144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Kuthumi, Diana & Isis

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Arenas of Consciousness – Level Two Part One  

Note – Numbers in brackets relate to the various chakras.


Greetings beloved ones, I AM Kuthumi, and I gift unto thee a divine blessing of Oneness.

Beloved masters, those that follow these mystery school teachings are now standing at the gateway of Nurturance. Many walked a compelling journey working with the teachings of the Ascended Masters, which is applaudable.

You journeyed through many lifetimes getting to know the deeper aspects of yourself authentically. Within the recent earth’s evolutionary cycle specifically, most had (and still have) major struggles to overcome to accomplish that.

Although you tried your best to live accordingly, thus staying within the original line of transcript, and even though you now accept ‘being different’ you understand that your authenticity extends beyond the norm.

Great sadness needed much healing during and after all past lifetimes. On a higher level much was due to constant dreaming, the yearning to be recognized as a unique individual yet to claim yourself as part of the greater whole. You have been stumped through most of those lifetimes, challenged, as you gave your life for some. Now you find yourself in the 21st century walking the grand journey of mastery!

By integrating these and other teachings you arduously worked on yourself to ensure that you continue on the path of evolution knowing that to do so as a lightworker means not always following the path of least resistance.

The authentic one finds their own way. Before fully awakening your codes of authenticity, you need to embrace yourself as a nurtured being. Due to the lack and even absence of nurturing during many past events and lives, you were criticised, blamed, judged, and even burned at the stakes. Each time you created a vibrational frequency within the etheric fields of thought and matter presenting variable outcomes. Some became upset, and others felt interrogated, and thus became offended about what you presented as they were challenged by what you stood for.

In this lifetime we hope to show you through these amazing processes, activations, and initiations of deep cosmic truths, of which the first rule remains, always put yourself first, and so must everyone else. If you can’t take care of you, then how can you care for another? To do so you must ACCEPT the art of NURTURE which births AUTHENTICITY.

Through nurturing the self this time around beloveds, you change the outdated rules of worthless sacrifice mentioned before. Because of your brilliance, discovering your magnificence through your multidimensional Starseed awakening, you know who you are. By living your truth authentically through the power of acceptance you nurture every aspect of the fragmented self.

To enable you to ‘move on’ you inspire this exact process to unfold in others. Unlike the past when you judged others because they judged you, you are now going to love them for you know that you cannot kill fire with fire, and there is no greater power than love. And what is love?

Love surely is nurture, care, compassion, understanding, taking a nap, and shouldn’t have conditions. Love is the building block of ALL of Creation, it is the fluid aspect that not only creates the Adamantine Particles but also fills the spaces between. It is the 95% dormant or ‘junk’ DNA as well as the 5% supposedly awakened DNA. Love is the essence of All That Is. To understand the greater concepts of love you must truly “feel” what the process of nurturing is all about.

Emotions are located in the sacral whereas feelings are located in the heart. We refer to emotions as ‘perceived or unstable’ feelings. Emotions are tricky, feelings you can’t hide. Rejection causes ‘hurt feelings’, and the emotion thereof sends you flying.

When someone gifts you a beautiful gift, emotions play out all round through powerful fluid expressions of the divine sacral combined with the higher 6 and 7th chakras which bring tears of laughter or joy. True feelings of nurture means that you allow yourself the gift of unconditional love hence to receive without restrictions.

Nurturing the self, taking a luxurious bath with exotic bath salts, lighting fragrant candles, and enhancing the water’s texture by means of exotic salts and oils influence the senses, especially olfactory, touch, and taste senses.

Through touching (feeling) the velvet texture of the water you embrace the flow of (exotic) emotion activating various levels within the base, sacral, and heart chakras which are also pleasing to the eye (3, 6,7). You lay back, listening to soothing sounds (5) with your eyes closed, transported into a wonderland of your own desire (3rd eye). You know you are in your own heaven (crown). All your aspects are congruent with your fragments (8th). You visualise a perfect Earth (9th), your guides inspire you to spread your wings (10th) to awaken to your Starseed multidimensional self (11th) whilst claiming Christ Consciousness within (12th). Next, you hear shrieks coming from behind the door demanding that you ‘hurry up’ and bang! You are back in the Basin of your Drama! (1,2,3)

This is the usual 3D pathway from nurture to neurotic which involves another. When it comes from emotional trauma within it says “I cannot possibly allow myself this luxury for longer than a few minutes otherwise I lose control”

What value do you place on yourself? Enough to shut the door with a ‘do not disturb’ sign on your terms or another’s? This is the nature of nurture.

To Nurture and be Nurtured as in Nature.

To facilitate a healthy mind and body (and a happy soul) so must your environment be. It is no use clearing out cobwebs whilst hiding skeletons in untidy closets.

When observing nature in its sublime bliss and at the wink of an eye a massive storm brings about a 360° turn, this too is nature doing its nurturing unless manmade. When nature turns, the natural action is to retract. Once destruction has settled, nature nurtures that which needs balancing back into its full nature.

Seasons have reasons, thus even when the winds of change sweep about a tranquil landscape, that too eventually brings all back into nurture as stunted growth and stagnant waters awaken new life. Even after a devastating fire, once life lost is mourned the gift of nurture springs nature back to life.

This is the cycle of birth and rebirth. Creation is in constant motion, and so too are you. You have been here before and you will return, willingly.

Beloved ones, understand that through the ups and downs of life there is always an underlying energy of nurture. Therefore, to authentically grasp your true self you have to understand your nature. To do so you must allow the natural flow of the nature of your being, to nurture you. Even at times of great struggle, sadness, upheaval, misdirection, and confusion, therein too lies the basis of nurture.

Nurturing the self inspires another to do so too.

How many tips have you picked up from someone else’s cooking?

To nurture is to value.

On the other end, you see two people arguing because one behaves untoward towards the other. A doesn’t feel nurtured by B. A gets angry and upset thus inevitably A devalues itself usually laced with a habit to numb the pain and addictions are born.

This is stored as memory within your DNA. You remember your childhood when A declared victory over its victim archetype (according to its devalued worth) by numbing its pain, and to justify the situation it has to blame B. You however overcome dysfunctions by embracing the true act of nurturing your nature, and authenticity is born.

Scenario – 3 siblings faced the same trauma mentioned above through the A/B example. The one finds comfort in the kitchen, the other finds solace in the neighbour’s arms, whereas the third’s value system demands to be released from the clutches of sacrificial demands breaking the ‘memory hold’ in its DNA patterning by refusing to continue with the habitual lineage patterns of the past. That’s authentic.

Anchoring this divine process of nurture into your nurturing sacral chakra is about re-claiming all the fragments that prevent authenticity. In so doing the path of the authentic one becomes clear.

It is from the Sacral that you clear past influences when it comes to family, ancestral and social. Aborted but perhaps unfinished issues.

Between now and the session to follow reactivating the next 12 Ascension Chakras give some thought to the aspects and fragments that still need your nurturing acceptance. While you are at it, ponder on how that influences your authenticity.

The first 12 Ascension Chakras relate to Acceptance working with the sense of Smell, and the next 12 relate to Nurture and Taste.

Some successful programs also claim through a 12-step admittance plan- “My name is…. I am a….” which again relies on acceptance to ease the conflicting pain. Lay claim to your ‘poison’ and nurture it away. Aggression creates oppression.


Humanity through mental constraints uses blame and shame too easily to judge another for what they perceive to be a problem, according to them.

The real issue here is that the ‘addict’ relies on their ‘poison’ (tool) to give them a license to do/be what they want, which is often more dangerous than the substance itself! This needn’t be anything way-out or highly illegal.

These fragments thrive on the dysfunctions born from being trapped in victimhood and then becoming the interrogator holding this over another’s head which is common.

Here the addictions of their convictions deny them the gift of nurture, unable to rationalise how much control their dysfunctional addictive wheel of misfortune has over them, and how it impacts another’s reality and thus vitality.

All roots are anchored in the Base Chakra, but at the level of the Sacral addiction dances with its counterpart denial for it to take full control of its demoralising need to hold its fragments accountable for its malfunction. Here chakras 1,2,5 holds the entire system captive just because it can.

When you are no longer able to enjoy something, it becomes a need, thus it enjoys you. When you become reliant on it, habits become addictions, be it cocaine or coffee.

Beloved ones, the fertility wheel of fortune as St. Germain so lovingly refers to the Sacral suggests a vitality check. Vitality is influenced by everything you expose yourself to. You can consume a factory full of vitamins and minerals, and walk ten kilometers every day, but it takes one fragment of destress to send you tumbling.

Vitality depends on all aspects of nurture to support immunity including consciousness!

Allow the magical nurturing aspects of the Orange candles you are working with to gently influence the collective unconscious of your home, family, and social settings.

Too often the lack of acceptance amongst social and professional tribes brings about collapse. You become a recluse because you are hiding from the temptations of your local bakery, then your best friend insists on visiting you, bringing along a cake to make you feel ‘better’.

That is where destruction lurks! The little devil knocks on the door, horns or no horns, it’s the thorns you need to be careful of! Horns are evident but thorns not always. Do as you must, but harm none, thus don’t let your greed feed another’s need.

In saying so, remember all that you do, say, and think, fuels the collective. I explained the importance of recognising, respecting, and (re)creating a morphogenetic field and how it imprints upon everything.

Become aware of what you as a being can do to awaken the sense of value in nurturing yourself and others. How can you positively influence or allow the process of nurture to unfold for another?

Let’s Nurture your Nature

Let us journey forth.

Beloved ones in your mind’s eye place yourself in a beautiful Violet Flame and visualize the Golden Rose in your Heart centre. Pause.

Transport yourself away…See yourself gravitating toward your beautiful massive Golden Pyramid Temple. Diana and I Kuthumi nurture the entrance of your Pyramid in the usual way, creating a triangular energy with the tips of our swords touching. Come to stand under our swords facing the massive Golden Doors, the entrance to your inner sanctuary. Pause.

Again, sense the magnificent crystalline energy spiralling down your chakric column activating all of your chakras, reinforcing your previous activations.

You have spinning within your base a magnificent ruby cube with a superimposed Citrine upwards pointing tetrahedron over that, not spinning. Within the cube you have the White flame of Purity, and the key ‘Acceptance’ infused into that binding the fragments of the Base.

Connect with the Golden Rose, the doorways open up and enter.

In the very centre, you have your sarcophagus and your altar with a vase of multi-colored roses displayed under it. On your altar, you have your burning red candle with its Acceptance tag hanging from it, along with your ever-present Golden Rose.

Be seated on your sarcophagus and relax.

Beloved ones, until we meet again, take note of the process of nurture by allowing the inner awareness of your grand nature to deliver unto you all of that which will reveal the value of your authenticity.

I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom. Until we meet again, I bless thee in love. Adonai.


Long pause.

Greetings dear ones it is I, Isis.

I greet thee with the most profound love, beauty, splendour and divinity which is evident within each and every one of you.

Let us return to your inner planes of nurturing. Visualize my energy manifest in front of you as I indicate for you to come stand facing me. Pause.

See the presence of Kuthumi anchored behind you. We invoke the presence of my sister Goddess Diana to stand to the right of you, and Lord Melchizedek on your left.

Together we beam forth from our sacral into yours a divine frequency which releases your Citrine upwards pointing tetrahedron within the Base to ascend into your Sacral. See this in its 3D form, whilst the Ruby Cube in the Base continues to spin. Pause.

The four of us activate a full and increasing clockwise spin of our Sacral Chakras which spins your Citrine tetrahedron into motion, whilst your base continues its own spin. Pause.

Once your Citrine spin is fully activated, our spin reduces to stationary, anchoring the four cardinal points within your energy.

We come to stand behind you, with all of us facing your altar.

Be comfortable with both energies spinning; Ruby Cube in the Base and the upward-pointing Citrine Tetrahedron in the Sacral. Pause

Connect with your Orange candle on your altar. In your mind’s eye place both hands on your Heart Chakra and draw forth from your Golden Rose in the heart the second key of Nurturance. Now place this tag around your Orange candle with ‘Nurture’ inscribed upon it. Pause

Let this gift be a reminder for you to nurture all. Again, reflect on everything thus far. The Red ‘acceptance’ and Orange ‘nurture’ candles with their respective tags with your Golden Rose alongside that on your altar. You’ve anchored the spinning frequencies in the Base and Sacral. You have the White Flame of Purity within the core of your Base. You are completely enveloped within the Violet Flame along with the Gold/Silver/Mother-of-Pearl crystalline frequencies flowing up and down your Chakric column between the Crown and the Base. Your first 12 Ascension Chakras are active. Pause

Infuse the Orange Candle with every intent of restoring Nurture on every level of your being. Set the intent for this frequency to be absorbed and replicated into your physical Orange candle along with every experience within your sacred sanctum. This physical Orange candle you will enjoy in your home, anywhere, anytime. Pause

Bless your physical candle with every experience needed to validate your value. Become fully aware of the value of others. As Isis, I AM the queen of nurture. Do so on every level.

Man cannot live on bread alone, therefore, by bringing yourself into divine alignment you ‘re-write’ your value, rescripting and re-evaluating what is needed to do so.

The Golden Rose within your Heart automatically carries an imprint of all the frequencies being activated – Love, Illumination, and Enlightenment.

We of the Higher Realms of Light now make our way from your inner sacred sanctuary, give thanks for this experience.

For a moment, lie down on your sarcophagus to allow these spinning frequencies to settle firmly into your energy field. Pause

Once done, gently sit up leaving an etheric imprint behind. Pause.

Before you exit, again connect with everything you have been initiated into thus far. Pause. See the candles, flames, tags, flowers etc. Connect to the spinning platonic solids within your Base and Sacral, and your first 12 Ruby ASCH. Pause.

For a moment, bring the essence of your senses into this activation. Can you relate to a specific smell and taste? Acceptance and Smell in the Base, with Nurturance and Taste in the Sacral. In your mind’s eye, see and hear this play out, the flames flickering and crackling, Touch the flowers and candles. Do you smell the dampness and dust of old times, or the exotic incense of your choice? Remember, the more detail you bring into these visualisations the stronger the communication between your visual cortex and hindbrain which also impacts your conscious Beta thinking and memory. Enjoy and explore! Pause.

Set the intent, by bringing all your lower senses into your sixth sense, your Eye of Horus 3rd eye, for your higher senses to stir into motion.

To support the finer detail that is to follow over time, become comfortable with ‘seeing’ The Eye of Horus imprint within the area of your ‘third eye’ between the brows.

When you are ready, allow the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra to open your sanctum doors and exit your Golden Pyramid.

Place yourself within your Violet protective flame. Kuthumi and Diana take up their guardian posts at the entrance to your sacred portal.

Ground yourself back into your reality, and again quickly bring to mind whilst in this consciousness all that you have experienced thus far, relate to it. Pause

I AM Isis; I have stepped forward as I oversee many sisters and brothers working with this energy. I assure you I shall return.


Long pause.

Greetings I AM Diana, Goddess of Light.

Beloveds be fully grounded whilst allowing these alchemical tools to settle within your energy field. Journal 12 aspects/fragments relating to nurture and using your Orange candle, reflect on and work through these.

We inspire you to take the mystery out of the mysterious by enjoying your candles openly. The symbolism of the altar is simply a platform of expression, NOT TO BE REVERED!

Do ponder on the next Key, Authenticity, with its sense of Sight, using a Yellow candle.

The nature of nurture is an intrinsic natural tool for survival. It is at times when you go against its flow that things may fall apart. When aligned, the winds of change shall not irritate you, nor will the snow insist that you retreat. The rain will nurture your emotions, and the sun inspire your insights.

Remember no matter how challenging you may think things are, surrender your will into the Divine, and go with the flow of Divine Nature.

I AM Diana, until we meet again, I give you beautiful blessings of nurture. Adonai.


Please Note – Due to the length and intensity of these sessions the full activation of ASCH 13- 24 is on our website www.visionoftheheart.co.za click on Transmissions / The Ascension Chakra Series.


Chanel Lingenfelder©

Chanel lives in Howick South Africa. Author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination detailed in her book.

