Wisdom Wizard
``What good is having if there is none in giving?``
Having been on our awakening journey for the longest time, we have been blessed with knowledge and wisdom gifted by many vessels and their celestial masters and guides.
Seriously, in our opinion, there is so much hogwash on the web creating confusion, especially amongst the neophytes!
As part of our 5th Dimensional policy, we gladly share what resonates with us best.
This portal of authenticity is to bring a greater awareness.
Enjoy and explore these gateways of consciousness, as we still do!

Crystal Wind
“Welcome to CrystalWind.ca – your go-to destination for alternative spiritual lifestyle living!
Our mission is to offer a platform that provides diverse perspectives and insights into alternative spiritual practices and natural living. We aim to support your journey with tools and knowledge for self-enlightenment, self-improvement, and divine guidance.
CrystalWind.ca is designed for those seeking spiritual growth and personal development, making our resources easily accessible for everyone. We understand the importance of sharing various spiritual and healing modalities to foster deeper communication with higher consciousness. As a consciousness shift data bank, we offer a comprehensive archive, freely accessible to those in search of enlightenment.
Our focus is grounded in the New Light and New Paradigm of the Age of Light. Through Unconditional Love, Community, Compassion, and Light, we share tools for higher consciousness and spiritual growth. These values are at the heart of everything we do.
Join us on this path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. CrystalWind.ca is here to guide and inspire you at every step.”

Since 1989, Lee Carroll has brought the loving messages of Kryon to the world. Kryon is described as an angelic loving entity from the Source (or “Central Sun”) who has been with the Earth “since the beginning” and belongs to the same “Family” of the Archangel Michael. Lee has been named one of the “100 most spiritually influential living people” for four consecutive years by the prestigious WATKINS “Mind, Body, Spirit” magazine.
Official website : https://kryonmasters.com

Ronna Herman and Archangel Michael
Ronna Herman is an internationally known author, lecturer and messenger for Archangel Michael. Over the past twenty-five years, his messages of hope and inspiration through Ronna have been featured in thousands of inspirational and spiritual publications around the world. Archangel Michael is referred to as the greatest of all angels in writings throughout the world, including Jewish, Christian and Islamic and is the Guardian Overlord of the Angelic Host, the Elemental Kingdom and humanity.
Official website : https://www.starquestmastery.com

The Stargate Experience
Prageet Harris is an internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for over thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening. Julieanne Conard joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. Together Prageet and Julieanne travel the globe sharing the Stargate work.
Official website : https://www.thestargateexperienceacademy.com

Espavo - Steve Rother & ``The Group``
Steve and Barbara Rother’s life changed when Steve, at the time a general contractor, began receiving messages from a group of angels simply known as “the group”. The messages were full of love and empowerment and Steve began to share them on the internet. Since that time they have presented interactive training and seminars in 23 countries and in Feb of 2021 they celebrated 25 years of channeling the messages from the group. The word ESPAVO came from a live channel in Baltimore Maryland in 1998. It was explained as an ancient Lemurian greeting used for hello- goodbye. Translation means “Thank you for taking your power.” Steve and Barbara are five time presenters at the United Nations on two continents and as far as we are aware, they are the only people to teach a channeling class at the United Nations.
Official website : https://www.espavo.org

Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
“There is no redemption for mankind other than to realize their divinity. You are the seeds of this understanding. Whatever you think, whatever you come to realize, lifts and expands consciousness everywhere. When you live what you have come to understand wholly for the good of your own purposeful life, you allow others to see in you a greater thought process, a grander understanding, a more purposeful existence than what they see all around them. Lifting and broadening your own consciousness through knowledge is enlightenment. It is not spiritual rituals. It is understanding” – Ramtha
JZ Knight, the channel, is very much loved for her passion for learning and exploring mind, her dedication to the Great Work, and her love of God and the divine in all, as well as the simplicity with which she is able to articulate the great questions about who we are, where do we come from, and what destiny is ultimately available to us. She continues to channel Ramtha and bring his teachings to the world through Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, which she calls “The Quintessential School of the Mind.”
Official website : https://www.ramtha.com/

Sedona Journal of Emergence
You Have Questions…We Have Source Answers…You are experiencing an unprecedented expansion into a new reality and a dimensional shift into a new state of being. There are no ancient books, no rulebooks, no manuals or procedures, no record of how to do this thing, because it has never been done before.
So lightbeings, through their channels, explain this process and offer guidance and spiritual techniques to help you learn to feel and express love and benevolence and to encourage you to change your behavior to ensure that the Earth remains habitable while you expand into your natural self and awaken to your natural talents and abilities.
Chanel has regular channellings published in the Sedona Journal.
Website : https://sedonajournal.com

Odyssey Magazine
Live gently, kinder, and consciously with Odyssey Magazine
With life-enhancing content Odyssey Magazine is targeted at the conscious individual pursuing, or who would like to pursue, a more conscious and carbon-neutral lifestyle. Kindness is timeless, Odyssey est. 1977.
Chanel has regular channellings published in the Odyssey.
Website : https://odysseymagazine.co.za

Body and Mind
SA Directory / Health & Wellbeing
At Body and Mind we strive to promote the A-Z of all complementary and alternative therapies, cognitive services, along with mainstream health practitioners, all on the same platform. At the end the day be it Aromatherapy or Zen meditation, it’s all about making YOU feel fantastic!
Website : https://bodyandmind.co.za

Spiritual Dictionary
Channelled ‘lessons’ from spirit guides and teachers with answers to understanding how the “Change of the Earth” is happening, with Geoff and Sharon.
Website : https://spiritualdictionary.com
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