144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Diana & Kuthumi.

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder


Arenas of Consciousness – Level Two Part Two   

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit, and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.

Note – Numbers in brackets relate to the various chakras.

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Have your Orange and Yellow Candles ready.


Greetings, I am Diana Goddess of Light

When working with Acceptance, nurturing is inevitable. Being unique births authenticity. It is part of your projected lifepath. Generally, when things are “not congruent” with that which you “project” it is usually because you are going against your own grain or falling prey to fear. But there are exceptions.

Authenticity is being able to claim yourself as an individual, uniquely so. Someone who understands itself and is not reliant on another to support its findings. They don’t judge others for owning thus claiming their individual views. They understand authenticity, and can’t and won’t dance according to expectancy.

Comment according to observation if you must, not judgment. The judgment of your authenticity lies entirely with you. It is your choice to be who you are, it remains your decision to be in divine alignment with your blueprint.

Continue to work through your 12 keys of Nurture as suggested. Your innate knowing will prod you to move along as you unveil your authenticity.

Understand that even though you may have come through with an intended blueprint or life map, there are past remnants within your Akash that still need seeing to this time around.

Worthiness is mainly wedged into and falls under Solar Plexus scrutiny. When you dance around the snack table doing a duet with a friend as you both reach for the same plate and sing “You go first, no you go, no you go first, no you go” it is pretty evident that one feels the other to be more worthy of the best slice of pie! Nurturing means letting go of all that stifles your worthiness.

See it this way, by the end of this process you will know yourself 144 times better! But as always, easy does it.

As you ponder on your unique unegoic authenticity, more details about Acceptance and Nurturance will come to light.

Shift your Focus

When creating a loving relationship with anything that challenges you, be it a person you are not crazy about or a huge backlog of work, the obstruction disappears. Thus, the resistance between the two different frequencies loosens its grip. By breaking down the mental state of confrontation of ‘not wanting’ to do the deed and replacing that with a loving approach or unintimidating process, you break the hold that this mountain has over you. .

When noise irritates you, tap into the lighter side of the vibrational frequency of sound. Release what bothers you by tying the issue to a pink balloon and letting it go. Why Pink? Evolved Heart Chakra thus unconditional love and salvation.

The longer you focus on what you don’t want, the longer it lingers. Remove the hold by changing the focus.

When shooting towards a target, you focus on hitting the bullseye. You don’t focus on the pathway between you and the target.

When it comes to food, nurture yourself according to your dietary specifics. All of the earth has life, vegetable and animal alike. No matter your preference, pay attention to the way the food is being handled, worked with, and prepared. Give thanks for your senses, and the food!

When someone ‘touches your heart’ compliment them, an important tool for nurturing.

Another is meditation, probably one of the best ways to nurture the self. The higher your vibration the less focus you need to enter into a meditative state. Some still find the customary more effective. Others can do so whilst cooking and gardening thus expressing creative endeavours whilst ‘multitasking’.

The objective is to still the mind by moving the focus from everyday encumbrances, be it active (creative expression) or passive (stillness of mind and body).

Divine wisdom from the inner and higher planes reveals itself through silence. If you prefer guided meditations do so. Here your stubborn left-thinking brain fuses into your creative right brain. Journalling does the same.  Whether you meditate for 5 or 50 minutes, it matters not. If you struggle to focus on nothing which for most is impossible, bring colour and sound into your visualizations, the most powerful tools!

All this gives birth to authenticity.

You are magnificent multi-dimensional human angels, pamper and treat yourself which has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with worthiness.

On the 5th Dimensional timeline, everything is an act of nurture. The 5th Dimension is about the natural flow of energy according to projection.

Enjoy every moment of creating this magnificent river of your own making. It is your choice to infest it with crocodiles or infuse it with love and blooming Lillies.

“Through acceptance, I embrace the act of nurture. I live my authenticity with compassion

These are the first 4 keys, and so the dance of your multidimensional magnificence begins!


Be sure to have your physical Orange and Yellow candles in front of you. Because of the intensity of your authenticity, this frequency is being introduced gently.

Surround yourself with your Violet Flame. Visualise spinning in your Base the Ruby cube and in the Sacral the upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron. Visualize these frequencies expanding into your auric field.


See within the core of your Base (cube) The White Flame of Purity, and now ignite within your Sacral core (tetrahedron) The Violet Flame of Transformation. Keep both imprints spinning clockwise. Pause

Duplicate these flames into your Crown, Heart, 3rd Eye within the Eye of Horus as well as into your palms (hands) and soles (feet).

Very long pause

See yourself floating amongst white clouds, then gravitate towards your Golden Pyramid Temple where Kuthumi and I guard the entrance with the tips of our swords creating an arch.