 You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Diana & Kuthumi.

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder


Arenas of Consciousness – Level Two Part Two   

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit, and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.

Note – Numbers in brackets relate to the various chakras.

**** **** ****

Have your Orange and Yellow Candles ready.


Greetings, I am Diana Goddess of Light

When working with Acceptance, nurturing is inevitable. Being unique births authenticity. It is part of your projected lifepath. Generally, when things are “not congruent” with that which you “project” it is usually because you are going against your own grain or falling prey to fear. But there are exceptions.

Authenticity is being able to claim yourself as an individual, uniquely so. Someone who understands itself and is not reliant on another to support its findings. They don’t judge others for owning thus claiming their individual views. They understand authenticity, and can’t and won’t dance according to expectancy.

Comment according to observation if you must, not judgment. The judgment of your authenticity lies entirely with you. It is your choice to be who you are, it remains your decision to be in divine alignment with your blueprint.

Continue to work through your 12 keys of Nurture as suggested. Your innate knowing will prod you to move along as you unveil your authenticity.

Understand that even though you may have come through with an intended blueprint or life map, there are past remnants within your Akash that still need seeing to this time around.

Worthiness is mainly wedged into and falls under Solar Plexus scrutiny. When you dance around the snack table doing a duet with a friend as you both reach for the same plate and sing “You go first, no you go, no you go first, no you go” it is pretty evident that one feels the other to be more worthy of the best slice of pie! Nurturing means letting go of all that stifles your worthiness.

See it this way, by the end of this process you will know yourself 144 times better! But as always, easy does it.

As you ponder on your unique unegoic authenticity, more details about Acceptance and Nurturance will come to light.

Shift your Focus

When creating a loving relationship with anything that challenges you, be it a person you are not crazy about or a huge backlog of work, the obstruction disappears. Thus, the resistance between the two different frequencies loosens its grip. By breaking down the mental state of confrontation of ‘not wanting’ to do the deed and replacing that with a loving approach or unintimidating process, you break the hold that this mountain has over you. .

When noise irritates you, tap into the lighter side of the vibrational frequency of sound. Release what bothers you by tying the issue to a pink balloon and letting it go. Why Pink? Evolved Heart Chakra thus unconditional love and salvation.

The longer you focus on what you don’t want, the longer it lingers. Remove the hold by changing the focus.

When shooting towards a target, you focus on hitting the bullseye. You don’t focus on the pathway between you and the target.

When it comes to food, nurture yourself according to your dietary specifics. All of the earth has life, vegetable and animal alike. No matter your preference, pay attention to the way the food is being handled, worked with, and prepared. Give thanks for your senses, and the food!

When someone ‘touches your heart’ compliment them, an important tool for nurturing.

Another is meditation, probably one of the best ways to nurture the self. The higher your vibration the less focus you need to enter into a meditative state. Some still find the customary more effective. Others can do so whilst cooking and gardening thus expressing creative endeavours whilst ‘multitasking’.

The objective is to still the mind by moving the focus from everyday encumbrances, be it active (creative expression) or passive (stillness of mind and body).

Divine wisdom from the inner and higher planes reveals itself through silence. If you prefer guided meditations do so. Here your stubborn left-thinking brain fuses into your creative right brain. Journalling does the same.  Whether you meditate for 5 or 50 minutes, it matters not. If you struggle to focus on nothing which for most is impossible, bring colour and sound into your visualizations, the most powerful tools!

All this gives birth to authenticity.

You are magnificent multi-dimensional human angels, pamper and treat yourself which has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with worthiness.

On the 5th Dimensional timeline, everything is an act of nurture. The 5th Dimension is about the natural flow of energy according to projection.

Enjoy every moment of creating this magnificent river of your own making. It is your choice to infest it with crocodiles or infuse it with love and blooming Lillies.

“Through acceptance, I embrace the act of nurture. I live my authenticity with compassion

These are the first 4 keys, and so the dance of your multidimensional magnificence begins!


Be sure to have your physical Orange and Yellow candles in front of you. Because of the intensity of your authenticity, this frequency is being introduced gently.

Surround yourself with your Violet Flame. Visualise spinning in your Base the Ruby cube and in the Sacral the upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron. Visualize these frequencies expanding into your auric field.


See within the core of your Base (cube) The White Flame of Purity, and now ignite within your Sacral core (tetrahedron) The Violet Flame of Transformation. Keep both imprints spinning clockwise. Pause

Duplicate these flames into your Crown, Heart, 3rd Eye within the Eye of Horus as well as into your palms (hands) and soles (feet).

Very long pause

See yourself floating amongst white clouds, then gravitate towards your Golden Pyramid Temple where Kuthumi and I guard the entrance with the tips of our swords creating an arch.

Come to stand underneath where the tips of our swords meet. Instantly connect to the liquid Golden frequency pouring from our sword’s tips into and through your chakras into the earth. Spiralling up from Gaia’s core you have the Silver frequency coiling up into the Gold along your Chakric Column back into our swords. Pause.

Allow this vibration, the balance of the masculine/feminine, to align your energy.  Focus on the Golden Rose in your heart. Once the doors open, enter and be seated on your sarcophagus.

Long Pause

Face your altar with its customary display; the Red candle with ‘Acceptance’ and the Orange candle with ‘Nurture’ dangling from it and your Golden Rose. Also, notice the spectacular multicolour Roses on display below your altar. Pause

For a moment, imprint all that you observe within your sacred sanctum into your inner sight. Tap into your 6th Chakra, deeper into the Eye of Horus imprint, and paint for yourself a better world that reflects your tangible reality. Bring to mind all you believe your nurturing should be about in its divine manifested state. Pause

Open your physical eyes again setting the intent for all to be fully absorbed into your Orange candle whilst looking at it. ‘See’ your 3rd eye draw up from the Sacral all that needs to come into nurture, transmitting this into your physical candle.

Close your eyes again.


Goddess Isis and I manifest in your temple. We assist you to step down from your sarcophagus. Isis comes to stand behind you and me Diana facing you. Pause.

In your mind’s eye light both the Orange and Yellow candles on your altar. Pause.

Again, open your eyes for a moment and light your physical Yellow (and Orange) candles.


This activation differs slightly, easy does it. Visualise in the area of your sacral another tetrahedron manifests over the previous imprint, a downward pointing tetrahedron (still) also in Citrine, superimposed over the spinning upward pointing tetrahedron. Pause.

Both the Ruby cube and upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron continue their spin.

We initiate a vortex spin at the level of your Sacral which increases in frequency as it ascends from your Sacral, up your Chakric Column, into the base of your skull lodging itself adjacent to your first 12 Ruby ASCH which are connected to your Base, slightly higher, with a natural overlap. The faster the frequency the more balanced and ‘peaceful’ your Sacral becomes. Pause.

Visualise your next 12 Citrine Ascension Chakras (13-24) linking with the Citrine energy within the Sacral flowing along your Chakric Column.

Long pause.

We withdraw our energy once the connection is secure. Pause

We indicate that you lie down on your sarcophagus to fully integrate and stabilise the connection and balance the flow of energy.

Long Pause.

Visualize the Crystalline Mother of Pearl also infused into the Citrine frequency connecting ASCH 13-24, with the Ruby frequency connecting ASCH 1-12.

Long pause.

When you are comfortable, sit up again facing your altar. Pause

Use the frequency of the Golden Rose in your Heart to beam liquid love into your Orange candle. Pause. Feel this love frequency fill your entire being. Pause.

Reflect; you have three candles on your altar, Red with the Acceptance tag, Orange with the Nurture tag, and a Yellow candle along with a Golden Rose that connects to the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra. You have spinning clockwise; a Ruby Cube with the White Flame of Purity, and an upward pointing Citrine Tetrahedron with the Violet Flame of Transformation glowing in its core. Then you have a downward pointing tetrahedron also in Citrine (for now) superimposed over the sacral, NOT spinning. Visualise your ASCH (Ascension Chakras) at the back of the head protected by a crystalline shield with your entire energy field always bathed in the Violet Flame. In your own time, practice pushing the first two clockwise spinning symbols into your auric field, superimposed over each other. Expand these to eventually include your entire auric field.

Give thanks to all, including yourself, for this activation. Connect with the sensation at the back of your head linking to your Base and Sacral.


Acceptance allows you to discover and implement nurture which in turn reveals your authenticity.

An etheric replica of your energy field stays behind on your sarcophagus. Make your way from your inner sanctum. Before you leave, again tap into the flow of liquid love from our swords infusing your energy with the divine masculine (Gold) and feminine (Silver) frequencies. Pause.

In this divine state, make your way from your temple as you ground yourself back into the presence of this now. Until next time, we shall meet again, Adonai.



I am Kuthumi.

You are now at the time of your life where nurturing should be a natural state of being. Taking care of the self first enables you to take care of another. Working with your nurturing ASCH 13 – 24 reveals the next 12 fragments/aspects for you to finally let go of that which generally prevents your nurturing.

By sharing your candles openly at a level of your Acceptance and another’s understanding, you create a mutual platform of Nurturing whilst acting out your Authenticity.

You chose to be different and daring, as it is another’s choice to awaken at their own pace, and so be it.

Love and understanding are what it is all about, after all, you are the mystery school scholars! This time around you choose to do it consciously, expansively.

Live life to the fullest each moment and know that you can never be alone. I am Kuthumi. Adonai.


Chanel Lingenfelder©


Chanel lives in Howick South Africa. Author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination detailed in her book.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.









144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Arenas of Consciousness – Level One Part Two 

A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.


Please Note – Give yourself at least 3 days or longer after doing the first part of this initiation before proceeding with the activation below.


Greetings, I am Diana goddess of Light.

Visualise yourself encased within your beautiful Violet Flame. Come to stand facing your Golden Pyramid directly under the tips where Kuthumi and my swords meet. See from the tips of our swords a Golden liquid light spiralling down throughout your chakras into the Earth. Pause

From the core of the Earth see a beautiful Silver liquid light spiralling upwards coiling into the Gold. Visualise your Golden Rose within your Heart Chakra.

Set the intent for the divine masculine feminine balance (Golden Male & Silver Feminine frequency) to blast throughout your energy field. Encase your entire energy field within the Violet Flame. Pause.

Enter your pyramid where you have your sarcophagus, Altar, and the details you left behind.

Upon entry your etheric aspect instantly infuses with the energy frequency of your visualisations.

Be seated on your sarcophagus. Face your altar with your Golden Rose and Red candle upon it, with its ‘ACCEPTANCE’ tag hanging from it, along with all previous infused energies. Visualise an instinctive flow of communication between your Red Candle and your Base Chakra.

Visualise your Red candle absorb all your intentions and that which you journalled. Set the intent for your physical candle to be infused with all within your scared pyramid sanctum.

See Lord Melchizedek appear in front, and Kuthumi behind you.

Until we meet again, I am Diana, I give you my love. Adonai.

Long Pause….

I am Kuthumi. Beloved ones let us continue with this activation.

Bring into your mind the clockwise spin of the Ruby hexahedron / cube in your Base, increasing at a rapid rate. See glowing within its core the White flame of Purity and the frequency of Acceptance, whilst the spiralling Golden Silver frequencies continue their helical flow along your chakric column.

Now superimpose a Citrine upward pointing tetrahedron over all that within the Base Chakra. The tetrahedron doesn’t spin, but the cube continues.

Feel how the energies reflected from Melchizedek and my Base chakras bring a calmness in yours, yet the spin continues.

See a Mother of Pearl (MOP) frequency flooding your Base chakra, like Liquid Love codes encouraging you to embrace your choices. Working through chakras 1 – 12.

As this frequency increases the full essence of the Base chakra ascends up your Chakric Column to your Crown Chakra (pause) where it again descends connecting with the base of your skull. Pause.

This area, from the base of your skull to your crown, anchors the upper ‘fibres’ of your 144 ASCH points, each correlating to the relating chakras 1-12. So, the Base chakra being the lowest along your chakric column connects to the base of the skull, working your way up towards your crown which anchors the final infusion within the final 12th chakra level.

In the area of your Medulla Oblongata or base of the skull, visualise the first cluster of 12 Ascension Chakras forming. Visualise this as a Crystalline Mother of Pearl frequency. Long pause.

Now see a divine network of light coming alive forming a ‘network’ connection between this area and your Base Chakra, flowing along the chakric column along the spine. Pause

Tap into the flow of this frequency. Feel how these Crystalline Mother of Pearl sparkling spiralling etheric electric (brain) magnetic (heart) frequencies energetically connect the two areas. Long pause

We take a step back as we open our arms as to ‘encircle’ your energy, further encapsulating you within a divine protective Violet shield. State your request for Archangel Michael to place his protective shield over those chakras at the base of the skull. See this as you feel comfortable. Some visualise a titanium or platinum frequency along with the Crystalline Mother or Pearl frequencies over that area.

To enable the continuation of this frequency and for it to strengthen, depends entirely on your dedication towards doing the work, thus your commitment thereof.

We all take our leave from your Golden Pyramid sanctum.

Allow the continual flow of energy between these two areas to reveal all that is needed for you to finally release yourself from all the constrictions and constraints that prevents you from claiming your true magnificence.

For a moment reflect on all that you experienced. Pause

Set the intent to surrender your will into Divine Will as you release your limitations into Divine Care.

In your mind’s eye make your way from your Golden Pyramid Temple and ground yourself back into your current timeline. Pause.

Once you are grounded open your eyes, and for a moment again bring into your mind the connection and flow of energy between the first 12 ascension chakras at the base of the skull and your Base Chakra. See this intrinsic alchemical network as alive, feel their connection, feel the flow of love.

While you are at it, give some thought as to what will bring you into a state of allowance through Nurturing? The next candle we suggest you work with is Orange. If you wish to acquire this candle and start working with it go ahead. Light both candles and think of ways you can be more kind to the self?

Do not spin the Citrine Tetraherdon superimposed over your continuously spinning Base Cube. We shall continue this activation during the next discourse. The next level of your Merkabic Field’s reawakening continues!

I Kuthumi will call upon the essence of beloved Goddesses Isis and Diana to assist.

Play, enjoy, and have fun whilst emerging from the Basin of your Drama.

Enjoy the ruggedness, power, masculinity, and strength that the red candle offers. Enjoy letting go of the stubbornness and inflexibility of the red process and embrace a beautiful creative bridge that will guide you across the veils of your own making to reawaken your divine connection with your Higher Self.

Beloveds, allow the reality of being part of the divinity of your Higher Self to sit well within your current now. Know that not now or not ever can you be alone.

I am Kuthumi, Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless thee in Love, Adonai.


Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


©2023 – www.visionoftheheart.co.za – All Rights Reserved

144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder


Arenas of Consciousness – Level One Part One


A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.


I AM Kuthumi, greetings beloveds. I gift unto thee a most appropriate gift of transformation.

‘Arenas of Consciousness’ (Chakras) emit and attract energy, like etheric Electro Magnetic Sequences or frequencies anchored within your bodies which transmits and receives energy (communication) to and fro various levels of consciousness. Frequencies of Light, Sound and Colour along with every thought, deed, feeling and emotion influences your energy field and biology alike.


Your brain (thoughts) receives (react) and send (share) electrical impulses whereas your heart (feelings) vibrates according to magnetic waves. The Brain and Nervous System facilitate your Consciousness Cord, and the Heart and Circulatory System your Life Cord (Sutratman).


Thus, chakras serve as communicating portals between your internal (biological) and external systems (aura, extended bodies etc). They serve as direct links interconnecting your major network processes (PMESE) – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Etheric.


Working with the full 12th chakric system you can no longer be spoon fed with systematic teachings like back in kindergarten. See this as an upgrade to ‘university level’ consciousness, thus quantum understanding which may at first be confusing (and conflicting) to some. To ‘get’ the true essence of this system you must jump back and forth instead of ‘playing it safe’. We will not be taking you on a sweet set out journey like we have done in the past. We may scramble things around a bit even ‘play with your marbles’ so that at least at the end of this series you will be in divine acceptance of yourself!

