict arises between the communication of those in charge or overseeing these energies and those that are merely participating in those energies, but what we are asking you this day is in your energy this day set the intent to create a beautiful energy of light, you may give it whatever colour you wish, you may call whatever name you wish and then send this vibration out to all of those that participate in daily experience for them to begin to appreciate that platform in a different way, for them to instead of being labored by it, complain about it, effected by it in what they perceive to be a negative, derogatory or limiting way but to rather understand that it is an experience to be enjoyed, no matter what, and for those that are in an overseeing position, for them to hold the essence of harmony and light and peace in their own energy field and with the result you know the story as you sow so you shall reap.
So what we are saying is once again what prevents humanity from being happy at their place of daily experience….the ego, what else can it be for there is always interferences for the competition is on to see who is the best, who is the nicest, who is the most sleezy, who is the most controversial, who is the most dedicated, who is the most shocking, it is insanely crazy in most situations and this energy creates a thick dense negative reflection within the collective unconscious and one of my overseeing energies that I am working with as the Goddess Diana is to help humanity become more focused on that which they wish to create, you know that, so what I am saying in this message is, support your brothers and sisters and yourself and all of those that you know to create a better environment or a lighter way of thinking and being within their daily experience so that they will indeed come to enjoy a better reflection if their time in that than to slog it out as they say. There is nothing is slog about, it is everything to be enjoyed and although you probably say Diana you must be completely crazy if you think I am going to go to that place every day and enjoy it and I am going to say no, you should be, for you are not doing it for nothing, you are doing it for a way to receive an energy that you can exchange for whatever you wish to or need to or must do for, for you to be able to have the live that is reflected in these pillars of self-recognition, these pillars of inner reflection and these pillars of acceptance of inner divinity and to be able to do all of that, to be able to bring through a complete transformation on this planet, these issues must be addressed.
Dear beautiful beings we are not asking you to run to your offices and burn the smellies and light the candles and go crazy so to speak, but crazy is always good, but we are asking you to lighten up that inner candle of self-reflection and to not only share it with others if you must or if you can in a verbal way or in opening this up in conversation, but to hold the frequency within the ethers around this planet for just this energy for that is one of the big shall we say small hurdles to overcome, I don’t want to make it big, small hurdle to overcome for you face that pillar of inner reflection which is what this energy is all about and therefore in my brief visitation all I am asking you is to be focused on that which is before you, to not let that which is behind influence that which is next to you and what is next to you, where you find yourself and where you find yourself that that is indeed a good place to be and so it must be and if it is not, if for some reason you absolutely hate your work, your place of daily experience, you absolutely hate everyone that you are spending your time with we are asking you please be sensible about this, work out how many hours in your life do you spend in that miserable situation and then ask yourself if it is truly worth it and if it is not, change it, and if you can’t change it trust me with so little time on this planet in this lifetime, even though to you it is years and years and years, trust me it is little, you may as well enjoy it and if you are not enjoying it and you can’t change it you best find ways to integrate a change, to uplift the frequency, uplift the energy, be in support of each other because all of these little frequency vibration is what come together to make this place into the paradise that it is to be and will be and already is on a higher level.
Dear beautiful beings in the same way that the energy that is within your auric field, that is created by the physicality, that is created by the mental and emotional bodies and fields that hovers around is reflected onto the planet, so if there is a problem why not start with the ones that are creating the problem and that is why I chose to address this issue today for it is very important for humanity to truly, truly focus on having enjoying and upliftment and not only the few hours they find themselves in their homes, but truly in all the time that they find themselves with for surely there is something within that day that they experience where they can leave the sluggishness of slogging behind and integrate for themselves a new fresher way of looking at things and as we say in the new energy coming onto the planet you are going to be asked to see everything, everything in a new light and to be able to do this, to step into that, to manifest it for yourself, I bless you to do so.
I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of self-realization.
Wow, a quick interlude from Goddess Diana is always so welcome beloved ones.
The issue at hand of taking the misery out of the many moments of your day is indeed very important and should indeed be on the top of your list of change, for in doing so you will only manifest for yourself peace, you will manifest for yourself better health and you will manifest for yourself more ways of exploring the self, to be able to gift unto the self that which you believe your worth to be, for when you explore different avenues and you do so in a positive frame of mind and with an outlook of inspiration, with an outlook of allowing the impossible to become possible, for an outlook to let miracles guide your way beloved ones many other platforms present themselves within your space, around you, and projects itself onto the future pathways that you find yourself upon. You can not allow the opportunities of this world to show themselves to you if you do not open yourself to these. That is why we have asked for the essence of synchronicity to bless this gathering this day and we ask that the frequency of this energy be infused within every word, be it spoken or written, so that this energy, the moment you hear this or the moment you read it knocks on your heart and opens up every one of our energy centers for you to finally step in and recognise what it is like to live a beautiful, placid, peaceful life for what good is living life if there is no peace.