Come to stand underneath where the tips of our swords meet. Instantly connect to the liquid Golden frequency pouring from our sword’s tips into and through your chakras into the earth. Spiralling up from Gaia’s core you have the Silver frequency coiling up into the Gold along your Chakric Column back into our swords. Pause.

Allow this vibration, the balance of the masculine/feminine, to align your energy.  Focus on the Golden Rose in your heart. Once the doors open, enter and be seated on your sarcophagus.

Long Pause

Face your altar with its customary display; the Red candle with ‘Acceptance’ and the Orange candle with ‘Nurture’ dangling from it and your Golden Rose. Also, notice the spectacular multicolour Roses on display below your altar. Pause

For a moment, imprint all that you observe within your sacred sanctum into your inner sight. Tap into your 6th Chakra, deeper into the Eye of Horus imprint, and paint for yourself a better world that reflects your tangible reality. Bring to mind all you believe your nurturing should be about in its divine manifested state. Pause

Open your physical eyes again setting the intent for all to be fully absorbed into your Orange candle whilst looking at it. ‘See’ your 3rd eye draw up from the Sacral all that needs to come into nurture, transmitting this into your physical candle.

Close your eyes again.


Goddess Isis and I manifest in your temple. We assist you to step down from your sarcophagus. Isis comes to stand behind you and me Diana facing you. Pause.

In your mind’s eye light both the Orange and Yellow candles on your altar. Pause.

Again, open your eyes for a moment and light your physical Yellow (and Orange) candles.


This activation differs slightly, easy does it. Visualise in the area of your sacral another tetrahedron manifests over the previous imprint, a downward pointing tetrahedron (still) also in Citrine, superimposed over the spinning upward pointing tetrahedron. Pause.

Both the Ruby cube and upward-pointing Citrine tetrahedron continue their spin.

We initiate a vortex spin at the level of your Sacral which increases in frequency as it ascends from your Sacral, up your Chakric Column, into the base of your skull lodging itself adjacent to your first 12 Ruby ASCH which are connected to your Base, slightly higher, with a natural overlap. The faster the frequency the more balanced and ‘peaceful’ your Sacral becomes. Pause.

Visualise your next 12 Citrine Ascension Chakras (13-24) linking with the Citrine energy within the Sacral flowing along your Chakric Column.

Long pause.

We withdraw our energy once the connection is secure. Pause

We indicate that you lie down on your sarcophagus to fully integrate and stabilise the connection and balance the flow of energy.

Long Pause.

Visualize the Crystalline Mother of Pearl also infused into the Citrine frequency connecting ASCH 13-24, with the Ruby frequency connecting ASCH 1-12.

Long pause.

When you are comfortable, sit up again facing your altar. Pause

Use the frequency of the Golden Rose in your Heart to beam liquid love into your Orange candle. Pause. Feel this love frequency fill your entire being. Pause.

Reflect; you have three candles on your altar, Red with the Acceptance tag, Orange with the Nurture tag, and a Yellow candle along with a Golden Rose that connects to the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra. You have spinning clockwise; a Ruby Cube with the White Flame of Purity, and an upward pointing Citrine Tetrahedron with the Violet Flame of Transformation glowing in its core. Then you have a downward pointing tetrahedron also in Citrine (for now) superimposed over the sacral, NOT spinning. Visualise your ASCH (Ascension Chakras) at the back of the head protected by a crystalline shield with your entire energy field always bathed in the Violet Flame. In your own time, practice pushing the first two clockwise spinning symbols into your auric field, superimposed over each other. Expand these to eventually include your entire auric field.

Give thanks to all, including yourself, for this activation. Connect with the sensation at the back of your head linking to your Base and Sacral.


Acceptance allows you to discover and implement nurture which in turn reveals your authenticity.

An etheric replica of your energy field stays behind on your sarcophagus. Make your way from your inner sanctum. Before you leave, again tap into the flow of liquid love from our swords infusing your energy with the divine masculine (Gold) and feminine (Silver) frequencies. Pause.

In this divine state, make your way from your temple as you ground yourself back into the presence of this now. Until next time, we shall meet again, Adonai.



I am Kuthumi.

You are now at the time of your life where nurturing should be a natural state of being. Taking care of the self first enables you to take care of another. Working with your nurturing ASCH 13 – 24 reveals the next 12 fragments/aspects for you to finally let go of that which generally prevents your nurturing.

By sharing your candles openly at a level of your Acceptance and another’s understanding, you create a mutual platform of Nurturing whilst acting out your Authenticity.

You chose to be different and daring, as it is another’s choice to awaken at their own pace, and so be it.

Love and understanding are what it is all about, after all, you are the mystery school scholars! This time around you choose to do it consciously, expansively.

Live life to the fullest each moment and know that you can never be alone. I am Kuthumi. Adonai.


Chanel Lingenfelder©


Chanel lives in Howick South Africa. Author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination detailed in her book.

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