We have taken you through a number of teachings relating to the Ascension Chakras. Now we shall continue with the A-Z of these systems which most of you set forth to achieve in this lifetime. To do so, there must be dedication. Let this journey be laced with fun, excitement and love! Although an overview, we shall cross reference and bring in as much detail as possible.

I am working in a different way with this channel to ‘refresh and rescript’ this process. There is so much to share in a short space of time thus she will be adding condensed charts to our work to bring clarity as and when needed.

Ascension Chakras – Key & Sense / 12th Chakric Systsem / Evolving chakric colours pertaining to your individual frequency thus consciousness.

01 – 12 Acceptance – smell – Base – The Basin of your Drama – Red into White
13 – 24 Nurturance – Taste – Sacral – The Arena of Courage – Orange into Violet
25 – 36 Authenticity – Sight – Solar Plexus – The Ego Personality Arena – Yellow into Ruby Gold
37 – 48 Compassion – Feel – Heart – The Humanitarian Arena – Green into Pink
49 – 60 Communication – Hear – Throat – The Double Edge Sword – Blue into Sapphire
61 -72 Inner Sight – Inspiration – 3rd eye – The Arena of Insight – Indigo into Emerald
73 – 84 Unity – Knowing – Crown – The Arena of Knowing – Purple into Gold
85 – 96 Divinity – Connectedness – 8th Soul Star – The Arena of Fragments – Magenta
97 – 108 Unconditional Love – Service – 9th – The Human Angel Arena -Silver
109 – 120 Truth – Euphoria – 10th – The Angelic Areana – Gold
121 – 132 Enlightenment – Surrender – 11th – The Galactic Arena – Platinum
133 – 144 Free Will – Passion – 12th – The Christ Consciousness Areana – Diamond
Creativity – 1-12 into the 13th – Divine Mystery of All Existence. Dimensions beyond 12


Quick Pointers on the 144 Ascension Chakras (ASCH)

These are chakric points (like pressure points) located from the top of the head (crown) to the base of the skull (Medulla Oblongata). There are 12 interacting pointers to each group relating to its corresponding chakra: 12 x 12 = 144.

Think of these as Etheric Electric (mind) Magnetic (heart) Neurotransmitters. Most frequencies are integrated through the 3rd eye (Higher Mental/Mind) and expressed through the Heart (Higher Emotions/Feelings). Each of the 12 connecting etheric ‘fibres’ reveal all that needs to come into your I AM unity consciousness, relating to individual chakric processes.

ASCH awakens the ability to transcend 3D Limitations. They support the eventual merging of chakras like Solar-Heart Centre / Ajna-Crown Centre etc, etc.

Each group is ‘encased’ within a protective etheric sheath, a Mother of Pearl Golden Crystalline frequency, which serve as a communication membrane much like with biological cells. ASCH (Ascension Chakras) acts on the conscious and subconscious alike, impacting DNA, your Divine Natural Awareness as some refer to it, thus your High Performance Intelligent Energy Source.

From a higher aspect ASCH are ‘under command’ thus influenced by Higher Self / Soul Spirit Self. From a lower aspect they ‘imprint’ their frequency into your energy field through the personality self, thus also carries a major Soul Chakra (8th) undertone

ASCH support the shift of Blueprint from Carbon (lowest expression of 3D self) into Silica (crystalline rewire of the personality self to become 5D). This involves the Thalamus and Hypothalamus, and Star and Earth Chakras.

Importantly ASCH support the personality self to awaken the Christ Consciousness codes within which ‘opens up’ to draw greater inspiration from the Soul Spirit I AM Presence.

ASCH reminds you of your Multidimensional truths. Working with the Universal Laws they reveal that Chakras 1-7 is greatly influenced by the Laws of Diversity & Duality VS Chakras 8-12 which naturally vibrates according to the Laws of Unity and Intent.

The higher chakras are infused into the lower system, brining Heaven unto Earth. Through aligning yourself with the mystical teachings and energy systems, the only therapist you will ever need is you.

Each level has a KEY and SENSE to work with/relate to. The first 5 levels correlates to your 5 lower senses which is self-explanatory. The 6th and higher senses are covered in more detail. To enable full activation of your energy field it is imperative to make your 12 senses come alive!

Very well then, let’s continue…

Beloved ones, by bringing acceptance into anything, you eliminate heaviness and overcome challenges by bringing joy into it. Accept the shift within, and see it for what it is, the birthing of eventual unconditional love.

Through embracing your transformation hence experience and integrating new frequencies, you allow yourself to integrate higher levels of Love.

If you could turn back ‘time’, you would not believe that you are the same person as your vibration increased exponentially! Yes, some do fall back on the old frequency of ‘deserve VS lack’, often feeling unable to accept the new. Usually because of latent beliefs that are still challenging the new.

To come into acceptance, create a current ‘map’ of your life. Reflect on the past and ponder on that which needs to come into acceptance. We are giving you ‘keys’ to the ascension chakras for clarity and to make it relatable. Brining awareness into the many aspects of yourself by way of accepting them no matter what, will shift previous frequencies into a new explosion of love.

Various teachings cover various levels yet there is a general weave throughout consciousness to bring all on par creating shared foundations. Separation is part of the past.

Separation creates division which is why it is imperative to work with energy systems as a whole as opposed to sectional. If you are unable to weave acceptance throughout your energy matrix fragmentation will continue.

We encourage you to love all your fragments. Bringing yourself into the divine alignment of acceptance, it empowers you to ‘gather all as one’ laying the core foundation for unity thus Oneness.

If your frequency gravitates towards oneness, then how can you separate the particles of self that you accept from that which you don’t? To bring this into divine alignment affirm the law of attraction:

“Using the laws of magical magnetic attraction I draw forth all my scatteredness into a divine puzzle called acceptance”

To anchor divine acceptance into every fragmented aspect of self, resound your ‘magnetic call’ bringing struggles into the Light, and let the rest go. Acceptance requires that you make peace with all that you are. This reveal new facts of non-resistance when it comes to ‘not being offended’ thus not needing to defend the self for self-righteous reasons. Acceptance reveals three sides to a story, usually all pointing in the same direction.

It is always our intent through these visitations when spirit meets the hand of matter to bring you into a new frame of light, a new timeline. We assist you to reach out and claim your Divine I AM, thus acceptance of the self is unavoidable, as above so below.

Some of you have been working on acceptance through many lifetimes. Now in this lifetime on your own ascension journey, to enable the self to embrace the totality of acceptance, you need to release the conflicting rejection that keeps on plaguing you. If you want the world around you to accept you, can you do the same for them?

You are all masters in the making, there’s no easy going here. If fragments of frustration have been brought to the fore by a magnet of irresistible love called acceptance, then why fear rejection? Rejection (lower heart chakra) is defused through Acceptance (evolved base chakra).

This creates a platform of strength, a grand cornerstone, when it comes to rediscovering and integrating your Divine I AM at the level of your reality, thus rediscover your magnificence.

“It is my Choice, therefore I Accept”

Acceptance Allows. Allowance Surrender. Surrender bring Choice. Choice affirms Free-will, working with chakras 1,3,4,5, 6, 11,12. Random free-will can cause destruction. Surrendering free-will becomes Divine Will.

Challenged by rejection? Go back to start! Examine earliest childhood memories which involves the birthing process and immediate family. Next evaluate fragments caused by your ‘inner group’ and those you love. In your current reality, what about rejection amongst your ‘lightworker’ community?

Instead of being aggressive and/or reactive, when you ‘agree to disagree’ you allow fragments to unite which is a step towards Oneness.

Allowance through Acceptance magnetise the pieces of your puzzle back together again as you rescript the past. The Heart (4) magnetises fractions of chakras 1,2,3, into 4 as one.

Judgment is being opiniated (dogmatic). Respecting an opinion without being reactive reconciles opposed to creating cliffs of separation. If so, best you start building bridges!

“I AM Magnificent”

Your Ascension Chakras, which we started sharing through this channel in 2012, awakens magnificent aspects that previously seemed anything but.

Accepting your magnificence, no matter conflicting confrontations, is all that is required. There is no need to run around handing out leaflets in order to make people understand you. Acceptance cuts all ways. How else? How can you want another to accept you if you don’t accept them? Beloveds, Accept your unique beautiful light, love, talents, gifts, thus your wonderment. On a higher level Accept that you have amazing intuitive ability, and able to work/connect with your Higher Self.

Leap across your high walls and thorny fences and proclaim “If you oppose my way of thinking I Accept it with love. I AM who I AM. It is not my duty to transform nor fix anyone. As a lightworker human angel I freely share that which I am gifted with. This is yours for the taking, or not, without judgment or expectancy, so I let it be”

Self-acceptance, the great I AM in the making, allows the fragments of a broken mirror to be miraculously restored through reflection.

We from the Higher Realms of Light serve to help humanity awaken to their divinity. By restoring your fragments, you are in service, thus masters in the making as human angels. Perhaps in time to come you may serve as we do now. I always say ‘you can never unknow things’

As you say, ‘by hook or by crook’, we will do everything God-Willing within our power from this side of the mystical veil to support you in rediscovering your grandness, but you have to Accept it.

Energy (everything) is changing thus heal your past and script an exciting future!

A Multidimensional Dance of Recalibrating

As mentioned, each level has twelve main aspects/fragments to ponder on which obviously differs accordingly. Most share general categories like: health, relationships, happiness, peace, finances, etc. When pondering on the principles anchored within each individual chakra the transformation required will be revealed. For example, within the Base reflect on:

Innocence VS Immoral – physical networks – mother’s influence, tribal, animal consciousness, roots of all that you are – trust vs belief / empowerment vs poverty, victim vs victorious, indoctrination vs choice, control vs content,  anger, isolation, depression, addictions, suppression, insecurity, suspicion, superstition, the inability to flow with life, pleasure, pain, screwed, shrewd, anything related to money, power, sex, your relationship with nature, the crown, kundalini /sacred mind blueprint, nature mapping, etc.

Beloveds, your awakening consciousness knows God within. Authenticity stirs remembrance. To embrace this fully you need to not only experience but be able to differentiate between aspects and fragments of self. Aspects are attributes that compliments no matter how obscure in the eyes of another. Fragments splinter creating cracks, thus separation which encourages duality. One of the major causes of fragments is fear

Enjoy what you wish, but don’t let it enjoy you. Acceptance will bring the 12 major issues within the Base into balance through Nurturing, the first and second key of your twelve steps towards transformation.

Acceptance demands responsibility, thus the ability to respond with respect. When ‘accepting’ irresponsibility it will cost you your worthiness.

Energy Initiation – Key: Acceptance / Sense: Smell

Journal 12 fragments relating to Acceptance within the Base Chakra in your notebook. Work with a different coloured candle for each level. The first is Red being the Base, ASCH 1-12, the colour of grounding, being secure, and leadership.

Visualise anchoring a Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra.

Set the intent for all that you experience to be stored within and recalibrated by your physical candle, on every level as you glide along.  

In your mind’s eye, transport yourself into the cosmos creating for yourself a Golden Pyramid of Light. Pause. Come to stand in front of the entrance where I Kuthumi and Goddess Diana guard the entrance to this portal. The tips of our swords touch creating a triangular arch for you to enter under.

Connect to the Golden Rose in your heart. Allow the divine frequency of Acceptance to open the doors as you enter your massive Golden Pyramid, your scared sanctum. Inside you find your personal sarcophagus and Golden altar on which you may place anything your wish.

Within the open sarcophagus rests an etheric aspect of you. See a vase with a massive, magnificent bunch of multicoloured roses displayed under your Altar.

Visualize a magnificent Golden Rose on your Altar which serve as a reminder of that which you carry in your Heart Chakra.

Anchor the word ACCEPTANCE into both Golden roses.

In your mind’s eye light up the Red candle on your altar as your drape a Golden tag with the word ACCEPTANCE inscribed on it hanging from the candle.

Allow this frequency to dissolve all incongruent fragments which you will repeat by burning your physical candle whenever you feel to do so.

Now visualise Lord Melchizedek standing behind you, and Goddess Diana facing you.

Bring into your mind your motherly and fatherly aspects which manifests on either side of you.

Visualise these four beings beaming from their Base Chakras into yours a magnificent Ruby Ray of light. Pause

Manifesting within your Base Chakra see the divine imprint of your first transformative symbol come to life, a 3D Ruby Cube / Hexahedron. Pause.

These imprints will over time reinforce your Merkabic Field / Lightbody.

Bring your attention to your parents. No matter your relationship, allow the essence of their Higher Self to bless you with their Acceptance of you.

Ignite a White Flame of Purity within the core of your Base Chakra. Pause. Give thanks for their energies as they dissipate leaving you standing alone facing your altar.

Let the fun begin!

Within your mind’s eye, spin the Ruby cube within your Base clockwise. Affirm your Acceptance of the gifts of the Divine Masculine-Feminine fully balanced within your Base Chakra. In your own time play with this energy gently imprinting this spinning cube into your Auric Field. Relax and be.

When you are ready, leave your etheric aspect within or on top of your sarcophagus if you feel claustrophobic. Exit your Golden Pyramid and ground yourself thoroughly.

Enjoy your candles! Burn them in your sacred space, your dining table, anywhere, anytime! Make it light! Let it remind you of the beautiful transformational energy you are working with. As you light your physical candles daily, bring to mind these initiations whilst pondering on your 12 sub-keys. As mentioned, place your coloured candle amongst your dinner candles to enjoy if an ‘altar’ is frowned upon.

The process of ascension in its divine nature remains a personal choice. The first 12 chakric cords needs your Acceptance thereof to thrive. The next 12 needs Nurturance, the Sacral Key which is to follow. The physical sense that relates to this first level (ASCH 1-12) is SMELL.

The Basin of your Drama hosts the basics of your being, the ‘ground level’ of who you are. This involves all that influenced your life up until you were able to make individual decisions like thinking for yourself. This could mean anything, from the age of 2 to 102 as you would be surprised how many are still not able to apply their own thinking at a ripe old age, but I will leave it at that.

Thus, if you are in any way subjected to and hugely influenced by another when it comes to the way you think, act and be, there’s certainly a lot of work to do ‘down under’. Even if you don’t, issues within the first three Chakras remains a thorn for most.

The 12 Chakric System reminds you of your magic, as an alchemist. Yes, the higher centres are more inspirational by nature, but you have to clear the Thorns below before you can fully enjoy and appreciate the Roses above.

As you know there is very little ‘new’. These ASCH were fully active during lifetimes long gone by like in Atlantis, Lemuria etc. As part of your pointers, you are reminded that it is your choice to ‘awaken’ to the alchemy of your consciousness once again.

As with the energy of Aquarius, this brings about newness, excitement, a rebirth.

Don’t chew on your 12 aspects or sub-levels within the Base (that needs Acceptance) too long. When you overthink, things tend to become heavier.

It is very possible to have more than 12 issues to bring into balance within that Arena. Work through the most prominent and the rest will fall into place.

Affirmations is a wonderful way to release density. Enjoy your journaling for in that way you bring ‘change and choice’ into Acceptance. When stuck, visualise the spinning Ruby Cube in the Base dissolving the complications and density of issues you are working with. In this way you NURTURE your ACCEPANCE, the second and first keys respectively.

If you wish, make a copy of your journal to burn once your Red candle is burnt out. Have a funeral for your fears and frustrations. Dig the ashes into the earth or blow them to the skies! Let it lighten your load to celebrate with joy!

Remember an attitude of gratitude enhances your gifts of Acceptance. By being grateful, you Accept. Lightworkers often has trouble receiving, thus Accepting their worth.

Melchizedek and Diana held the higher imprints of your divine self during this activation. The further activation of ASCH 1-12 will follow next.

I AM Kuthumi, and I greet and bless thee in love. Adonai.

Greetings Beloveds, I etherically assisted you this day. This is an alchemical process for you to follow through which will allow you to express freely whilst tapping into your divine essence using sacred geometry and the mystery school teachings. I urge you to allow yourself to powerfully tap into and embrace the gifts that this science gives unto you. Know that that which may seem like just a mere visualization, is in fact a very powerful alchemical tool! Use it wisely by Accepting it. I AM Melchizedek. Adonai.