Beloved ones you have had hundreds of lifetimes basked in trails and tribulations, filled within thorns, scattered in crushed glass, incased in sharp edges……it is time to let it go, hence your commitment to your full awakening in this lifetime, if that wasn’t so you certainly would not be reading this or hearing these words.
The essence of this day opens up a portal of higher reflection for the self, beloved ones it is all about celebrating your higher self, it is all about knocking on the innate doors of the inner self, which is why Goddess Diana brought forth the message to bring to your attention how important it is for many to create a shift within their outlook when it comes to their place of daily experience, their place of work. We normally or do not often express about this but it is an avenue within life’s projections that is becoming increasingly depressing for many. We understand that there are subjective laws, subjective rules, we understand that there are unconscious and subconscious restrictions within many governments but in time to come beloved one these too will work themselves right out of their own positions, trust me. It is unfortunate for those that experience this to be trapped within a world of despair, in a world where they feel that they find it very difficult to express themselves in, but we are asking you when you are in a situation of loss of hope or loss of faith, or just lost, for you feel that the world around you can no more, you feel that the situations that you are in and the trickiness of the presentations of your daily experience becomes one that is just too much to bare, or feels it is just too much to bare, beloved ones, beloved one, I am speaking to you, you that person, find a quiet place, sit down, lie down, any place, extend your energy from your base chakra in a flame all the way up through the crown, gently as we have taught you, and allow this sweeping movement of energy to ignite the golden flame in the crown, the magenta flame in the eighth, the soul chakra, and then release that essence very gently, extending it up through the higher portals, through your energy, through the torus, let it connect, let it connect to the grids, send it beyond into the Cosmos and ask for your higher self to extend its energy to meet you and to bring its essence into the flow of your own field.
In that time beloved ones, beloved one, you the one I am speaking to, you will find an almost deafening silence, you will find that there is a frequency of high pitched energy if you will, for lack of a better word, and if you listen closely you will begin to recognise the symphony of Celestial Peace, and for however long you will be able to connect to that energy understand that there is a greater aspect of yourself that have done this plenty of times, and it is doing it yet again, you are it doing it yet again and there are many more like you from it yet doing it again and that is the essence of your greater power beloved’s, that is the essence that you can draw forth for that inspiration for the hope, for the motivation that you need to uplift you, to lift you and to carry you through times of despair, to carry you through the rivers of sadness into the rivers of happiness, joy and peace.
Now that quietness, that stillness, that moment of deep, deep inner connection and reflection beloved ones, that is your innate self. Understand that there is most times two of you within one body that you have to deal with, your soul aspect and your brain aspect, the soul and the body and to get these two to join together in the dance of transformation, that is what you are aiming for.
Beloved ones the ego or as the it is known, the ego personality, within the brain aspect of self will always try and convince you otherwise, whereas the soul-spirit aspect within your higher essence self knows better, but it comes for the ride, it comes to experience, it comes to join in, it comes to enjoy joy, it comes to experience sadness, it comes to experience everything but there is a tremendous under current of incredible density and sadness when it comes to lack, which is why we keep harping on these subjects, is for you to finally release these energies and to rewire yourself in such a way that are able to begin to go to your place of daily experience with a different outlook, the pillar of recognition, recognizing the self in the higher essence that it is, for that is what this triple energy represents and the triple energy brings you onto the 21/3, and what does 21/3 represent but truth and trinity.
