144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Arenas of Consciousness – Level One Part Two 

A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.


Please Note – Give yourself at least 3 days or longer after doing the first part of this initiation before proceeding with the activation below.


Greetings, I am Diana goddess of Light.

Visualise yourself encased within your beautiful Violet Flame. Come to stand facing your Golden Pyramid directly under the tips where Kuthumi and my swords meet. See from the tips of our swords a Golden liquid light spiralling down throughout your chakras into the Earth. Pause

From the core of the Earth see a beautiful Silver liquid light spiralling upwards coiling into the Gold. Visualise your Golden Rose within your Heart Chakra.

Set the intent for the divine masculine feminine balance (Golden Male & Silver Feminine frequency) to blast throughout your energy field. Encase your entire energy field within the Violet Flame. Pause.

Enter your pyramid where you have your sarcophagus, Altar, and the details you left behind.

Upon entry your etheric aspect instantly infuses with the energy frequency of your visualisations.

Be seated on your sarcophagus. Face your altar with your Golden Rose and Red candle upon it, with its ‘ACCEPTANCE’ tag hanging from it, along with all previous infused energies. Visualise an instinctive flow of communication between your Red Candle and your Base Chakra.

Visualise your Red candle absorb all your intentions and that which you journalled. Set the intent for your physical candle to be infused with all within your scared pyramid sanctum.

See Lord Melchizedek appear in front, and Kuthumi behind you.

Until we meet again, I am Diana, I give you my love. Adonai.

Long Pause….

I am Kuthumi. Beloved ones let us continue with this activation.

Bring into your mind the clockwise spin of the Ruby hexahedron / cube in your Base, increasing at a rapid rate. See glowing within its core the White flame of Purity and the frequency of Acceptance, whilst the spiralling Golden Silver frequencies continue their helical flow along your chakric column.

Now superimpose a Citrine upward pointing tetrahedron over all that within the Base Chakra. The tetrahedron doesn’t spin, but the cube continues.

Feel how the energies reflected from Melchizedek and my Base chakras bring a calmness in yours, yet the spin continues.

See a Mother of Pearl (MOP) frequency flooding your Base chakra, like Liquid Love codes encouraging you to embrace your choices. Working through chakras 1 – 12.

As this frequency increases the full essence of the Base chakra ascends up your Chakric Column to your Crown Chakra (pause) where it again descends connecting with the base of your skull. Pause.

This area, from the base of your skull to your crown, anchors the upper ‘fibres’ of your 144 ASCH points, each correlating to the relating chakras 1-12. So, the Base chakra being the lowest along your chakric column connects to the base of the skull, working your way up towards your crown which anchors the final infusion within the final 12th chakra level.

In the area of your Medulla Oblongata or base of the skull, visualise the first cluster of 12 Ascension Chakras forming. Visualise this as a Crystalline Mother of Pearl frequency. Long pause.

Now see a divine network of light coming alive forming a ‘network’ connection between this area and your Base Chakra, flowing along the chakric column along the spine. Pause

Tap into the flow of this frequency. Feel how these Crystalline Mother of Pearl sparkling spiralling etheric electric (brain) magnetic (heart) frequencies energetically connect the two areas. Long pause

We take a step back as we open our arms as to ‘encircle’ your energy, further encapsulating you within a divine protective Violet shield. State your request for Archangel Michael to place his protective shield over those chakras at the base of the skull. See this as you feel comfortable. Some visualise a titanium or platinum frequency along with the Crystalline Mother or Pearl frequencies over that area.

To enable the continuation of this frequency and for it to strengthen, depends entirely on your dedication towards doing the work, thus your commitment thereof.

We all take our leave from your Golden Pyramid sanctum.

Allow the continual flow of energy between these two areas to reveal all that is needed for you to finally release yourself from all the constrictions and constraints that prevents you from claiming your true magnificence.

For a moment reflect on all that you experienced. Pause

Set the intent to surrender your will into Divine Will as you release your limitations into Divine Care.

In your mind’s eye make your way from your Golden Pyramid Temple and ground yourself back into your current timeline. Pause.

Once you are grounded open your eyes, and for a moment again bring into your mind the connection and flow of energy between the first 12 ascension chakras at the base of the skull and your Base Chakra. See this intrinsic alchemical network as alive, feel their connection, feel the flow of love.

While you are at it, give some thought as to what will bring you into a state of allowance through Nurturing? The next candle we suggest you work with is Orange. If you wish to acquire this candle and start working with it go ahead. Light both candles and think of ways you can be more kind to the self?

Do not spin the Citrine Tetraherdon superimposed over your continuously spinning Base Cube. We shall continue this activation during the next discourse. The next level of your Merkabic Field’s reawakening continues!

I Kuthumi will call upon the essence of beloved Goddesses Isis and Diana to assist.

Play, enjoy, and have fun whilst emerging from the Basin of your Drama.

Enjoy the ruggedness, power, masculinity, and strength that the red candle offers. Enjoy letting go of the stubbornness and inflexibility of the red process and embrace a beautiful creative bridge that will guide you across the veils of your own making to reawaken your divine connection with your Higher Self.

Beloveds, allow the reality of being part of the divinity of your Higher Self to sit well within your current now. Know that not now or not ever can you be alone.

I am Kuthumi, Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless thee in Love, Adonai.


Chanel Lingenfelder©
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


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