Chanel lives in Howick South Africa. Author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination detailed in her book.


Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

©2023 – www.visionoftheheart.co.za – All Rights Reserved



23 September 2023



Conversations with Kuthumi 

The Enhanced Divine Feminine & Goddess Codes

Transmitted Thru Chanel Lingenfelder

Recorded in Howick SA.


Greetings I am Diana goddess of Light.


Dear beautiful beings, I step forth to present to you this day the gift of gentleness and kindness, a feminine gift extended through the frequencies that you are currently experiencing on your planet

For you see, within the undercurrent that weaves its divine flow of energy and love throughout your plane and inner planes, these weaves of kindness, gentleness, sensitivity, beauty, and love, is what’s holding the energies together. There is great controversy in your world, which as you very well know, is reflected through incredible disturbances within the elementals of your earth evident within your weather. Most are natural phenomena, yet on other levels some are not. You understand and know these things, so too do you understand that ‘when ulterior motives initiate instability’ it prevents the anchoring of the miracle of love.

Dear beautiful beings, the order of the day is to bring about balance. You are slowly emerging from a time of great chaos, moving into a time of greater order, yet that too can create confinement if not from the heart.
The divine feminine energy projections currently being shared on your planet through various codes and frequencies, is what facilitates and allows a softer more sensitive frequency to ease this.

In juxtapose, in order to create balance, order must burst forth from chaos. Thus, the need to create ‘orderly fragments within chaos’ to shift frequencies. Perhaps it sounds like a trick statement, but it is true
Within the greatest of chaos there too lies order. Beautiful beings, as you take on your lightworker frequency, you are being guided to be pillars of balance (diffusors) to bring this about.

You emit these frequencies; thus, your inner frequencies must be balanced within your own personal chaos for you to emit the frequencies required to create order in the chaotic outer world that surrounds you. Here you become a fragment of order within chaos.

This is then infiltrated into your life and your world around.

This frequency of balance, the soft gentle frequency of transformation, transfiguration, and compete shifting of that which is imbalanced, holds the energy of the divine feminine.

The masculine / feminine must balance!

You received the teachings of the new divine masculine through Kuthumi, and together with the finely-tuned frequencies of the new divine feminine, a ‘upgraded’ divine feminine, a new course of energy facilitates the balance between that which is ‘over’ orderly and ‘utterly’ chaotic.

To enable you as surrogates to share this refined energy requires an upshift of your divine feminine codes.
The divine feminine is as active as she’s playful, you will see this all around. You will even begin to see this amongst circles that previously couldn’t face tolerance or humour.

Dear beautiful beings, all of this is given to you so that you may share this as a light worker on a sub or non-conscious level. Perhaps you think others don’t realise or benefit from this, it matters not, for your world needs it.

There is a great plan taking place on many levels. You must understand the grand disturbance currently created by many must be brought back into order. When there is chaos in nature, the universal laws bring this back into balance. When there is chaos in human nature man goes tumbling, usually because the intimate higher vibrational frequencies truth, love, peace, and compassion doesn’t exist. Thus, their chaos multiplies and it completely loses track of where and when it was given a chance to revert back into balance. Next the imbalanced human becomes reactive and everything becomes distorted.

Rise above it!

When a situation stirs you to become reactive, no matter how difficult it may be, don’t! See the experience from the level of the observer. This is how you create balance in the chaos of personal conflict. Sadly, most humans spin out of their own control wobbling on their own axes, thus falling prey to the chaos which convinces them that balance is not doable, yet it is, with gentleness.

The codes bestowed upon you (and your planet) facilitate exactly this, to ease disturbance which is rife everywhere.

As you create your reality, so too must you now step into your ‘enhanced’ divine feminine shoes, to ‘unmanifest’ these disturbances. Many were once part of the chaos; some are still willingly, whereas others may be forced to endure it. The only way to undo this, is to imprint a new higher even purer gentler frequency within the collective.

You are creating new timelines!

That which is imprinted within or programmed into the collective unconscious will influence the subconscious which will eventually imprint its signature within the conscious. Once the conscious awakens, celebrations are in order!

Unconsciousness within a conscious world remains a huge stumble block to overcome.

By sharing information on many levels, through many beings to various groups, we from the realms of light gather as collective supportive energetic teams to remind you that you are recreating, rewriting, and reprogramming a brand new timeline for yourself.

A timeline where order reigns amongst chaos no matter the severity, that’s the new energy.
One of its gifts, is to with gentleness bring balance in an orderly way in any chaotic world, prompted via The Universal Laws. Thus, stand proud and firm in your beautiful shoes, be it a glass slipper or diamonds on your ‘trainers’ (sneakers) for the gentlemen, whichever way you feel comfortable. The divine feminine or goddess energy has nothing to do with being female. She’s stronger and more powerful than ever, yet her soft gentle frequency is clearly evident as she brings about a new approach.

Therefore, do not let anyone persuade or influence you to be or think different to that which you prefer to. Be your gentle self, for the frequency of this new divine feminine is very capable of bringing the overactive masculine aspect within the feminine into balance, whist recalibrating both the masculine and feminine frequencies within the male.

Generally, when placing these two equal energies within one arena, chaos wants to rule through the lower ego. Equality is about balance! Sadly, many are still blinded by the control of their lower ego which refuses them to integrate balance of the masculine/feminine within the confinement of their own restricted mind. When this is finally understood, gentle kindness brings clarity.

Love and care bring restoration during conflict. This enables you to ‘enact’ what the Universal Laws dictate no matter the circumstances.

The enhanced divine feminine accepts her role as the observer, anchoring herself as a pillar of strength no matter the conflict. She imprints her codes within all to reveal a deeper, clearer, and purer vision of the energetics needed to facilitate restoration.

We have our own ‘trick’ plan!

Humanity is very good at playing tricks! Fact is, you cannot bombard or force awakening consciousness, well you can try, but because of Free Will, each have the right to think and do as they wish, inevitably taking responsibility for their consequences.

You all have ‘the bigger picture’ imprinted within your ‘life plan’. But because most don’t allow themselves to escape from the clutches of their own chaos, they struggle to awaken to the consciousness of The New You within The New Earth.

Therefore, our ‘trick’ from behind the ‘curtain’ is to let the lightworkers, you, and many within the animal kingdom, become infused with frequencies to override the chaos within the collective unconscious. Once the density fills with these beautiful transformational codes, they too shall recognise beauty and love even within the most unstable. This filters into the subconscious, which imprints itself into the conscious.

All in support of this from your realms and ours, especially lightworkers together with mother Gaia, can show the way to the rest of your people. You do so by lending a hand that leads to a pathway of transformation, so that that they too can step into their own divinity without fear or intimidation.

I am Diana, I am the goddess of the sun and moon and stars. I am the goddess that reminds you to stay focused. How? Focus on that which you want, then let it go.

Let your focus become automatic. Let go of negative projections. As you draw back your bow and let go of your arrow, let that which you focus on be a subconscious unconscious goal, which is so perfect, and so direct, you never need focus on it again. That is how you do it.

Until we meet again, Adonai.


Kuthumi Speaks – The intention to create


I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of balance.


Through rising above the chaos, you have a better perception of the situation as you take on observer consciousness.

Be it working with the collective or selective unconsciously, you may imprint powerful new frequencies of divinity and love without being intrusive. We mentioned years ago, if you feel your world is too grey, why not sew some flowering seeds out the car window as you drive! In time on your return many flowers will bless your world with a kaleidoscope of extravagant colours reminding you of your manifesting powers.

The seeds of intention cannot sow themselves. Sure, in nature perhaps, but if you wish to create nature where there is not, then best you sow the seeds!

We reminded you in July to follow the flow of energy connecting all the major portals like the Galactic Planetary portal on 26 July, to the Lions Gate 8 August, to the 9:9 a gift to the children on your planet, then the even more intense Divine Feminine Frequencies being encoded at the Equinox 23: 09, the 10:10 balance, the 11:11 Solstice of Self, the 12 :12 Universal Solstice, the recalibration at the 21: 12, through to all the new year portals culminating on 8:8:8 (8 August 2024).

The new codes will bring about balance in a subtle way, shifting worlds without intimidation by releasing fear. The energy will pick up momentum as the portals reconnect.

Here you invite the paths of darkness and light to greet you without fear, like venturing through and beyond the ‘darker side’ of the moon where there is always light, yours.

The Divine Feminine Codes plants seeds of immaculate divinity, hence the unsure feminine no longer fights off insecurities needing to demand power, as they know their inner worth.

The sensitivity of the Divine Masculine and the power of the Divine Feminine brings balance amongst chaos. Of late, the destructive limitations created through control consciousness amongst all genders prevents order, thus failed boundaries of mutual respect. Anyone caged up in confined spaces will eventually burst forth creating more chaos.

Light dances with dark, soul with spirit, mind and brain with body.

The darkness that you perceive to be unknown, your friend that you are sometimes scared of, therein you will find light so bright and beautiful. Letting go of the fear brings about transformation at a cellular DNA level. This is held within every code of consciousness present in your reality, and as you integrate this, you create an even more splendid presence in your reality.

The testosterone ‘rule’ of the old masculine created much distortion influencing the human female frequency. Many has taken on her own ‘version’ of what she believes to be ‘her own’ testosterone rule.

It’s not working for her. Balance must be the order of each day to become a platform for expansion, thus breakthroughs and new discoveries!

20 or so of your years ago I Kuthumi anchored the Portal of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Goddess, not very far from where you are currently sitting in this location of Howick. It was the first ever on this continent, to ease the distortion of that which was to come.

Years later the ‘predicted’ chaos was evident everywhere. Roles are reversed and intentions distorted. What utter chaos!

Therefore, as Diana said, we come with a trick from behind the consciousness curtain. What better way to help than to do it unconsciously, collectively?

Humanity is being influenced on a large scale through subconscious promptings, advertising and social media. These influencers have caught on to the power of the subconscious. They realize the fact that once you are able to fill thus convince the subconscious, it will automatically convince and influence the conscious.
As mentioned previously, your subconscious is like a sponge which keeps absorbing until it sinks, and when it does, it ‘sinks’ into your consciousness.

This can be your biggest gift or greatest enemy. How many times do you not visualize and formulate situations which doesn’t really exist? You conjure up stories because of the dramatics that you love!

By flowing into a focused, balanced and gentle timeline, you are creating a better new reality. Through subconscious influence of the collective, by living your truth, others will awaken to the truth of their emerging conscious, whatever it means for them. Only they can do that, but you can fill the space around your planet with that which is good, kind, and amazing.

We understand that there are massive issues which needs seeing to, and it can be done. By creating a new positive timeline at a non-intrusive level everyone will eventually step into another vibrational frequency to create an even newer timeline of thought. You are strong enough to hold this divine frequency.

There is a great awakening happening on your planet, all you need do is be aware, and you will come to see this with your physical eyes. With your inner eye, your more powerful eye, see this world as transformed. Claim your divine feminine goddess frequency and sow seeds of transformation wherever you go.

Imprint whatever you do for the self into the world around you. The more you work on yourself, the easier it is for an unconscious shift within the collective.

Step forth, knock on your golden door, and move through it!


Goddess Activation

Visualize yourself walking through a magnificent forest. Smell the trees, leaves, and feel the dampness underneath your feet. As you walk along a beautiful pathway, visualize that the cobblestones transform into soft, beautifully tumbled crystals of all kinds, a rainbow crystal pathway that guides you deeper into the forest.


In your mind’s eye stretch out your hands and feel the foliage, touch the flowers, touch the trees. Perhaps slide your hand across a massive tree trunk, and for a moment connect to the bark. Place both your hands on that tree and tap into the history of that tree, tap into the goddess of that tree. Tap into the male aspect which together with the female gave life to it. Give thanks for this tree. Give thanks for nature all around.


As you walk further, you discover a beautiful lake ahead of you, stretching beyond your vision. Stand, and be still.


Feel the texture of the sand, what does it feel like? Is it soft, powdery, or rough? What colour is it? Is it cobblestones or soft beach sand, or perhaps a balance of the two?

Now step ankle deep into the water. The lake is flat like glass outstretched ahead of you, deep turquoise in colour.

Feel the texture of the water around your ankles, and connect to the essence of the Divine Feminine within this lake. Connect to the soft gentleness of the waters ahead of you, and as you do so, slowly walk deeper and deeper until eventually you start swimming, go gently without making too many ripples.


When at a comfortable depth, turn to float on your back facing up. In your mind’s eye, stretch your arms out and finger the water, feel the powerful yet gentle energy that this water offers. Feel it’s essence, emotions, and femininity. Feel the flexibility of this water, just float.


For a moment bring into your mind’s eye the picture of your venture thus far, floating on the magnificent lake, the forest, the path you walked on, the tree that you connected to. See massive mountain peaks surrounding this scenery.


This is your sacred lake. Allow your emotions to balance whilst touching the Turquoise water gifted from the turquoise ray. Turquoise carries the frequency of fluidity thus flexibility.


Feel the power of the Sun rays streaming down towards you. The warmth bathing your face and body. Be as ONE with the water.


Take a deep breath, hold it. As you release gently sink into the water. Relax. You can breathe under the water, as you gently sink down to the bottom. The water is crystal clear and you are very comfortable.


You are now standing at the bottom of the lake and all is as you imagined.

See a wonderful underwater world around you. You can breathe comfortably for you are able to transcend dimensions.


Gently start ambling around, exploring the underwater world, the magic of your mind.


Next you stumble upon a very special space, an area surrounded by old statues and figurines, with an open platform. You instantly know this is the very centre of the lake. Like an ancient cathedral without a dome, that sank into the deep turquoise waters.


You become aware of several monoliths that surrounds the platform. There’s a very distinct pattern imprinted on your centre platform, recognise it. You feel as if you are transported back into ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman times.

Before stepping onto the platform, connect to the symbol again making sure to imprint it within your memory. Each will be different.


If cannot sense anything right away ask for the symbol to be revealed at the appropriate time. You may share this with others. Each imprint is unique, like your hands and feet, your DNA, even if your shape appears to be similar.

Now step onto your personal unique circular platform and come to stand in the very centre, with your pattern stretching all around you.


Beloved ones, you notice myself Kuthumi coming towards you from your left, and Diana from your right. Your right-hand side is your masculine rigid past, and your left side your feminine flexible future.

This is energetically, for you understand the imprint of this energy crosses over in brain function.


We take your hands in ours, we turn to face each other whilst you face ahead of you.

We now send a frequency of your unique pattern that you are standing on to be imprinted in your subconscious. Thus, from our third eyes into yours. See this imprint manifest within your third eye.


See it fully integrated into your third eye. In the very centre of your third eye, visualize small a golden pyramid and then place that frequency within that pyramid, hold it there.


We release our energies and give thanks to you for bringing yourself into this sacred space as we take our leave.

Directly ahead of you, a most beautiful Goddess comes walking towards you. She steps onto your platform and comes to stand in front of you facing you.


Relate to her in whichever way you wish or please. This may be an imprint of a being that you are familiar with, or simply as a flame essence frequency.


She reaches out placing both her hands on your third eye. Pause. She then places both her hands onto your throat. Pause. Finally, she places both her hands onto your heart.


She reaches within herself, and brings forth a magnificent chain with the pattern that you visualized hanging from that chain, like a pendant of sorts, hanging this around your neck. You now have an imprint of your unique symbol hanging from your neck on a beautiful chain, a crystalline chain, guarding over the essence of your heart.

Long pause.

Beloveds, this gift from the Goddess is your unique imprint of the Divine Feminine Codes, anchored and programmed to a frequency you can relate to. Manifest this for yourself either as a mental or physical frequency.


Look deep into the Goddess’s eyes, her eyes are turquoise just like the waters that envelops you. Her frequency is as crystalline, like the chain that she gifted you. Let this remind you of your own goddess frequency, no matter your preferred gender.

She brings her hands together, namaste`, and you do the same, as you offer each other gratitude and love.

She gently turns and makes her way from your platform. In the stillness of this sacred space give thanks her, myself and Diana, and give thanks to yourself for making the effort and taking the time to reinitiate yourself into this divine goddess frequency endorsed with your own personal energetic stamp, individually, uniquely, yours.