Beloved ones we do not wish to bring through a confusion about certain gateways but you do understand the importance of high frequency energy days such as this and the portal that this energy brings through to be able to bring through and sweep through the brooms of change and bring through a whole new understanding of things that interrogated you previously, of things that blocked you, of things that controlled you and things that stripped you from your power, therefore it is important that in times of total despair for you to understand this higher essence of yourself and to draw from that every inspiration needed for that is who you truly are, this is not just you, this is you in multiple facets and there are many of you fighting for this survival game that most of you play. What we are saying is lift your frequency, step out of survival and the moment you are able to work through the habit of playing the game of survival, then you are able to step through and become a complete warrior of peace, when you take on your coat of many colours, your cloak of many fragments as we have taught and shown you in the mediation, what does that mean, it means take on your coat of many colours, adorn yourself with what ever you wish to but your frequency remains what it is and that frequency is reflected through your eight chakra, you understand that, you can do what you like for whatever you do is reflected through that, but that is encapsulated in another frequency, the frequency of the innate self and the innate self is the frequency that this energy today reminds you of, it wants you to be connected to, wants you the human personality self to stand and face the mirror with your soul self as we have taught you in Dancing with your Shadow, or tried to bring across in that meditation and in so doing to embrace all of the aspects of yourself by recognizing that a part of all this, beloved ones, the moment you leave this plane, this body is ash….but you the major essence of this, the great warrior, the soul warrior essence of you leaves with all these experience, this body that you are in keeps none of these traces for it is even able to burn away every evidence of all of these traces, the traces of the experience of your journey, but the soul aspect, the higher side of you, the personality that reflects the higher essence of your innate self that takes every experience from even before this birth, from planning this lifetime, through birthing that and living it and exiting it, with it, and that is where the focus must be but to be able to bring that into a higher vibrational frequency you need to have the essence of the body in a balanced frequency of togetherness, so the body and the soul must come together to create a mindful experience which opens up the higher mind, which opens up the higher hear and so the realizations begin, the energy begins to spin, the connection forms and you are able to tap into it all the time and we are not even going to ask you to do it, we are going to insist that you do it. begin a relationship with your higher self for that is what this energy is about. I am not going sit and explain what the numerological meaning of 7 is and why triple seven does this and that and whatever, just understand, understand beloved ones that this is the celebration of your innate higher self, it is the recognition that there is just so much more to you and it is also an invitation for you to reach out and embrace that and in so doing to live it.
What better way to start than to start analyzing your place of daily experience not so, what better way to start than to bring a reminder for you to analyze your day to see where you are going wrong, to see where you are going too much, to try and bring balance in and to understand that in the process to balancing the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual in other words in your language the process of bringing the body and the mind which we will refer to the spirit into alignment in other words the brain and the mind, the body and the spirit, the body and the soul to bring that into your true transcended spiritual essence there needs to be an awareness and the awareness here is the pillar of personal reflection that this day brings. Its like sitting yourself in front of a cosmic mirror, a celestial mirror, lets us bring our attention back to the mirror that you step through in the meditation at the very end of your New You Meditation where we ask you to transform yourself from a physical being into a flame and from your flame being, in other words, that’s the essence that encirculates all of those flames that you create yourself for you may adorn yourself as I said with a flame of mischievousness, a flame of lack, a flame of whatever, the higher essence, the higher aspect of yourself, in other words, that which innately knows you better than yourself has its own frequency, has its own flame and you know what it does, it simply encapsulates all of those trivial flames that create, well, please do not hold me to this, I mentioned trivial, for you it is not, but at the end of the day it is, to encapsulate all of those flame and it places the vibrational frequency of your reflection around that and that, that beloved ones is who you truly are, not all this, all this creates you, it brings you into a state of experience. What is life all about….to experience. Some may say to learn to grow, but what is that if it is not experience. Why are you doing it ….so you can experience. You are you doing it so you may evolve and by embracing evolution on every level, that means eventual transcendence from a lower brain to higher mind state and that is what we mean to bring across in your place of daily experience. That is the frequency that those that are in charge of others so to speak should give out and beloved ones these subtle frequencies that hovers within the Celestial waves of thought is what transforms lives, is what transforms worlds.
Therefore we cannot reiterate enough if you what to focus on change, if you want to focus on truly embracing the New You, thus be the keeper of the New Earth Flames, be the keeper of the New Earth imprints then recognise these and make a difference amongst daily living. When there are times when you feel you can no more, coil into the self, light up those flames, connect with the higher essence that is you, that knows you best, that facilitates this and make friends with your body, be kind to your body, be kind to your mind, be kind to your brain, learn new things, explore, travel, traverse, that’s another one of the messages within your meditation, allow yourself to explore new opportunities by asking the self…can I traverse across cosmic frequencies of the unexplored, do I allow myself that, am I able to and the answer only you can give yourself.
Beloved ones if you want to feel the essence of this day and the frequency that this sets forth into motion, become quite, become still, light those flames of self-exploration, let go of the old, embrace the new, transcend into worlds that awaits your embrace, transcend into worlds of exploration and understand that through all this at least the gift that you owe yourself to unwrap is that of the innate self, is that of the higher essence of who you truly are and at least begin to befriend it, to walk with it, to become friends with it and to call upon it for guidance, to call upon it to sprinkle the crystalline dust of synchronicity ahead of you so that your world may become easier, your life will become lighter and your light ever so brighter.
Until we meet again, I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I bless thee in love, as I sprinkle the dust of synchronicity before you.
Chanel Lingenfelder©
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