Gently open and stretch out your arms, and as you do so you begin drifting up towards the water’s surface, away from your sacred space beneath this lake, your own ancient temple. You are the keeper of this temple, thus revisit it during your meditations, anywhere, anytime.

You head is again above the water. Take a deep breath in, hold it, and as you exhale turn and float on your back again with the sun streaming down upon you. Move your hands and your legs, make ripples in the water and then slowly, slowly, turn over and gently swim towards the shore. Step down with your feet back onto the sand, and then again stand next to the lake ankle deep in the water. The ripples on the water subsides until gentleness and peace mirrors again.

Beloved ones, this activation reminds you to let the ripples within subside, and you do so by finding balance within every situation. Even if there are challenges, rise above it. In that way you begin to influence even that beyond the average restrictions and restraints of human consciousness.

You do so by imparting your knowledge, wisdom, love, care, your goddess frequency, your codes of change, your codes of beauty and love and wonderment, into everything wherever you go. You do so by touching and walking, imprinting your divine frequency onto the planet as you are a carrier, a keeper of The Earth DNA. You are a keeper of The Earth Flames, and now as a keeper of The Enhanced Divine Feminine Goddess Codes, you have been gifted your own symbol to draw strength from.

Remind yourself of this unique symbol by visualizing it descending from the apex of your pyramid imprinting it into your entire body. Call upon the essence of the goddess within to bring about balance, harmony, and love, so that even in a space of utter confinement there too is calm and order. In doing so, confinement and restrictions needn’t brew chaos.

Remove yourself from that which is unstable, and place the self within all that is balanced. Allow your frequency to expand from itself, thus inspire the new codes of the Divine Feminine Goddess to be bestowed upon all.

Until we meet again,

I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I bless and I leave thee in love.



Chanel Lingenfelder©

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


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The August 2023 Blue Moon Celebration


Conversations with Kuthumi – Falling in Love. & Full Moon Codes

Body-Brain VS Mind-Soul

Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder

30 August 2023

Howick, South Africa.


I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a profound blessing of exploration, dedication, light, and fun!


What a joyful fun way to come together beloveds! This is indeed what this life is all about, joy, fun and the celebration of life itself!

Beloved ones, too many times in life humanity restricts themselves because of set rules and regulations. This channel is very good at that (smirk), therefore when you create a space where you push your boundaries to do things differently, which I teach all of the time, different things happens to you! Different energies are invited to enter, thus different opportunities stream forth.

Note: We did the chanelling in our front garden (which we have never done) under the full moon

When one gets stuck in your ways, you become stale. When that happens the chances for opportunity to knock on your door to remove the veils of the illusion which keeps you within boundaries 24/7/12/365 remains just that, a stale illusion.

Beloved ones, the human mind is probably one of the most complicated intense complex intently wired apparatus of Creation known to anyone. In fact, I will go as far as saying that very little of the wirings of the brain has been fully discovered. There is still much to be discovered! There is a whole world that is ready for humanity to awaken to, but not until time presents itself as correct. When you create situations of pushing boundaries and barriers, that is when you open the door or invite new discoveries to become known. This current time on your planet is a doorway such as this.

Surrender into the Expansion of it all!

Expand your mind, rewire your brain, surrender into the brain function of the heart, for the heart rules all. Things which restricts you within thinking can never restrict you within deep compassionate feeling, and therefore knowing. You can never ‘un-know’ things.

The heart will, when you allow yourself to go in search of the many gems and jewels contained within, reveal to you a very complexed life system of its own. Your scientists know about this, they have tapped into it, and although they revealed some of this info, much will still be discovered. The heart can indeed overrule anything, absolutely anything.

It is when the brain wants to control the heart that things go a bit ‘haywire’ as you say, things go wrong.
When tapping into the higher essence of the brain you open up a spectrum of mind exploration and therewithin lies the true gem of higher thinking. This allows you to ultimately surrender into the eventual balance of the sacred heart/mind. Beloveds, when these two joins in a graceful dance of transformation, that is when change become, magic happens, and miracles manifest before your very eyes.

This too is what the pulse of any full moon brings to you, yet, you needn’t be ‘under’ the full moon to tap into this energy to allow transformation. Listen to the essence and life-support system contained within and around your heart centre. There you will find the answer to each of your questions, from a heart not brain response.
Allow the mind to bring wider thinking. When you are able to finally fully let go and surrender into the essence of the scared mind/heart, that is when you ‘peddle on a bicycle without pedals’ as life takes you on a journey of its own. You can only experience and enjoy this once you surrender into ALLOWING yourself to do so!
Change the way you do things, break barriers, extend the thoughts that tends to curb you. Share emotions that you have never been able to. Allow yourself to open up and blossom into the most beautiful magical magnificent being that you are.

Clearly the brain is not all about confinement, yet enjoys playing games of confusion, which ultimately you create! At times it even finds pleasure or entertainment when trying to veer you off path. Confusion presents itself in many forms! The greater of this is either pleasure in form of humour, or misperception fuelled by the lower ego. Then there are the times when this displeasure to the mind happens purely because of the brain’s inability to ‘see’ clearly, which is complex.

The sole essence of man allows the brain to ‘drive’ your vehicle, on your insistence, for as long as you want. When the brain shows interest in learning all the markings or signs of the ‘road’ along your journey, the soul encourages it to take the free-willed driver seat for explorations. This is where the mind concept comes in, for the brain concept is the lowest, then you have the mind concept, then you have the sacred mind, or the higher mind, and then soul-mind.

I am presenting it in this way as this has created huge confusion amongst many when it comes to ‘separating’ these and the thought processes functioning thereof.

The brain will tell you “not to do it” as you have never done it, the mind will say “I dare you to”, and the sacred mind will say “trust me let’s do it!”

Beloveds, the moon essence that oversees Mother Gaia anchors within a reminder of the sensitivity of the self, stirring sensitivity within the male aspect of all of humanity to become more pertinent. This is when the sensitive aspect within the masculine guide in a beautiful and soft way.

The key is to be wary of over or under active emotions, this is when sensitivity within the feminine goes into power overdrive and the sensitivity within the masculine the opposite. To bring this into balance, you need to bring the brain-mind functioning into balance so that the soul can express what it came to do. In so doing it can finally indicate to the body, thus the human (brain), what it means to truly explore the journey of your life.
Thus, instead of being too stubborn acting out a full brain-only function, to tap into the soft gentle mind within the new masculine templates contained within all, which guides even the most stubborn to explore a more refined understanding of their map of life.

So instead of allowing the brain to drive where there are no roads, what this is saying is “Open yourself up by expanding your beingness” and you do so by integrating sensitivity and drive, without force.

Explore and express the sensitivity within the masculine and the power within the feminine.

This brings about balance by bringing the lower dimensional brain thinking and the upper dimensional thought process together into a balanced mind thinking, so that your soul experience is ‘downloaded’. So that you may then, as the famous saying goes, ‘Take up your bed and walk’

The key that unlocks this without fail, is to express yourself creatively. Explore different ways to do so, thus do things differently. The more you ‘allow’ yourself to push previously set boundaries, the better you will come to know the self, with the result, the more you completely, utterly, and totally fall in love with yourself!

Falling in love with the self.

If humanity as a whole can bring forth the love aspect and awaken this within each other, this world will be transformed in a blink of an eye. Trust me, I understand that there is great sadness, aggravation, people have lost determination and feeling hopeless. This world seems tricky for the most part especially at this time. But trust me, form a conscious level, come on lean into me, this planet has never ever had so many awakened beings in ‘now’ consciousness. Ever.

We apologise ahead of time for saying this, as some are feeling exceptionally distraught and ‘done in by’ because of great suffering on many levels. But, with wonderful magnificent well trained and equipped lightworkers such as you, all we can say is, bring it on, bring it on!

Unfortunately, some may fall by the wayside, but trust me, even those that have left and those that will do so before a grand state of equilibrium has been achieved, will rejoice from on high! Right now, they rejoice and give thanks on every level of the heavenly spheres for the amazing transformation that is happening, which they are still a part of, on or off the planet, and so will you!

It’s not a maybe or perhaps, it is a done deal.

It may not be within your lifetime, but you will be back for the sideshow!

You think your explosions of light at the end of each calendar year is great? You aint see nothing yet!

Beloved ones, the process of ascension and the ascending inner being, from human shell, to brain, to mind, to soul function, has been an ongoing theme for eons. It has taken eons to get here, thus if it takes that to continue for the achieved end result to be manifest, then so shall it be!

Utilise the feminine energies of the moon to remind you of your inner softness no matter your gender or choice. Draw forth all you can to become inspired and to remain so. Inspiration, Inner Sight and Creativity (3rd eye) transcends lower thoughts into intermediate, then into higher or inner thought forms (mind) which surrenders to the Sacred Mind, and it into your Soul Essence Mind.

Trust the awakening of your sacred mind, trust that your sacred heart is already pulsating vibrational frequencies to transform the rest. Falling in love with the self is not without trials and tribulations, which can be overcome. Many face challenges beyond the average comprehension, yet much is of their own making, like distorted thought habits, as your earth is drenched with addictions.

The most difficult of all is the addiction of a negative mind.

The addiction of allowing the ‘empty’ brain to be in control of the vessel, the vehicle, prevents most from going through the golden doors, remaining trapped within what you term repetitive 3D.
They won’t allow themselves to transcend boarders, as they refuse to hand the controls to the soul even though they know very well that the soul knows best. Addictions to the controlling lower aspect of the ego which thrives on lack, desire, and fear, must be overcome! Trust me, if you have faced these or working on transcending these, thus working at opening the golden door just a fraction, then celebrations are in sight! Once stirred, the door of transcendence can only open wider, and the gift of falling in love with the self, reveals itself.

Bathing under the moon rays opens up this doorway for you to take a peek at whilst exploring what this scared celestial being called your moon has to offer.

Time will reveal more for you to understand the greater energy at play here. The days of thinking that humans can do as they please with whomever they wish are ending.

Recent failed activities on your moon has proven this. Like all planets, your moon is a celestial being, and you are, by invite, living on another celestial body, Gaia, how dare you not respect this?

These things the majority will continue to teach themselves until such time that they too enter into the doorway of learning to fall in love with themselves, and all else.


In your mind’s eye integrate your personal codes extended from the moon into your sacral chakra. Then, feel these gentle codes move into the heart centre. Here the divine goddess feminine expression of your creative self now comes to dance with the inner compassionate one of the self, the one that dares you to fall in love with the self.


Now allow the sacral and heart moon codes of the divine feminine to join together with the 3rd eye moon codes. Feel this as a tingling sensation in the 3rd eye.


Remind the self to aim at focusing on that which is of the gentlest expression of the self. Remind the self to express through the sensitivity of the male and the power of the female. Move this frequency into the 10th chakra above the head.


Feel your angelic codes stirring an awakening in that area. Bring in the energy of Gold swivelling in the 10th chakra.


Now shift the essence of the codes from the sacral, heart, 6th, and the 10th Angelic Chakra into the 12th Chakra, to amalgamate with the I AM Christ Consciousness Diamond Codes anchored within the 12th. Pause
Beloved ones, feel yourself standing in a field of diamond energy.

Long pause.

Bathe in this Christed Light held within your 12th chakra.


All the ‘gems’ that you collect along your life’s journey are the ones that gifts you the passage of your way into the Light. Journey with creative compassion and excitement. Surrender into the Divine Flow of the unknown and claim this by integrating the ‘I AM’ Christ Consciousness Codes within. I truth, you already are that, your life cord envelops you within this sacred frequency, urging you to awaken to your full consciousness cord.

Long pause.

In your mind’s eye see your beautiful moon in its fullest expression in the distance. See her magnificence as she shines her light reflected by your sun. Understand that there is always a light and dark side to your moon, which is also the natural flow of balance within humanity, the Yin and the Yang.

Awakening means, that the one learns from the other. When opposites grow together and support each another, falling in love with the self is inevitable.

When the body-brain, and soul-mind, can dance together and work as one, miracles happen and lives are transformed! It may seem to be a tall order to some, but definitely not impossible! The more you lean towards this, thus the further you venture to open the doorway towards loving the self, the better you will understand the concept of balancing light-dark, negative-positive, Yin and Yang, and all the polarized rest at their best.

We invite you to open that doorway. Transcend consciousness beyond this plane by gravitating into the fullness of the moon, move your energy into and through her body out the other side into the darkness of her balance.


The further you travel beyond the dark side of the moon, thus the deeper into space you flow, the darker it becomes, until eventually you have gone way beyond into dense darkness, yet light always prevails, your light.


Venture even further into the abyss, the darkness, be comfortable, go even further, breathe, relax, feel safe.


Now, in consciousness turn around. and look back at the dark side of the moon observing your sun and earth beyond that.


No matter how dark you may think it to be, your consciousness responds according to your light frequency.


In embodiment, this is the light of your sacred soul mind beloveds, the light that you create from within, which guides you without.


Hang around here for a bit, feel what it feels like to be comfortable within darkness. When you are ready, bring your mind back through the dark side of the moon, out the other side where the sun shines brightly upon its surface creating a full reflection of that which is magnificent. Lastly anchor yourself back to earth, back to your space, chair, head and brain.

I will leave you at this.

May the Light of the living Christ shine brightly upon you. May you go forth and rediscover all that is great, wonderful and magnificent about you. May you be able to share this with all, even unto those that seem untoward.

May you know that not now or not ever can you be alone, for we are all one.

I am Kuthumi, I AM the lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet, bless, and gift unto thee a most magnificent blessing of discovering the love of the self.



Chanel Lingenfelder©

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


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©2023 – www.visionoftheheart.co.za – All Rights Reserved

Out of the old into the New

Conversations with Kuthumi


Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder
2.02.2024,  Howick South Africa


Please note this channel has been edited for publication specs


Intentional Frequency

I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the Rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of inspiration. Greetings


It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you here firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God.

Still one of my favourite introductions!

Dear beloved beings, Brothers and Sisters of the light, it is again an absolute honour for me and us as a group frequency to extend our vibrations unto you, to sit and ‘wash’ your feet, as we bring our frequency into an understandable space for you to be able to relate to yourself, as we do, for we are all one.

As you raise your frequency to meet ours, we meet yours. Beloved ones within the planes beyond this there truly is no ‘set’ divisions. There’s organization, clarity, and direction. There are various levels of treatments, healing, and teachings. Levels of ‘experiencing’ (being) and reflection, but there truly are no real separation. Your see, from one dimension to another, all it takes is an adjustment of frequency.

An adjustment of frequency beloved ones takes a commitment from the self to transcend itself from the level where it is at, to the level where it intends to be. Thus, where the intention focuses upon.

We have often discussed that for you to draw towards yourself that which you truly desire, all you need do, is align your frequency with that which you wish to attract to you, for it to come within reach, thus tangible manifestation in your world.

Truth is, beyond this plane it works very much the same, thus levels or vibrational frequencies shifts to attract similar vibrational frequencies.

Frequency = Thought

Beloved ones, you have yourselves on the third dimension, you enjoy the second and the first, you travel and dream within the fourth, you focus on the fifth and from a higher perspective you are all that and much more, collectively as one.

The same goes for the frequency of Home. Once you take your departure from this beautiful planet, that which you allow yourself to experience is what you draw towards yourself according to the frequency that you emit (think). The more you work on yourself on a conscious level, the easier it is for you to transcend lower frequencies, and therefore easier to attract towards yourself frequencies of other dimensions, of another way of being, of what you dream of.

The age of the Aquarius is the land of dreams. This and every other Portal (key dates) that we celebrate always opens up a higher understanding towards the new energy, a new way of looking at things. Beloved ones you can go back and reflect on the words that I have shared over the years, your planet is still in turmoil, very shaky, with much to be done. There is still so much to learn, to be integrated, shared, and taught. Therefore, it is imperative to allow others to experience what they need to according to their own understanding, the way they perceive things to be.

Each of you are an individual, each unique, and therefore the strong focus of you as an individual, especially within the new energy, is to master your authenticity. That is absolutely paramount for you to be able to transgress the old and embrace the new. Authenticity beloved ones carries a Divine Frequency of uniqueness. To be able to say that you are authentic or uniquely yourself is probably the greatest compliment and gift that you can give yourself. It takes an authentic and unique being to be able to transcend the old and therefore pave for itself a new frequency, a new vibration, for it to glide, listen to my words, GLIDE along a new timeline.

You would say to me “But Kuthumi, you must be stark raving mad to think that anyone on this planet is gliding anywhere”. I’m going to say to you “Actually, you are!”

If you have not yet discovered your uniqueness beloved ones, you certainly would not be sitting here.

We suggest that you raise your frequency, and therefore choose a new or different path for you to glide into an alternate timeline. This is one of the greatest gifts of the Aquarian Age, for you to be able to “shapeshift frequency” and yet still be within a vibration of understanding or relating to those that are around you. Each and every one of you have this gift; to still be kind and compassionate to each another while carving for yourself a new way of gliding into a more refined frequency of an alternate timeline. A reality that you dream of and dream towards.

Beloved ones the reason why I’m bringing in the topic of conversation relating the various stages and planes beyond this to that which you experience here within your own world (your dimensions), is to make it understandable that you are indeed the master of your own journey, and that you indeed have the ability to shift frequencies that no longer compliments you. I’m not even going to use the words ‘serve you’.

Serve the self, you serve all others.

Beloved ones, the time is nigh for you to be in service to the self for that is why you came. You came to be the Creator reflected in manifested form. You came to remind yourself of your magnificence as a being. You came to work through processes previously unachievable, unsuccessful, or unresolved, thus not totally within your satisfaction. Yes, indeed there are many reasons why you came to once again take on the human frequency. The difference being that this time around you have reminders set, automatic reminders within your energy field reminding you through certain trigger points that there’s a greater lesson at play, with the ultimate being to discover and live out the absolute uniqueness of the self.

We discussed this previously, but it needs to be repeated. Beloved ones there is such a need for you to totally surrender into your absolute uniqueness without having to make excuses, excuse yourself, apologize to anyone, and uncertainly without having to serve anyone.

The frequency of The New You that you are working on, and have for some time, is now being fine-tuned. This is part of the trigger node memories that you now tap into within your memory field, cell tissue, and Cosmic wiring.

Perhaps at times things don’t go as you wish. When this happens, as I made mention of previously, is to first of all be calm and retort into your own Stillness. Find your Still Point within.

The second is to laugh! Laughter is still the best medicine! Eons ago I gave you an analogy of opening your post box with yet another one of those window envelopes staring you in the face (accounts/bills to pay). Oh dear, I’m not even sure if you perhaps still have those on this planet as everything is via electronic mail!

You open it, look at it, and perhaps think ‘how in the world am I going to get through paying this or catching up with that?’

Trust me, you’ve been through far worse, far worse! You got yourself from the old energy into the new, from there to here! Therefore, we continue to bless you with words and frequencies thus vibrations of inspiration for you to once again recognize your uniqueness. To be inspired by your authenticity!

Trust me, when you leave this plane no one is waiting on the other side with a video camera or a recorder to see what you have achieved and manifested here. No, so in truth, that which you leave with must indeed be greater than that which you grew into in embodiment when you began this journey as human. It’s called awakening consciousness!

You came with very little earth awareness, which grew as you did to become a great expression of your unique individuality. You’ve worked at it, and expanded on it, and now is the time to put that into action! When you leave you will be very grateful towards yourself from an even higher dimensional level for the time and effort that you invested in developing your unique authentic conscious self!

Like the ‘visionary’ Age of Aquarius where everything is flowery, bright, and beautiful, filled with fragrance and love in the air, this current time offers you so many extended gifts as shared previously. I’m not going to repeat about the Diamond or Gamma (Bliss) Codes of Consciousness being bestowed upon each of you including the unaware. Let alone discuss being showered with codes of Enlightenment which transforms your world whilst inspiring you to awaken to newness thus new possibilities, and to cradle this within.

We get the turbulence; people are being challenged, thrown, and shoved from pillar to post. But we also know that in hindsight you are far more capable of transcending the old than what you realize! We KNOW you can do it, we’ve

been there all along, and will remain here along with all with the new frequencies being ushered in.

These imprints or etheric transmitters that you are blessed with erases your fears of feeling trapped in a world of ‘there’s no tomorrow’. You are in many ways confused by and trapped within the trickery of illusion, but you are now able to transcend that, and glide towards creating a different timeline to travel along. Once this new vision is anchored and stored within your subconscious, you will soon realise that that which you faced, and may still face, can and will be overcome!

Ultimate Peace Consciousness.

The New You is all about being brave warriors of light as you continue to create not only for yourself but also for others a more desirable frequency (timeline) to be at peace within.

Enlightenment takes work. To ‘wake up and stay awakened’ takes effort. No effort, no action, no result. To those who are unable to do so at this present time we simply extend love and inspiration! You do so by unconditionally sharing the codes of the New Earth that you are blessed with.

Be like the fairies and pixies running through your woods meandering about in a blissful world for that is you! Allow your unique self to selflessly sprinkle ‘love dust’ wherever you go! It is not your responsibility to stop and turn to see for whom the dust manifested or if it has fallen in favourable places. Your responsibility is your ability to respond to the self and in so doing recognize your uniqueness and authenticity. How else can you leave the world of trials and tribulations that many of you have grown up, into, and hopefully through?

If you are unable to truly face the divinity of your divine self within the mirrors of your own making and fall in love with yourself once more, or unable to remind yourself of your love when looking into the mirror on your wall, at least try shift this by practicing it even once a day.

Simply look into your eyes and say, “I LOVE YOU”. Over time, you will be convinced.

We understand the difficulty when facing one’s mirror, but when you do pluck up the courage, look deep in those beautiful eyes and you will see what we see, magnificence staring right back at you.

You will truly wake up to your unique divine magnificent (sacred) Fire within. In so doing you too will recognize your Cosmic lineage as it is written within every cell in your body. Because of that, you can fully absorb, reinstate, reaffirm, and totally re-embrace the absolute ability that you have as a being to achieve whatever you wish, or set out to do, BECAUSE YOU CAN!

Most of humanity relates success to great wealth, yet there is so much more to it. The greatest wealth you can gather for the self is to recognize all of that which I have just shared.

Look at yourself in the mirror of your own making and those on your bathroom walls and say to yourself “I remember you!”

The memory of your uniqueness is what inspires and prompts you to create for yourself the ability to uplift and raise your frequency so that you may glide along a new timeline, and to manifest the desired reality for yourself as you glide along.

Beloved ones don’t let the physical hold you back. We understand that with age comes change and challenges, whether self or humanly inflicted, nature or earthly caused. Whatever it is, it matters not. Work with your body, talk to your DNA and importantly, extend your requests for transformation and transition to the greater part or dormant DNA. That is where true change on an etheric level begins to rewire the cosmic frequencies infused into your very being. This supports you to finally step out of the old into the new. This is what I would like for you to call this discourse “Out of the old into the New”. This is what the Aquarian Age Frequency is all about.

It is what the recognition and the discovery of your own uniqueness, your authenticity, gifts you! This includes the truth of you as a being, the reality of your earth existence, and that which is to come, for it’s all written in the stars! The stars or celestial bodies, have a direct relation to, and reflection on you as a person. This is deeply embedded within your DNA as you are the biological reflection of the cosmos. That which is within, is without, and that which is without is always anchored within.

The gift of tools

Let go of ‘hovering’, thus unable to distance yourself from the old energy which keeps you from leaping into an unknown sea of pleasure, your sea of pleasure!

Do not fall prey to ingrained restrictions and outdated limitations. Embrace the flow of liquid love as we have shared, the balance of the divine masculine feminine. Do so by integrating the power behind the feminine and the sensitivity behind the male. Embrace the codes that you recognized within the goddess temples deep below the waters of your sacred lake. The symbol you stood on and that you adorned yourself with.

(See Channel: Kuthumi & Diana – The Enhanced Divine Feminine & Goddess Codes)

These are all tools, and you have plenty.

Most of you have a sea of crystals around you that support, uplift, and shifts your frequency into a more refined vibration. Rise above it all, raise your frequency and become flexible like plasma. Rise above the dirt and density, the restriction of fear, and as you do so elevate yourself into a position of compassion and love, so that you may finally step through that golden doorway of your own truth, and you do so by trusting.

When in challenging situations activate your Merkabic Field, work with your chakras and energy bodies. Create a golden double helix that surrounds you which you anchor into your Torus Field emanating from your heart chakra. Let it encase you within its magnetism and protection. Connect to your soul star and earth star chakras.

Set the intent for your golden double helix to cocoon you within its light, and with that release that which you can’t cope with into the Earth. Give thanks to the earth. Set the intent for transmutation of the negative into gold dust to bless the earth with and share this beyond the earth out into the universe, for the betterment of all.

  • Breathe this from the Star Chakra above the head through the Earth Chakra below the feet, into the core of the earth for transmutation, then breathe the gold dust up from the core through the Earth Chakra up out the Star Chakra. Then see this explosion of gold glitter covering the earth, and floating into the Universe, infiltrating everything, everywhere. Chanel

Beloveds, as you receive from above, share the gifts of enlightenment and healing unto all from your heart centre. From your crown centre connect with your higher self. Extend that to your monadic self, then beyond that. Return the frequencies of love that is so readily and lovingly bestowed upon you back to Its Sender, Source.

You receive this on every level of your dimensional frequency no matter whether you relate to or understand it, or not. Self-realization and authenticity inevitably make unconditional love a reality, as you let density slide from yours. Through non-judgment, forgiveness, and gratitude, transform your world so that you may tap into the true essence of unconditional love.

When it comes to love as a ‘lower frequency’ you as human ‘loves’ to create divisions, pun intended. Beyond the veil there are no ‘variants of love’ creating separation no matter your frequency or dimension, for love is all there is. Love is the only true power. The Essence of Creation is Love, unconditionally so!

Beyond the veils of this illusion, that love we speak of touches you so completely, so profoundly. That same love supports you here to the very end of your days. It carries you in Its Pulse across all illusions into a refined frequency as you ascend. The further your travel, the ‘higher’ you ascend travelling through dimensions known and unknown. Beloved ones, it is this Love that holds you in Cosmic Awareness, Consciousness, and Existence.

This very Love is ALIVE within each of you THIS DAY, embedded within your macro and micro existence. Deeply inscribed into every cell tissue, largest bone, microscopic scratch of flesh, imprinted within every hair on your body!

This Love allows you, through the essence of your own divine memory, to take on and integrate your own personal uniqueness and authenticity, and in so doing, steer yourself into a timeline of different choice. Claim this within your mirror reflection.

Energy Initiation Upgrade   

Allow your frequency to lift leaving the density behind gently floating away from the planet. You know that you are safe. Truthfully you can never experience darkness for you are the light.

Float up and away as you leave the distortions and complexity of this world. Beautiful Lady Gaia takes care of herself naturally. Yes, she appreciates and wants your help, but trust me, she’s very capable. Release all as you venture further.

In the far distance you notice a massive golden pyramid reflected through your 3rd eye, reflecting your heart chakra. Floating amongst pure white clouds, surround yourself with crystalline light, like a crystalline Christ Consciousness Fountain pouring forth the codes of Purity which stirs a tingle in your base centre.

Within your sacral these codes inspire transformation. Empowerment and authenticity within your solar plexus dare you to empower others, and in so doing, validate your authenticity, and feel empowered by it.

Empowerment stirs the codes of respect within your heart brining a heightened awareness of the respect field you glide through whilst creating your new timeline.

To facilitate your further transformation, come to stand before a massive golden door, the entrance into your personal pyramid.

Don’t enter yet as you bring to mind your codes of truth and trust located within the throat. By asking another to honour you living your truth, you must devotedly return this, for them to live out their reality.

Before entering place both your hands upon your golden door. Connect with the frequency within your pyramid. Feel the love, the unconditional nonjudgmental love. Gently lean forward and place your third eye between your palms on your golden door. Bring into your mind, The New You. See yourself in your transformed perfection, feel the empowerment that it gives you. See yourself in your mind’s eye however you wish to.

For a moment take a glimpse at how healthy and successful you are as The New You. Allow the frequency of your third eye to pulse all that you claim for the self as The New You, to your current self. This is received with humbleness and love, understanding who you truly are. Pulse these frequencies back into your pyramid.

Now see the frequencies of that which you desire manifest inside your pyramid. See this in great detail. Also see the waves of your intention pulse frequencies of peace unto your planet from this inner sanctum. Sharing impulses of harmony, abundance, prosperity, and awakening. This supports your ascending earth, sharing etheric frequencies of transformation, well-being, and solace unto all.

When you are ready, turn the big handle on your doorway or simply push it open. Once inside the door closes behind you. Before venturing forth, stand with your back leaning against the door. Face all your projections playing out like a hologram within your pyramid. This is authentically you! You are creating this.

See your dreams, wishes, and desires unfold like a new reality or timeline within your scared pace. Within the very centre of your golden pyramid on your crystalline slab manifests a massive golden chair. You are familiar with this celestial chair as many channels have discussed this. Take a seat. What does it look and feel like?

Bring your manifestation vision back into your third eye. Create the success that you deserve, claim it. As you draw this frequency back into your third eye, see this energy flowing up your chakric column into your Crown Centre, then beyond that where it explodes like a fountain of light, flowing back into your auric friend and bodies, physical mental emotional spiritual etheric bodies, into your physicality into your biology into your DNA, as you listen to the song of your soul orchestrating and rearranging a brand new frequency of perfection for yourself.

Affirm “I listen to the song of My Soul orchestrating and rearranging a brand-new frequency of perfection for me, as I am uniquely authentic, and I give thanks for this”.

“I stare into the eyes of my human angel, soul-spirit self, and I recognize within my reflection how far I have come. I embrace the power and the sensitivity that is supporting me to Glide into a new reality timeline. I will not be affected by the discord that plays out around me, instead I share love”.

Beloved ones, affirm this whilst integrating these divine frequencies within your pyramid. See your entire being glittering, every cell tissue and DNA trace transformed into that which you project. You are part of your hologram. Be The New You!

Very long pause

For a moment raise your frequency even higher as you ascend within your own consciousness.

Rise above your chair leaving an etheric imprint behind. Then ascend beyond that into an even more refined frequency which moves beyond your pyramid, further away in consciousness higher and higher.

In your mind’s eye, notice your pyramid in the far distance, way ‘down below’ a mere glowing golden light. Now breathe yourself into an even more intense and heightened frequency as you travel beyond the grid systems, tapping into the celestial bodies of which your earth is part of within this solar system.

Move beyond that, through your great Central Sun, then beyond that even further where you once again come to face the Cosmic Seas of a billion stars.

You have touched on this energy before.

Ahead of you see waves of Emerald and Violet frequencies, yet so dark it almost looks black but not quite. In the far distance you notice a magnificent being beaming its light towards you. See it as a flame frequency. Ask it to be your Guiding Light, for it is, never to leave your side, for it won’t. This connection is ALWAYS there.

Beloved ones, your Higher Self is always with you, every moment of every day, night, and breath. Ask for it to introduce itself during your nightly sojourns so you may come to know even more of the world beyond this, and thus replace the restrictions of fear with infinite inspiration! So that you may soar to heights you never dreamed possible!

With that, leap into the Cosmic Seas of Bliss, for indeed this is where you feel so comfortable, so safe. Float in Bliss Consciousness.

Very long pause

Gently bring your awareness back to your physicality, back into the top of your golden pyramid, back on your golden chair. Feel how the vibration shifts, it relaxes you, you have this!

As you descend in outer frequency keep your inner vibration steady by placing your seventh chakra into your six into your fourth into your first. Your eighth chakra into your six into your fourth into your second. Your ninth chakra into your six into your fourth into your third. Your Tenth chakra into your six into your fourth. Your eleventh chakra into your six into your fourth into your fifth. Your twelfth chakra into your six into your fourth and back up into your six.

Envelope yourself within your magnificent, interlocked, Star-Tetrahedron Merkabic Fields spinning in opposite directions. Anchor yourself, and as you do so feel the full descend from you Golden Pyramid, through the clouds, back here, back in this chair, back in your body.

You may realise that although your physical awareness is here in these chairs where you sit, for a moment your elevated frequency is still up there. Duplicating the higher chakras into the lower holds the vibration of bringing ‘heaven unto earth’. This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in the meditation we’ve taught.

Once you feel comfortable with this ‘dual’ energy it will allow you to easily relate to frequencies beyond the norm, in a very normal way!

Breathe yourself back into your body, fully. Simply relax for a moment.

Beloveds, go shine your beautiful light! Express and explore, and as we release codes of inspiration to support your transformation, kindly share this with others.

Anyone wants to share anything? Any Questions?


We bring this transmission to an end as I release my frequency from this being, and collectively we release our frequencies from each of you. Beloved ones we love you dearly and sincerely. If only you could see and feel the army of beings here to support you at this time. Holding your hand every time a tear comes into your eye or sadness in your heart. We are with you, as you could never be alone. Just because we do not share your physical frequency doesn’t mean we’re not there!

Each of you here can feel this energy and if you can’t then you shouldn’t be here for this is the gift of Consciousness.


May the light of the living Christ burn brightly within you. May you know that not now or not ever can you be alone for We Are All One.

I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and the master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless thee in love.




Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Dancing with your Shadow

Conversations with Kuthumi – Dancing with your shadow
& Solar Eclipse

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions


Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder, Howick South Africa

Please note this channel has been edited for publication specs

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quiet your mind; find a comfortable undisturbed space, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, according to your personal frequency requisite.


I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a most special blessing of awakening.

It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day as we hold each of you here firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God.

Dearly beloved beings of all parts of the light, the dimmer and the brighter, for beloved ones, it is all Light!
As always, we deliver a message of inspiration and hope through an energy frequency of Love extended from our essence. No matter if you listen, or read these words, you will feel our essence and vibrational frequency as you tap into the essence of Love, of the self and all else, and through that be able to extend and open yourself up to embrace the Love extended to you from All That Is.

Beloved ones, the essence of light and dark is a topic for intense discussion which we shall attempt to touch on over time. At this time, you are experiencing the eclipse, the darkening of your sun. The sun is the essence of light and energy that brings forth its magnificent vibrational frequency to enhance that which is alive on terra firma.

The sun brings life, she is the Star of your system as it is known. She brings all to life (light) and physically she shines her light upon you. When the sun goes into an eclipse and is blocked off by the moon beloveds, even though there is the ‘shadow’ that passes across its refection, it by no means lessens its light or slows down its life-giving frequency.

Symbolically and metaphysically the action of this, of letting the darkness slide across the light, is in many ways a metaphor for your own life as this is a great time of cleansing and purging. It is a fantastic time from an energetic point to release the ties that binds you to the past, or that binds (anchors) you to a restricted space that won’t allow you the time of day, thus prevents you from bursting forth to be the immaculate self, which in fact you already are.

This energy requires an in-depth ‘checkup’ if you wish, thus to create a ‘check’ list of things that you feel is still not within balance. As this is a planetary event it affects everyone alike, consciously or unconsciously, thus we suggest that you hold these intentions for the rest of your brothers and sisters and your planet. Set the intent for these intense frequencies of ‘death and rebirth’ anchored within your time to be experienced as a ‘change over’ of energy, as with Easter the reflection of death and Wesak reflecting birth. Extend these awakening frequencies of Light to all upon your planet.

Darkness has no power over you lest you give it that. A room is only dark until you light a candle, and once the candle is lit that light holds the frequency of vision so that you may physically see the light all around. You have within the self various energy bodies (chakras) and within your auric field and even more etheric bodies. Your physical acts on the etheric and the etheric reflects your physical, and through that entire system of light beloved ones you shine like a beacon! You shine the most beautiful brightest light no matter whether your candle is lit or not, as that light is you, shining from within, without, and from without, within. This light is noticeable wherever you go day or night, at times of joy or darkness, thus which you may perceive to be a time of shadow.

The shadow only extends as far as the light allows it to. When you allow the reflection of the light from your sun to cast your shadow on to the earth, once the sun sets that shadow is no more, yet its reflection remains (metaphor) thus as I always said, learn to dance with your shadow.
There is such controversy at this time when it comes to the outplaying of light and dark. It is therefore imperative, especially at times of despair, to understand that ‘darkness’ has no hold over you, it cannot ‘do’ anything to you, except that which you allow it to.

The Codes of Expansion

The earth receives her energies from the sun, and even though there may be a ‘shadow’ effect cast upon the sun during an eclipse, that remains. Therefore, the energy frequencies extended to you never diminishes or withers. It is up to you to integrate, work with, and embrace this, and through dedication allow the self to expand from it. Work with The Codes of Expansion within The New You meditation that we took you through a number of years ago (for those that followed our work over the years) which we will soon repeat.

In fact, we will ask this channel to include some information on these codes which many be integrated and experienced in your own way. It is the greater understanding of Love that allows you to do so.
Note: I have included a quick ref chart of these codes at the bottom of this channel – Chanel

Always hold the frequency of Light and Love in your heart no matter which of your darkest hours you are facing. Within darkness there is immense light. Within complete blackness (as in the void), there is light. That light is you. It is therefore pretty obvious that at times when venturing into these deep levels of ‘extended’ consciousness that you must never fear, for within any and all darkens YOU hold the light.

This transformational time you are in asks you to get excited! Become anew! Pay attention to the ‘Key Date’ events as integration and manifestation is powerful. Hold in your heart the dream essence that you wish to create and let this become your reality! Do so by bringing it in through the 3rd eye and expressing it through the heart, as always. (Note – details on this in the next channel) At times like this the energy around the planet becomes so amplified and powerful that it allows you to gently move into a deeper understanding of the void, the veil, the abyss, of all which ‘presumably’, according to you, separates you from worlds within worlds.
Beloved ones we move amongst you. We move past you, we bump into you and you into us, but because you are render yourself unable to register our frequency you say we don’t, yet we extend our frequencies to you nonetheless.

Senses and the sun

Like the energy of the sun that continues during an eclipse so do we continually share our energy and our Light Essence with you even though your lower senses may not agree. The five senses of human awareness that you have been blessed with, are the most exquisite tools extended to humanity to navigate the self through a survival and expansion system. But when you combine those with the extended knowingness of the element essence of earth, water, fire, air and ether, that is when you allow the self to step through the gateways of consciousness which previously prevented you from tapping into worlds beyond worlds.

These gifts (of extended knowingness) are again extended through this gateway period we are speaking of currently, from Easter through to after the New Moon in Taurus. This repeats itself from the middle of July through to mid-August, and again later in the year when eclipse season returns.

Eclipses are an extremely important time of introspection, fine-tuning your desires, wants, manifestations, bringing all of that which you desire to the table as you place your order within the universal kitchen so to speak. It is a time to focus on that which you wish to create and set the intention for it to come into being. Do not allow your shadow self to overshadow you in the sense of you fearing your own darkness which creates the opposite.

The planet needs your love, it doesn’t need you to save it, nor the humans on it, save yourself and all is transformed! If one person at a time commits to bring their energy into a new frequency of balance and alignment, all is ‘saved’! You are beautiful beyond words, and no matter your beliefs about the shadow within, the light that shines within as without always prevails.

When facing what you term to be your shadow, how do you feel about that? What would be the first thing that you think of as I speak these words?

I can guarantee you the first thing that comes to mind, is usually the last you should think about. It sets the self in retrograde so to speak. Put that thought last on your list, and move the last to the top of the list.
Within tiny crevices of consciousness and brain function there too brews pockets of darkness as you refuse to shine your light upon it. We dare you to shine your light to allow the things that you feel to be your biggest drawback become the inspiration for your complete transformation.

Where you perceive there to be darkness, cast your light

Instead of fearing or complaining about the dark, cast you light upon it! Use your positive frequency to dissolve the negative connotation surrounding that which you profess to be of the dark.

Let me clarify here, in this discourse I am not discussing evil, I am speaking about your shadow, thus that which you need to face, for very often within that shadow therein lies the greatest gifts which can only come to the fore once you peeled off the layers of its pungent onion. You are an extension of Creator Light, you cannot exist without it, thus remember this especially at times when you feel that you can be no more.

Embrace your Shadow – Activation

Visualize yourself standing outside with the rays of the sun bathing you from behind. Let it cast a shadow of your shadow self on the earth.


Once you are comfortable, allow your shadow self to become an extension of you. In other words, see yourself manifest as yourself within the shadow aspect of yourself, extended a couple of meters beyond the self.


Now visualize your shadow getting up from the ground standing facing you.


Extend your hands towards your shadow as you come to greet your shadow.


Where the light and the dark come together, it creates a magnificent frequency of LOVE. Allow this gift to create an electrical spark within that hand grip, the holding of hands. See these sparks of light travel into your shadow self and into yourself. Allow the shadow and the embodiment of you to be filled with mini explosions of Light from top to toe, like a magical explosion of trillion of sparks of Light!


Feel this vibration within yourself, and extend this to your shadow.


Now look into the eyes of your shadow self, your eyes. For a moment bring your attention to your own eyes, you know what they look like? Pause. Hold the reflection of the light within your shadow self within your eyes as your shadow self embraces the Light within your eyes.


Now gently step towards and embrace each other.


In so doing beloved ones make peace with that which you believe to be your enemy.


Acknowledge it, give thanks to it, but don’t give it your power. Set the intent for your perceived enemy to leave if it must. This will give you the ability to experience a fresh new start.

Bring to mind that which hinders you and prevents you from excelling! See this not as your darkest energy but rather see it for the experience of it to, thus a supporting tool that now allows you to excel, burst forth, and step into a new pathway of Light so that you may go explore, knowing that the balance within creates balance without, and no longer need you fear your darker frequency, nor run away from your shadow, or be interrogated by it, OR live according to conditions set by something that has no power, unless you give it so.

Don’t treat presumably dark energy or shadow self with malice, negativity and anger, for we have said time and again LOVE that which you need to let go of because by loving it, you give power to the self over it, and by hating it you give power unto it which holds you within its clutches. It is only by loving something and thanking it for being it in your life and acknowledging the experience and frequencies that it bathed you in, that you find the gift of Light within its deepest darkest parts. The hold starts weakening, and thus the vibrational frequency of what you believed it was, and what it truly is, sets in motion a new tone for you to see things in the light where it can no longer control you, ever.

It is important to keep working on this. Embrace your shadow, see this infusion of Light within as without.
If you are as Light, how can you ever be in darkness?

Beloveds allow the transition of the ‘shadow’ moving across your sun to symbolically be a shadow moving across your life so that you may finally learn to dance with it! Together you can create anew, and therefore acknowledge that all it is, are various frequencies of Light. When those of dimmer light and lower frequencies interrogates you sit them down, shine a light upon them, see the light in their eyes, take their hands and embrace them, symbolically.

Control creates separation. By integrating the Yin Yang of the self, thus by holding the power of light and dark within the essence of your Light and Love, fear none. As a Christed Being the true dark can never be again, for wherever you are there too is light.

This is what the Aquarian Gateway is all about, which you are steadily transcending over many years, decades, lives, and longer. Therefore, remain true to the self. Stop criticizing and judging the self and others, for when you do, you give the shadow self power to express over you.

Tap into your internal light and embrace that which you shy away from by allowing Love to bring peace into your world, and you are transformed.

May the Light of the living Christ burn brightly within you, and may you know that not now or not ever can you be alone. Until we meet again, I am Kuthumi I am the Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless thee in Light,



A Quick reference chart of ‘The Codes of Expansion’ and ‘The Evolved Chakric Flame Colours’
The numbers (in brackets) relate to the various chakras (1 – 12) which works together with the relating chakric issues where mentioned. Kuthumi will explain this in great detail in upcoming channels

– Chanel


Step 4 – Codes of Expansion New Chakric Flames

 Step 4 Codes of Expansion New Chakric Flames

8-The Eight Chakra Contains the culmination of the codes of expansion from the base to the crown.


Magenta Flame – Magnificence

Love + Embrace ALL.  fragments/faults/facets/aspects/archetypes

7-Crown Chakra: Codes of Unity.

To Know (7) oppose to programmed beliefs (+1)

Golden Flame – Illumination

Discover inner gifts in a new way

6-Third Eye: Codes of Inspiration.

Acts on Nurture (+2) for us to become fully inspired (6). Forms a bridge between scared mind and sacred heart through our spiritual doorway (+5)

Emerald Flame – Inspiration

Get creative




5-Throat Chakra: Codes of Trust & Truth.

All ABOVE must be loved through the experience BELOW to make it a reality. Do this by balancing all the bodies.

Double Sapphire Flame – Trust & Truth

As you trust your truth allow another the gift of trusting theirs


4-Heart Chakra: Codes of Respect.

Defines boundaries of Love (Lower Heart) VS Unconditional Love (Sacred Heart) Forgiveness through Salvation / Compassion VS Judgment / Unity (+7) VS Isolation (+1-7) / Respect (+3/4/5) VS Demand (+1/3). Facilitates flow between Nurture (+2) & Insight (+6). Unconditional Love facilitates the marriage between the mind (+6) and the emotions (+2)


Pink Flame of Compassion & Salvation





3-Solar Plexus: Codes of Authenticity. Supports the heart (+4) to stimulate recognition of Love or lack thereof (+4) usually revealed in areas of avoidance most commonly first 3 Chakras


Ruby Golden Flame – Authenticity & Empowerment

Empowering others: cancel Insecurity & Intimidation. Empowerment = Dedication gives License to thrive thus share your heart with all (+ 4)

2-Sacral Chakra: Codes of Transformation. Transformation needs Nurture (+2) for Inspiration (+6) to flow. Transformation gives the gift of Time Management, to love your place of Daily Experience (work) by applying the codes of Respect (+4) through Unconditional Love. See restrictions in a new light (+1) Nurture stirs Deserve (+3) VS Guilt (+4) by unveiling addictions (+2/3/5/6/8) and self-sabotage (+1/3/8)

Violet Flame – Transformation

Transform negative emotions








1-Base Chakra: Codes of Purity

Beliefs are challenged here for you to Know (+7) by Choice (+5) to be in Unity (+7) using Free Will (+12)

White Flame – Purity

Overcome our biggest obstacles




Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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©2023 – www.visionoftheheart.co.za – All Rights Reserved

The Pillar of Personal Reflection - A 7.7.7 Celebration

Goddess Diana & Ascended Master Kuthumi

7 July 2023

Please note this channel has been edited for publication specs

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, set the intent to connect to Spirit. Your rewire will automatically be facilitated by your Higher Self for your greater good, as every word is energy infused with love, guidance, gratitude and healing, claim it, enjoy it.


Greetings, I AM Diana, Goddess of Light.

So, you are once again coming to face a time of self-illumination. You are once again standing in front of your pillars of self-reflection, self-recognition, self-development and self-creation.

Dear beautiful beings in the energy that you are facing at this time, when you are entering energy phases such as this, you are reminded again that you are from a place of immense beauty, you are from a place of immense inspiration, inspiration of the self, inspiration of the world that you find yourself within and you are very comfortable in that energy, the energy of beauty and love and harmony.

It is when you come to face the frequencies of the Earth and when I am stating that, best I be clear, not the frequency of that is immitted from the Earth, but the frequency that the poor Earth, if I may say so, has to uplift herself through for her to shine her beautiful light, the frequency of discontent that humanity continuously sows around themselves, around them lives, around their families and around their place of daily experience as we would like to refer to your work, for perhaps some of you may say that your work is a four letter word, it is, but it is also a place of daily experience, so objective there is to allow yourself, each day, when you transition from your place of living into your place of work, or earning, to experience that energy and through that experience to give for yourself an opportunity to once again face your pillar of self-recognition, not only in your home time, but also importantly in your work time.

Many of you beautiful beings have a conflict of, shall we say, I better choose my words well, of personality interest and reflection, for because of the total unconsciousness and obliviousness of humanity in general, in many pockets of places, energies, situations, institutions, corporations, those that lead in those areas undergoes a personality change between that which they leisure and that which they should treasure, their work, but they find that to enable those that are working with them or as they say sometimes, under them, although to work under somebody you are going to walk all over them and that is not a good thing, best let them stand beside you. So for you to be able to do that and for you to take control of that situation you have to go through some sort of a walk-in change of personality to be able to control that which is in your office space or those that work under you or with you.

Dear beautiful beings, although we very much understand that concept and we understand where you are coming from, where you are going to is where that situation will begin to change, for that is one of the greatest conflicts you are facing on this planet, is the conflict that denial brings to you, for you understand it has everything to do with self-worth and self-value, for if those that are in a position of earning, in other words, are able to go to a place of daily experience and experience for themselves that which they need for them to, in their own words, put bread on their table, and pay for the things they need to pay, for them to come into a full realization of where they are at, and where are they at? They are in a very fortunate situation to be able to go to an institution who then teaches them to sit or stand or walk or drive and do things all day long for them to at the end of the day or week or month, to be able to get their renumeration from that renumeration and for them to be able to take that and again transform that energy be it from a automated transaction, be it from a piece of paper or be it from an original cash exchange and change that for other values or energies that they need in their lives, like paying for their day to day living, their food, their home, their car and all the things that they have within their own pillar of recognition.

The energy that is very much coming through this gateway today, this triple gateway which I am going to ask you to not only celebrate this day but celebrate this in times to come, in days to come, in weeks to come and in years to come and as you know the higher essence of this energy is open for a 21day period at its peak and thereafter it is integrated in the energies of this powerful month that you are in, it is then extended into the next month and beyond that and in fact it will take you right through to December the energies the personal Solstice on the 11.11, the 12.12 and to the 21.12 gateway and hopefully into the next year but you see dear beautiful beings the essence of this, what this is being seeded, what is being planted within and through is to bring an awareness for humanity in general that the place they find themselves within in their daily experience, in their work place is a place to be respected, it is a place to enjoyed and it is a place to use as a platform for exploration and to be able to extend your knowledge, your understanding and to learn and when saying the place of daily experience please do not get me wrong here, what I am saying is it is what you created for yourself to express yourself through for you to be able to turn that energy into a valuable exchange for you to be able to sustain yourself in whichever way or form, way, thought or form. Even if you are self-employed, your own practice, your own business, perhaps you do your own thing, always respect that and understand that even though many, many message have been shared about the controversy of having to go to work from 9 to 5 it is indeed what you make of it and when you use the word work understand that even though some of you prefer to see it as a four letter word what it is indeed is another opportunity for you to express yourself on an integrated platform for you to excel from yourself.

Dear beautiful beings we understand that in certain situations much conflict arises between the communication of those in charge or overseeing these energies and those that are merely participating in those energies, but what we are asking you this day is in your energy this day set the intent to create a beautiful energy of light, you may give it whatever colour you wish, you may call whatever name you wish and then send this vibration out to all of those that participate in daily experience for them to begin to appreciate that platform in a different way, for them to instead of being labored by it, complain about it, effected by it in what they perceive to be a negative, derogatory or limiting way but to rather understand that it is an experience to be enjoyed, no matter what, and for those that are in an overseeing position, for them to hold the essence of harmony and light and peace in their own energy field and with the result you know the story as you sow so you shall reap.

So what we are saying is once again what prevents humanity from being happy at their place of daily experience….the ego, what else can it be for there is always interferences for the competition is on to see who is the best, who is the nicest, who is the most sleezy, who is the most controversial, who is the most dedicated, who is the most shocking, it is insanely crazy in most situations and this energy creates a thick dense negative reflection within the collective unconscious and one of my overseeing energies that I am working with as the Goddess Diana is to help humanity become more focused on that which they wish to create, you know that, so what I am saying in this message is, support your brothers and sisters and yourself and all of those that you know to create a better environment or a lighter way of thinking and being within their daily experience so that they will indeed come to enjoy a better reflection if their time in that than to slog it out as they say. There is nothing is slog about, it is everything to be enjoyed and although you probably say Diana you must be completely crazy if you think I am going to go to that place every day and enjoy it and I am going to say no, you should be, for you are not doing it for nothing, you are doing it for a way to receive an energy that you can exchange for whatever you wish to or need to or must do for, for you to be able to have the live that is reflected in these pillars of self-recognition, these pillars of inner reflection and these pillars of acceptance of inner divinity and to be able to do all of that, to be able to bring through a complete transformation on this planet, these issues must be addressed.

Dear beautiful beings we are not asking you to run to your offices and burn the smellies and light the candles and go crazy so to speak, but crazy is always good, but we are asking you to lighten up that inner candle of self-reflection and to not only share it with others if you must or if you can in a verbal way or in opening this up in conversation, but to hold the frequency within the ethers around this planet for just this energy for that is one of the big shall we say small hurdles to overcome, I don’t want to make it big, small hurdle to overcome for you face that pillar of inner reflection which is what this energy is all about and therefore in my brief visitation all I am asking you is to be focused on that which is before you, to not let that which is behind influence that which is next to you and what is next to you, where you find yourself and where you find yourself that that is indeed a good place to be and so it must be and if it is not, if for some reason you absolutely hate your work, your place of daily experience, you absolutely hate everyone that you are spending your time with we are asking you please be sensible about this, work out how many hours in your life do you spend in that miserable situation and then ask yourself if it is truly worth it and if it is not, change it, and if you can’t change it trust me with so little time on this planet in this lifetime, even though to you it is years and years and years, trust me it is little, you may as well enjoy it and if you are not enjoying it and you can’t change it you best find ways to integrate a change, to uplift the frequency, uplift the energy, be in support of each other because all of these little frequency vibration is what come together to make this place into the paradise that it is to be and will be and already is on a higher level.

Dear beautiful beings in the same way that the energy that is within your auric field, that is created by the physicality, that is created by the mental and emotional bodies and fields that hovers around is reflected onto the planet, so if there is a problem why not start with the ones that are creating the problem and that is why I chose to address this issue today for it is very important for humanity to truly, truly focus on having enjoying and upliftment and not only the few hours they find themselves in their homes, but truly in all the time that they find themselves with for surely there is something within that day that they experience where they can leave the sluggishness of slogging behind and integrate for themselves a new fresher way of looking at things and as we say in the new energy coming onto the planet you are going to be asked to see everything, everything in a new light and to be able to do this, to step into that, to manifest it for yourself, I bless you to do so.



I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of self-realization.


Wow, a quick interlude from Goddess Diana is always so welcome beloved ones.

The issue at hand of taking the misery out of the many moments of your day is indeed very important and should indeed be on the top of your list of change, for in doing so you will only manifest for yourself peace, you will manifest for yourself better health and you will manifest for yourself more ways of exploring the self, to be able to gift unto the self that which you believe your worth to be, for when you explore different avenues and you do so in a positive frame of mind and with an outlook of inspiration, with an outlook of allowing the impossible to become possible, for an outlook to let miracles guide your way beloved ones many other platforms present themselves within your space, around you, and projects itself onto the future pathways that you find yourself upon. You can not allow the opportunities of this world to show themselves to you if you do not open yourself to these. That is why we have asked for the essence of synchronicity to bless this gathering this day and we ask that the frequency of this energy be infused within every word, be it spoken or written, so that this energy, the moment you hear this or the moment you read it knocks on your heart and opens up every one of our energy centers for you to finally step in and recognise what it is like to live a beautiful, placid, peaceful life for what good is living life if there is no peace.

Beloved ones you have had hundreds of lifetimes basked in trails and tribulations, filled within thorns, scattered in crushed glass, incased in sharp edges……it is time to let it go, hence your commitment to your full awakening in this lifetime, if that wasn’t so you certainly would not be reading this or hearing these words.

The essence of this day opens up a portal of higher reflection for the self, beloved ones it is all about celebrating your higher self, it is all about knocking on the innate doors of the inner self, which is why Goddess Diana brought forth the message to bring to your attention how important it is for many to create a shift within their outlook when it comes to their place of daily experience, their place of work. We normally or do not often express about this but it is an avenue within life’s projections that is becoming increasingly depressing for many. We understand that there are subjective laws, subjective rules, we understand that there are unconscious and subconscious restrictions within many governments but in time to come beloved one these too will work themselves right out of their own positions, trust me. It is unfortunate for those that experience this to be trapped within a world of despair, in a world where they feel that they find it very difficult to express themselves in, but we are asking you when you are in a situation of loss of hope or loss of faith, or just lost, for you feel that the world around you can no more, you feel that the situations that you are in and the trickiness of the presentations of your daily experience becomes one that is just too much to bare, or feels it is just too much to bare, beloved ones, beloved one, I am speaking to you, you that person, find a quiet place, sit down, lie down, any place, extend your energy from your base chakra in a flame all the way up through the crown, gently as we have taught you, and allow this sweeping movement of energy to ignite the golden flame in the crown, the magenta flame in the eighth, the soul chakra, and then release that essence very gently, extending it up through the higher portals, through your energy, through the torus, let it connect, let it connect to the grids, send it beyond into the Cosmos and ask for your higher self to extend its energy to meet you and to bring its essence into the flow of your own field.

In that time beloved ones, beloved one, you the one I am speaking to, you will find an almost deafening silence, you will find that there is a frequency of high pitched energy if you will, for lack of a better word, and if you listen closely you will begin to recognise the symphony of Celestial Peace, and for however long you will be able to connect to that energy understand that there is a greater aspect of yourself that have done this plenty of times, and it is doing it yet again, you are it doing it yet again and there are many more like you from it yet doing it again and that is the essence of your greater power beloved’s, that is the essence that you can draw forth for that inspiration for the hope, for the motivation that you need to uplift you, to lift you and to carry you through times of despair, to carry you through the rivers of sadness into the rivers of happiness, joy and peace.
Now that quietness, that stillness, that moment of deep, deep inner connection and reflection beloved ones, that is your innate self. Understand that there is most times two of you within one body that you have to deal with, your soul aspect and your brain aspect, the soul and the body and to get these two to join together in the dance of transformation, that is what you are aiming for.

Beloved ones the ego or as the it is known, the ego personality, within the brain aspect of self will always try and convince you otherwise, whereas the soul-spirit aspect within your higher essence self knows better, but it comes for the ride, it comes to experience, it comes to join in, it comes to enjoy joy, it comes to experience sadness, it comes to experience everything but there is a tremendous under current of incredible density and sadness when it comes to lack, which is why we keep harping on these subjects, is for you to finally release these energies and to rewire yourself in such a way that are able to begin to go to your place of daily experience with a different outlook, the pillar of recognition, recognizing the self in the higher essence that it is, for that is what this triple energy represents and the triple energy brings you onto the 21/3, and what does 21/3 represent but truth and trinity.

Beloved ones we do not wish to bring through a confusion about certain gateways but you do understand the importance of high frequency energy days such as this and the portal that this energy brings through to be able to bring through and sweep through the brooms of change and bring through a whole new understanding of things that interrogated you previously, of things that blocked you, of things that controlled you and things that stripped you from your power, therefore it is important that in times of total despair for you to understand this higher essence of yourself and to draw from that every inspiration needed for that is who you truly are, this is not just you, this is you in multiple facets and there are many of you fighting for this survival game that most of you play. What we are saying is lift your frequency, step out of survival and the moment you are able to work through the habit of playing the game of survival, then you are able to step through and become a complete warrior of peace, when you take on your coat of many colours, your cloak of many fragments as we have taught and shown you in the mediation, what does that mean, it means take on your coat of many colours, adorn yourself with what ever you wish to but your frequency remains what it is and that frequency is reflected through your eight chakra, you understand that, you can do what you like for whatever you do is reflected through that, but that is encapsulated in another frequency, the frequency of the innate self and the innate self is the frequency that this energy today reminds you of, it wants you to be connected to, wants you the human personality self to stand and face the mirror with your soul self as we have taught you in Dancing with your Shadow, or tried to bring across in that meditation and in so doing to embrace all of the aspects of yourself by recognizing that a part of all this, beloved ones, the moment you leave this plane, this body is ash….but you the major essence of this, the great warrior, the soul warrior essence of you leaves with all these experience, this body that you are in keeps none of these traces for it is even able to burn away every evidence of all of these traces, the traces of the experience of your journey, but the soul aspect, the higher side of you, the personality that reflects the higher essence of your innate self that takes every experience from even before this birth, from planning this lifetime, through birthing that and living it and exiting it, with it, and that is where the focus must be but to be able to bring that into a higher vibrational frequency you need to have the essence of the body in a balanced frequency of togetherness, so the body and the soul must come together to create a mindful experience which opens up the higher mind, which opens up the higher hear and so the realizations begin, the energy begins to spin, the connection forms and you are able to tap into it all the time and we are not even going to ask you to do it, we are going to insist that you do it. begin a relationship with your higher self for that is what this energy is about. I am not going sit and explain what the numerological meaning of 7 is and why triple seven does this and that and whatever, just understand, understand beloved ones that this is the celebration of your innate higher self, it is the recognition that there is just so much more to you and it is also an invitation for you to reach out and embrace that and in so doing to live it.

What better way to start than to start analyzing your place of daily experience not so, what better way to start than to bring a reminder for you to analyze your day to see where you are going wrong, to see where you are going too much, to try and bring balance in and to understand that in the process to balancing the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual in other words in your language the process of bringing the body and the mind which we will refer to the spirit into alignment in other words the brain and the mind, the body and the spirit, the body and the soul to bring that into your true transcended spiritual essence there needs to be an awareness and the awareness here is the pillar of personal reflection that this day brings. Its like sitting yourself in front of a cosmic mirror, a celestial mirror, lets us bring our attention back to the mirror that you step through in the meditation at the very end of your New You Meditation where we ask you to transform yourself from a physical being into a flame and from your flame being, in other words, that’s the essence that encirculates all of those flames that you create yourself for you may adorn yourself as I said with a flame of mischievousness, a flame of lack, a flame of whatever, the higher essence, the higher aspect of yourself, in other words, that which innately knows you better than yourself has its own frequency, has its own flame and you know what it does, it simply encapsulates all of those trivial flames that create, well, please do not hold me to this, I mentioned trivial, for you it is not, but at the end of the day it is, to encapsulate all of those flame and it places the vibrational frequency of your reflection around that and that, that beloved ones is who you truly are, not all this, all this creates you, it brings you into a state of experience. What is life all about….to experience. Some may say to learn to grow, but what is that if it is not experience. Why are you doing it ….so you can experience. You are you doing it so you may evolve and by embracing evolution on every level, that means eventual transcendence from a lower brain to higher mind state and that is what we mean to bring across in your place of daily experience. That is the frequency that those that are in charge of others so to speak should give out and beloved ones these subtle frequencies that hovers within the Celestial waves of thought is what transforms lives, is what transforms worlds.

Therefore we cannot reiterate enough if you what to focus on change, if you want to focus on truly embracing the New You, thus be the keeper of the New Earth Flames, be the keeper of the New Earth imprints then recognise these and make a difference amongst daily living. When there are times when you feel you can no more, coil into the self, light up those flames, connect with the higher essence that is you, that knows you best, that facilitates this and make friends with your body, be kind to your body, be kind to your mind, be kind to your brain, learn new things, explore, travel, traverse, that’s another one of the messages within your meditation, allow yourself to explore new opportunities by asking the self…can I traverse across cosmic frequencies of the unexplored, do I allow myself that, am I able to and the answer only you can give yourself.

Beloved ones if you want to feel the essence of this day and the frequency that this sets forth into motion, become quite, become still, light those flames of self-exploration, let go of the old, embrace the new, transcend into worlds that awaits your embrace, transcend into worlds of exploration and understand that through all this at least the gift that you owe yourself to unwrap is that of the innate self, is that of the higher essence of who you truly are and at least begin to befriend it, to walk with it, to become friends with it and to call upon it for guidance, to call upon it to sprinkle the crystalline dust of synchronicity ahead of you so that your world may become easier, your life will become lighter and your light ever so brighter.

Until we meet again, I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I bless thee in love, as I sprinkle the dust of synchronicity before you.



Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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